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Treatment week 5, in which I fail

Where to start? 

With the closure of some very big thing at my job, last week was insanely hectic. I hardly daydreamt at all just because it was all hands on deck all the time. I was working until midnight or 1 am for a few days and finally managed the bloody thing. With that much stres, I didn't daydream. I tried, like when I was bored on the bus, but it didn't work. Instead, I actually really listened to the music. So I thought I had this shit down and I was doing great.…


Added by Ivy White on March 24, 2015 at 5:56am — 3 Comments

Confussed Even more

Hi Dreamers.

I have not posted in a while.

I have been trying to stop DD for a while now but the more I try the more i go deeper into it. I have been single for 2 years now. My problem recently is that i can not differentiate between my day dreams and reality.

I think i am in love with a co worker but i am not sure if my feelings are real or I am just imagining things as usually. I am more confused than ever. I live more in my day dreams than reality because of…


Added by Bonnie on March 21, 2015 at 7:28am — 2 Comments

Looking Closer At My Characters: The Corona Family

(Queen Victoria Corona, 1st leader of the reformed United States)

When I started daydreaming over ten years ago, many of my current characters were in their creative infancy. The idea of an American royal family came to me back in the 6th grade, when I did fall completely in love with this girl; who turned into the good Queen that my entire daydream is built…


Added by Richard Quest on March 20, 2015 at 9:08pm — No Comments

My head has been in a weird space lately. Can't identify what triggered the change, but I felt a noticeable shift about three weeks ago. I'd just moved away from one DD scenario & when I went to make…

My head has been in a weird space lately. Can't identify what triggered the change, but I felt a noticeable shift about three weeks ago. I'd just moved away from one DD scenario & when I went to make the jump to another world, I couldn't connect with it. It was quite disconcerting & I felt as though I were in some strange limbo. When the connection with the new DD didn't occur, I thought that perhaps I wasn't ready to leave my previous DD. When I revisited that world, I felt just as… Continue

Added by OhMyMagenta on March 19, 2015 at 8:13pm — 5 Comments

Connecting with my actual identity 1

Most of the elements of my identity are not bad, I just don't connect with them because I spend most of my life in fantasy or life avoidance activities.

I think I disconnected from myself as a child due to feeling like I couldn't fit into the world. I was a very shy/anxious child and my mind was the only place I could be myself and be "connected". Even as things got better I continued to shy away from life and hide in my mind.

First steps: Connecting with my life/career as… Continue

Added by Amanda Lewone on March 17, 2015 at 6:01am — 9 Comments

why i am afraid of death, and how that is a good thing

This is a facebook page i made today. I'd like to add that dreaming is a way i make my life interesting.

I am afraid of death, but i do not think this is bad. I am afraid of more than nothingness. 

Every day, i realized it was a day wasted. Like on the weekends, i don't like to sleep much so i can enjoy my time, and dread sunday night. In life, i feel the same. I dread death the same as i dread sunday. My fear of death is more of a fear of not…


Added by Machelle Irby on March 12, 2015 at 9:36pm — 4 Comments

Treatment week 4

Oh dear lord the stress at work is getting higher and higher. BUT BUT BUT... the MD is lessening, and I'm back to being a chronic procrastinator -_- not very useful either, but I can stop that more easily.

At least I have been able to identify that the root causes are similar. Basically, my trigger to get into daydreaming or procrastinating is when

(1) I have stress "jolts" , remembering something I have to do, a stressful phonecall, some stupid task, my heart rate and anxiety…


Added by Ivy White on March 12, 2015 at 10:19am — 4 Comments

Using people?

This may have been covered in another blog post, apologies if so, but you know when you daydream about a person from real life when you like them/find them interesting, and create conversations with them in your head and pretend you're talking to them etc, do any of you ever switch it so that you actually pretend to BE them? i have a long running fictional universe with characters that i have kept for years (whom i pretend to be too), but during certain periods of time, if i happen to meet…


Added by havoc on March 11, 2015 at 7:17pm — No Comments

My Story

Recently, I completed a survey about my MDD behaviour. It asked how long I spend daydreaming each day. As I considered the answer I realised it was more of a question of how long I don't spend daydreaming. The truth is that my whole day seems just one long fantasy interrupted briefly when my attention is required elsewhere to perform basic survival duties.…


Added by Dreamer on March 9, 2015 at 7:56am — 3 Comments


I'm very possesive abt my things. When anybody touches my things I cant stand that person. I get mad at ppl if they do so. I feel they r no more mine and I should abandon them even if I love them more than my life. Then I cry the entire night, say the last goodbye with love and a feeling of sacrifice and finally stop using those things. My first grade teacher told me that whenever I lost an eraser or pencil in class I would keep panicking until I found it. I'm so possessive abt my ambitition… Continue

Added by Simran on March 7, 2015 at 1:39pm — 3 Comments

So I haven't posted in such a long time, mostly because of school demands etc. But I thought I'd share that I've been seeing a psychologist for a while about my daydreaming. At first it was really sc…

So I haven't posted in such a long time, mostly because of school demands etc. But I thought I'd share that I've been seeing a psychologist for a while about my daydreaming. At first it was really scary opening up to someone about it, but now it actually feels really good to have someone to share it with. It certainly hasn't stopped or reduced the daydreaming, but it's helped me understand a little better why I do it and how I can manage it :)


Added by Liz Winning on March 5, 2015 at 2:58am — 2 Comments

What's the endgame with therapy?

I apologize in advance for my poor spelling and grammar -  I wrote this pretty hurriedly.

My last post was about how I wanted to get help, well I did. My mom took me to my GP, and apparently just from looking at me she could tell how despondent I was - so she referred me to a psychologist and I've had two sessions so far - one last monday and one this monday. 

As some of you may know, I originally wanted to get either some sort of general neuro evaluation or…


Added by Zoe on March 3, 2015 at 1:32pm — 1 Comment

Sometimes I hate my characters. And myself, too.

Sometimes I get so tired.

Right now I'm so tired that I got on here. And I'm making a blog post. I haven't been on here for a year or two, I think. But I just am so tired.

I have an F in math right now and if I fail a class I get kicked out of my school. If I get kicked out of my school, I have to go to private school. Private school is full of those kinds of guys and girls that make me nervous. Though a lot of people make me nervous.

But after checking my… Continue

Added by Grace on March 2, 2015 at 4:39pm — 2 Comments

what no one talks about...

There is a huge part of my depression, and MDD, that is so hard and shamful for me to talk about. I havent even brought it up to my therapist yet. Ive tried, but i dont think she gets it. I hope no one reading this will, think im disgusting and weird. But i would really like to know if anyone else struggles with this.

With both depression and MDD, people talk a lot about being traped, and lack of motivation. With these symptoms, i have always struggled with hygeien and…


Added by Sky with Diamonds on March 2, 2015 at 11:19am — 3 Comments

Introduction / How I reclaimed my Daydreams

Hello everyone, 

I am a new member, and like many others very relieved to find out that I am not alone. Since I was a child I have been living in my own fantasy world, daydreaming about many cool adventures. Unfortunately I cannot remember why or how I created the world, there are even rules in it that I cannot easily change or remove. 

The odd thing is, 2 years ago I was unable to use the world. You know in those movies where they discover ruins of an ancient city? It was…


Added by Claire Marie Louise on February 28, 2015 at 4:33am — 8 Comments

Treatment, week 3

This week was hugely stressful, a big big part of the report I had to hand in for work was needed. I was persuaded I had screwed myself over forever and wouldn't make it but I did.

Also, things are starting to happen. I have lengthened my meditation to 15 minutes two times a day and I realise that I feel more in touch with things. For example, I have started to feel hungry again. Otherwise I'm either OMG-feed-me-i'm-fainting or not feeling anything. I'm also getting tired and…


Added by Ivy White on February 28, 2015 at 1:37am — 2 Comments

The End of Pretty Much Everything

(The all out assault on the Uzahn capitol of Kingsland at the conclusion of the Western Wars, and civilized world)

This is what I believe to be the final parts of my very very long daydream.

The Western Wars is the conflict between the largest of my nations. One one side is the Freestate of Kennedy, Asteriskia, the Western Union, and Queensland…


Added by Richard Quest on February 27, 2015 at 2:08pm — 3 Comments

The South Empire: Under the Microscope

(Map of the South Empire in its reclusive stage during the American blockade)

This is a nation from my daydreams.

The South Empire started off as the last vestiges of the formerly glorious Hoffman Empire (it's full official name is "the Southern Extent of the Hoffman Empire"). When Heather Hoffman was killed, this part of the empire was unexplored by…


Added by Richard Quest on February 27, 2015 at 10:01am — No Comments

Twins and MD

Since I've been on this forum I have noticed that there is a significant amount of twins who are MDers. I'm a twin too and I am a MDer. I also believe my relationship with my twin sister is a major part of why I daydream in the first place. I do not have a good relationship with my twin and very rarely communicate with her directly. She is not an MDer but our younger brother is. She is also the only person I've attempted to open up to about my daydreaming(huge fail btw). Are any of you twins on… Continue

Added by Shakira on February 26, 2015 at 10:57pm — 1 Comment


So recently I learned about this site and contemplated whether I should give it a shot, so here I am. You see, I've been suffering from a bit of depression and anxiety, perhaps because of what I've been through. Due to these, I immerse myself in my own world so that I could forget my problems for a while. I don't really remember when 'it', the daydreams, started, but all I know it's been constantly bothering me for like, months. At first I…


Added by Lee Yanne on February 25, 2015 at 12:25am — 2 Comments

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