No Daydreams, no studys, no life!!!

I get mad if i dont get privacy to daydream. I've always been a topper. Studies have never been a burden for me because i always got entertainment simultaneously with the form of maladaptive daydreaming ofcourse! And this was possible only because i would be alone throughout the day and had the freedom to pace around, change my facial expression, dance, listen to music, cry, etc. But recently my mom left her job and im being able to neither daydream nor study. Im scared. What if im left behind in academics. I can never imagine that happening to me. Success in academics is the only thing im living for right now. Plz i understand that u'll can hardly do anything abt my situation. But plz....i need ur suggestion....!

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Comment by Jonathan Eagle on June 15, 2014 at 4:34pm
Work smarter not harder. When I was studying my finals to get my degree in law I had a real problem of not being able to pace and studying at the same time. Reading and understanding new information can be extremely difficult for people with MD as we trail off at the drop of a hat. Therefore, I came up with my own system that just be the thing for you. You said you like pace and talk whist you daydream? Me to, so use it your advantage rather than letting it be a hinderance. Here's what I did;

Firstly a bought 4 different colours of post-it-notes because I studied 4 subjects and I wrote facts and other information on them and placed them in a structure that was suitable. Each wall looked the hideout of a serial killer as they all had multi-coloured post-it-notes on each wall but all the information that I needed for my exam was right there on my wall.

Once your happy that the structure of each wall is sufficient, this allows you to study each day by simply pacing around the room to your hearts content whispering out each fact to drill it into your memory. It works as a viable option to help you study honestly! Saying facts out loud or simply whispering them is a great way to memorise and practice your studies.

Here's where your MD comes in, your Mum may think that you room is weird looking but for studying practice she should understand why you've done it like that. Plenty students I know have done it during exams and they don't have MD like we do so hiding your MD whist you pace and whisper round the room looking at different post notes trying to memorise them is easy. You can take breaks whist you pace to let you MD then get back to work once satisfied with the itch and your Mum will never notice the difference.

Feel free to use or not my advice but I swear on my life this is how I achieved my 2.1 in law last year. When reading out the post notes say the notes out loud and you will memorise it enough for your exams. Good luck with your exams and I hope this helps.
Comment by The1andonlyAbber on June 10, 2014 at 6:21pm
Don't worry about your mom catching you. If she walks in on you daydreaming, just tell her that you do things like pace and make strange faces when you think intensely about a problem.
Comment by Simran on June 9, 2014 at 1:24pm
Sorry for the spelling error......'no studies'.

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