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Aiutaci a comprendere la relazione tra MD e uso di Internet!

Gentili utenti,

sono una laureanda del corso di studi magistrale in psicologia clinica e di comunità dell'Università Federico II di Napoli.

Stiamo conducendo la presente ricerca allo scopo di esplorare alcuni aspetti associati all'esperienza di Maladaptive Daydreaming , ovvero alla tendenza al sognare ad occhi aperti maladattivi. In particolare, la ricerca è volta ad indagare…


Added by Raffaella Vitagliano on March 11, 2025 at 2:49am — No Comments

Want to control more your daydreams?

Added by maladaptivedaydreamer on March 3, 2025 at 5:38am — No Comments

Catastrophic Daydreams

I've had MD for more than 20 years. For most of my life, my daydreams have been pleasant and enjoyable, but in the last few years, things have changed drastically. Most of my daydreams now are really scary and unsettling, almost like catastrophic thoughts in the form of a movie in my head. Any time I watch a new show or see something on social media, my brain will twist it into something awful. Someone is abusing me, embarrassing me, torturing me, abandoning me, etc. It's always something…


Added by HowToKillADragon on February 28, 2025 at 11:00pm — No Comments

I want to help you!

Hi! My name is Marta and I have been a maladaptive daydreamer for 8 years. I know how difficult it is to struggle with excessive daydreaming. It affects your work, your relationships... and you can feel like you don't have control over your daydreams. Now that I am finishing my Master in Psychology, I have learned a lot about MD and how to best treat it. I would love to invite you to participate in my short online study I am currently conducting. Essentially, during 1 month, you…


Added by maladaptivedaydreamer on February 26, 2025 at 2:08pm — No Comments

Decades of my life

The most enduring subject of my MD is the relationship I had with my first boyfriend. He was so sweet. And so genuine. I knew he loved me. Still after all these years I can still hear his voice and feel those feelings. I have searched for that feeling with somebody else. So many years I have positioned my MD around having love again. I don't really seem to attract men that much. So I MD about it.

Added by Stephanie Harrison on February 17, 2025 at 10:42am — No Comments

Believe it or not, you grow out of it in your seventies!

I shall be eighty this year. Somehow I doubt if anyone else on this forum can say that ;-). I've been a compulsive daydreamer all my life but I'm not so sure about the "maladaptive" label. Yes, for many people it has been, and I'm not challenging or dismissing the experience of anyone else here. But for me the balance has been positive on the whole.

I was a weird child (probably on the autistic spectrum though I never had a formal diagnosis) so of course the other children picked on…


Added by Hazel Russman on February 11, 2025 at 8:39am — 7 Comments

The First Memoir (40 years of MDD)

My book ,Maladaptive Daydreaming,a Memoir a Madness

A Movement to be Recognised (40 years of MDD)is sadly 

delayed until mid Jan due to Uk Author tax rules , But then

AMAZON books , just type it in , colourful cover , inexpensive 

Thanks every last one of you , this Fantastic safe space,

and of course Dr Eli Somer. Take Care x James 

Added by JamesRelton on December 17, 2024 at 6:03am — No Comments

Integrating MD into real life

Hello everyone, as a 20-year MD'er, I just joined this community, and I'd like to share a few things that I believe might be helpful to the others.

We don’t necessarily need to stop doing MD entirely.

Some research shows that the brain activity of people who do MD is similar to the brain activity of people addicted to different things. So yes, we are indeed addicts.

I asked myself this question: How can I benefit from this?

For a while now, I’ve been…


Added by Han Leonard on November 4, 2024 at 9:30am — 6 Comments

Kind of Losing the Plot a bit here

Hi again :)

In the past week, I've been going overboard with MDing. I've been finding it enjoyable again, which I'm not very happy about. My feet are completely wrecked. Walking now is painful. The bruise on my foot has gone from red to complete black. I just spent an hour cutting out the dead skin and now there's patches of uneven and multi-coloured skin. The worst part is I'm going away in 2 weeks for a holiday to the beach with friends, and I feel so self-conscious and ashamed to…


Added by Mils on November 3, 2024 at 6:51am — 1 Comment

Over 40 days MD free - but I still wasn't happy

I've managed to go over 40 days without MD, but I still wanted to do it. I felt more and more anxious and everything seemed more dull. I finally told my boyfriend about it, and he went digging in Reddit forums to try find me some helpful advice. I joined too. Finally, he sends me a massive post from someone who quit for months. And the main point they made was that balance is more important than quitting. How can you just go back to normal life after living a fantasy? It's so boring. So now…


Added by Mils on October 29, 2024 at 6:11pm — 3 Comments

Life plan

seemed like too big a question. I came across as a bit arrogant, and I felt bad because I didn’t mean to lecture anyone.

Then I explained myself better.

The thing is, for me, a "life plan" means the direction you're following. It means something like, "I’m babysitting while studying, and then in two years, I’ll decide what else I want to do," or "I want a job that allows me time to dedicate to my true passion."

I think it’s important to give yourself a direction.…


Added by Valeria Franco on October 26, 2024 at 9:53am — 2 Comments

O que fazer?

Eu procurei um psiquiatra para entender esses devaneios e comecei a tomar remédios para ansiedade e consequentemente parei de sonhar acordada. O problema é que sinto falta. Antes eu podia sonhar e fingir que a minha vida era boa e agora eu vejo que não é bem assim e eu faço qualquer coisa pra voltar a sonhar como antes. Era o meu refúgio!!

Added by Kelly on October 14, 2024 at 5:02pm — 1 Comment

I understand the problem

I understand the problem. I don't speak English, I use a translator, so please forgive me if any of the sentences are disjointed. I found the group this week and although I feel used to my obsessive imagination, I feel that it is harming my daily life. If I let it go, I won't interact with anyone anymore, because I find it all very frustrating and uncontrollable. In my imagination, I am always the protagonist: vibrant, admired, loved, sexy. I always get the best jobs, relationships and… Continue

Added by Felicity on October 12, 2024 at 7:32am — 4 Comments

33 Days MD-free!

Hey! So by some miracle, I've finally managed to surpass my 14-day-streak of not maladaptive daydreaming. 33 days, woohoo!!! I'm just gonna tell you my thoughts and experiences in dot-points for the sake of time and ease:

  • Despite still having strong urges to do it every now and then, it's starting to repulse me. Thinking about it reminds me of how horrible I would feel about myself after doing it.
  • Even though I have not properly MDed for a month, it's still manifesting…

Added by Mils on October 8, 2024 at 4:18am — 1 Comment

Adult me is still 15 in her daydreams

So it all started long back when I was hardly 14-15 ..I am from India .I have always been a daydreamer since my childhood but that time it used to be very less ...I had 2 major operations of my left leg when I was 14 ..the whole journey from pre op to post op and recovery period was extremely painful and exhausting both physically and mentally .

        That is from where my daydreams start increasing they were…


Added by Nikki on October 3, 2024 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments

My story

This website is trying to prevent me helping people 

I just through Horizon books published a book 

available online and in stiore soon called Maladaptive Daydreaming,A Memoir

A Madness , A Movement to be Recignisedby myself James Charles Relton

a 40 yr MDDer, a brutal but honest read out online and in store next month 

if it makes one of yiou youngsters , mums or dads feel less alone with its 

self help section it would have been worth thec trouble.…


Added by JamesRelton on September 26, 2024 at 3:10pm — 1 Comment

8 very long days

It's my 8th day without MD. I had a weird dream and then I tried to stop. 

Now a few days have passed.

My brain says it wasn't that bad, you can live with it. Return to it. …


Added by Schatten on August 31, 2024 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

find to proceed

Daydreams are a way for people to locate themselves, what they value, what they desire, the feelings that make them feel good, for example, if a person often dreams about killing a dragon, it means that the feeling What they value most is courage, everyone in the world has daydreams, they dream, most of the time real life is different from dreams, but that's life, so when we move away from daydreams, we feel lost , in a world that is much more tedious, slow and uncontrollable than it seems,…


Added by John Alves on August 24, 2024 at 9:47am — 1 Comment

I could've been someone

hiiii it's been a while

so lately I've been struggling with a lot of things, and then something hit me. If I didn't have MD for the majority of my life, I might've been able to achieve what I have dreamt of. Maybe if I didn't lose all those hours to it, I could've developed the social skills and intelligence to get what I wanted by now. I always dreamy of revenge of people who've hurt me, but I can't execute those plans now, I don't know I'm just writing stuff. It just hurts me to…


Added by Mils on August 17, 2024 at 6:58pm — 6 Comments

I call it my demon.

Hello everyone,

I discovered this site a year ago. Until then I didn't know what MD was and it shocked me to my core. I was not alone, but i didn't change anything and I ignored everything I read and continued.

A brief summary of my demon (as I call him). I am successful, respected, loved. I have a job that I don't have in real life.

I keep imagining the same situation. Everyone admires me, I'm important. The situation varies in relation to the person. It depends on who…


Added by Schatten on August 9, 2024 at 10:18am — 3 Comments

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