so im thinking about telling my parents about my daydreaming problem, maybe they could help 

but im afraid they will think their daughter's an insane and crazy and have mental issues (which might be true but still ) or just laugh at me 

has anyone here told someone about it? how did they react? did it feel good to tell someone or not? 

did it help? 

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Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on June 24, 2014 at 10:57pm

It's sad when people we trust don't believe us.  This is not some made-up internet fad.  Real doctors have studied it and believe in it.  It's been written about in Scientific American Mind, which spent a year and a half fact-checking.  It's REAL.  Tell your parents that, and if they still don't believe you, it's their problem.  

Comment by Selena on June 24, 2014 at 10:50pm
When I told my parents, my mom just looked at me and said its a false diagnosis, that it is a fake thing somebody on the internet started to freak people out. She doesn't understand I'm in my room for hours throughout the day cause I am daydreaming so much. She thinks I'm depressed or sleeping. She thinks my social anxiety is bad but she doesn't even think about how bad it is to live my life in an imaginary world...
Comment by Professional Daydreamer on June 23, 2014 at 1:24pm

I was actually thinking about telling my parents as well cause because of daydreaming I'm failing my class so they think I'm just lazy or I just don't care so I was thinking maybe like telling them would help them understand me more...but at the same time I'm scared cause like when i tell them and everytime they see me pacing I'm gonna pressure myself to stop, which is gonna make me worse( tried that once it was awful) so I donno I'm kinda lost.

Comment by The1andonlyAbber on June 13, 2014 at 5:06pm
I told my parents, and everything went okay. When you tell your parents, make sure to print out some articles about MD to show them.

P.S.: I also cried my eyes out when I told my parents.
Comment by Amanda Lynne on June 12, 2014 at 4:02pm

I told my mom a while back and I cried my eyes out and said something like I have a problem and she was freaking out and probably thought I was about to say I'm pregnant or do drugs or something. But I told her about my daydreams and I was crying my eyes out, not looking her in the eyes because I was ashamed and worried about the same things you're worried about.

But my mom got me counseling and took me to the doctor and she was very comforting about all of it. Parents will love you no matter what. There's nothing wrong with you. Don't be ashamed to tell them this, it's just the same as being physically sick, it's a mental disease and not our fault. Good luck!

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