Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I just wanted to warn everyone about the spammers. If anyone emails you asking to know more about you and telling you to email them back DON'T DO IT!!! These people are not real, their sob stories are designed to make you feel bad and email them again and after a couple of emails they will ask for your bank account details. Whether they ask for you to send them to their bank so that they can send you money or anything else, they are lying. As long as you stop emailing them you should be…
ContinueAdded by OhMyMagenta on June 15, 2014 at 6:32pm — 4 Comments
It all feels like too much. I'm so exhausted, and scared. And i still don't have many answers. Not only is my head a total basket case, my physical body seems to be as well. I don't know how many bizarre, and uncommon and rare things i have going on with me. Mostly because, no one can tell me for sure what the actual problem is.
I personally feel, that most diagnosis are being over diagnosed. Bi polar, depression, seems as though whenever someone has a problem, call…
ContinueAdded by Sky with Diamonds on June 14, 2014 at 5:05pm — 1 Comment
First of all, a big thanks to Aaron Wolfie who told me about this condition. Once I Googled it and read about it, I immediately saw how well it fit me. I have almost every symptom. There are lots of sites with information about it. Here's one:
There are a lot of symptoms, and I'm not good at summarizing things, but it's essentially people who, from…
ContinueAdded by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on June 13, 2014 at 2:42pm — 2 Comments
Another ranty post I'm afraid :(. So my mum gets in with a load of shopping and despite the situation being so predictable I offer to help out with putting the stuff away. I knew I'd just end up getting under my mums feet. She said "yes please that would be lovely" so I help her put some boxes of cereal away and some in the cupboards had little bits left in there. Trying to show a little bit of initiative I start trying to ask my mum whether anyone would eat the last bits of cereal. All of a…
ContinueAdded by Aaron Wolfie on June 13, 2014 at 12:37pm — 1 Comment
does anyone suffer from both as well ?
Added by zeina on June 13, 2014 at 3:34am — 4 Comments
I know everybody gets their heart broken at some point in their life. I always thought people exaggerated the pain but if anything they undersold it. This is the worst grief I have ever felt. I go through the day and just realize I have tears going down my face and I don't even notice it, it's embarrassing. I was so happy and now it's gone, and everytime I think about it I just wanna scream. And the only thing that helps me feel better is daydreaming. But I don't want to do that…
ContinueAdded by Amanda Lynne on June 12, 2014 at 3:57pm — 1 Comment
so im thinking about telling my parents about my daydreaming problem, maybe they could help
but im afraid they will think their daughter's an insane and crazy and have mental issues (which might be true but still ) or just laugh at me
has anyone here told someone about it? how did they react? did it feel good to tell someone or not?
did it help?
Added by zeina on June 12, 2014 at 1:43pm — 5 Comments
I identify as an introvert. More recently I started to wonder if I may also have Aspergers. I never used to use that word, but would always describe myself with many of its characteristics. Now I have never been diagnosed, so lets just say that I identify with many of the characteristics.
Except one. FOCUS. Introverts and aspies are often described as having intense focus and incredible attention to detail. Actually,…
ContinueAdded by Amanda Lewone on June 12, 2014 at 5:37am — 3 Comments
-i see a lot of people here saying that they daydream about literally fictional stories, like imaginary creatures and stuff, but my daydreams consist of me in the future, like a better version of myself, and how i would like myself to be a few years from now or even how am i gonna act at an event that i have the next day, does anyone here have the same kind of daydreams?
and im wondering which is worse, having daydreams about an idealized version of yourself, or having daydreams…
ContinueAdded by zeina on June 12, 2014 at 4:10am — 7 Comments
Hi! So I have been writing a novel for a while now that I feel I will never complete. It is about one of my daydreams but I am always put off writing it because I daydream faster than I write so I always feel really bored like I am writing something that happened ages ago. This is sad for my friend as she is totally hooked on the book but has to wait ages for me to write another chapter. Does anyone else have this problem? What should I do? :-) xx
Added by Artemis on June 11, 2014 at 4:47am — 5 Comments
OK so I am forever confused by guys. I have been talking to this guy online and I really like him and I think he likes me but how can I be sure? Also, he lives in a different country so its not like anything could happen anyway. I have noticed when I go to town on my own, with my brother or my Mum that guys check me out. Even the people with me notice it, the thing is I feel violated when they do this, like don't check me out, I'm not a piece of meat up for sale! I feel like I am too young…
ContinueAdded by Artemis on June 11, 2014 at 4:44am — 4 Comments
I'm no stranger to sadness and feeling hopeless, I've been diagnosed with depression afterall. But a few days ago it was different. It was really bad. I've wanted to die before. I've prayed for God to end my life before so I don't have to. But I never came close to doing it. Until a few days ago.
I found myself sitting on my bathroom floor staring at my medication, genuinely contemplating giving up. I had my note written and everything. A part of me tried to talk myself out…
ContinueAdded by Amanda Lynne on June 10, 2014 at 4:56pm — 4 Comments
Still feeling a little poorly :( trying to will myself back to good health though as it's my birthday in like 50 minutes :). Kind of wish I had friends to share it with, sadly I am slightly lacking in that aspect of my life right now. I have an amazing family however to share it with :). I think they are taking me out somewhere to relax and down the pub for a couple of drinks then it's back home for a lovely bbq so I hope the weather holds :). xx
Added by Aaron Wolfie on June 10, 2014 at 3:10pm — 2 Comments
Added by Simran on June 9, 2014 at 1:23pm — 3 Comments
Added by The1andonlyAbber on June 8, 2014 at 7:38pm — 1 Comment
Okay, so I see quite a few people getting into daydream relationships and while I have often daydreamed about that ideal girl, I have never really had the urge to make her 'more of a reality' so to speak.
However, last night I had a dream and I met the most amazing girl. It isn't often I have dreams that really stir me up but this one definitely did. I am not quite sure about how the dream really came about, in that some 'pre dream happenings' must have occurred. I found…
ContinueAdded by Aaron Wolfie on June 6, 2014 at 7:59am — No Comments
Added by The1andonlyAbber on June 5, 2014 at 9:02pm — 5 Comments
I've been in a sorry state the last couple of days ><. Went round my brother and his girlfriend's new house. Had a lovely time but it would have been even better if my wisdom teeth weren't causing me excruciating pain :'(. Had to have soup at one point and put up with some horrendous pain for a couple of days. Finally got to the dentist today and it turns out that I have a slight infection that requires antibiotics. Also have to rinse it with a syringe full of medicated solution…
ContinueAdded by Aaron Wolfie on June 5, 2014 at 2:49pm — 2 Comments
Added by Amanda Lynne on June 4, 2014 at 5:24pm — No Comments
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