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what do you do if you are ugly?my mom makes fun of me every single day. shes really pretty you see and she keeps telling me that im really ugly. im so fed up of hearing that.i look at myself in the mirror and wince.this is so not how i want to look.i tried to make myself look better.but no hope.some people make fun of me.

how do you accept the way you are when your own mother  doesnt?

we live in a looks oriented world where everyday we are bombarded with images of beautiful…


Added by mary g on January 25, 2014 at 9:16pm — 8 Comments

Dream Life vs. Real Life

I'm 15 and I've been daydreaming for about two years I think.  I remember the first time I really got submerged in a daydream how awesome it felt.  I didn't have many friends at the time so I made up my own and for once I felt accepted, even if it was only in my dream world.  I actually had multiple different daydream realms that I made..I think I had up to four at one point.  But I think that got kind of overwhelming for me so now I only have one really intricate…


Added by Amari on January 24, 2014 at 8:36pm — 2 Comments

My light

I waltz about, run around, trip and fall, laugh and pout. But my light to see is dim, the room is as dark as my own 'heart'... abyssal. Faces show on mine and it is quite obsurd. My gift of freedom is my cage. Of all the humans born in to this world why shall I be born so odd and different in these ways... My heart would be blank and black and unknown to me had I not found my light. My light may be dim but it is so due to distance and one day it shall be as close to me as the sun is its own… Continue

Added by Mишка (Miska) on January 24, 2014 at 6:46pm — 3 Comments

hearing music in my mind

I don't know if it is common or not but when I need to focus on something I  always start hearing songs in my head. Most of the times when it happens I have to stop what I am doing to try to clear my mind. That also happens when I am going to sleep. I noticed that I alwasy listen to these songs in the same week that they start to play in my head. I think that the solution would be to stop listening to music, but I love it. 

Does anyone have this problem? how are…


Added by Cristiano on January 24, 2014 at 12:27pm — 3 Comments

Book Reccomendation

It's called, The Secret World of Doing Nothing, by Billy Ehn and Orvar Lofgren (2010).

Chapter 3 is called "Daydreaming".

It might be interesting to some of you. A few pages of the chapter can be found here:…


Added by Lucrezia Duchessa on January 23, 2014 at 5:51pm — 2 Comments


So that Sunday thing prompted me to have an adjustment made to my new prescription for wellbutrin. I may change brands. I have never felt like I did Sunday. Literally never. The first thing to pop into my head after those thoughts popped into my head was, 'I gotta quit taking this shit.' They still haven't gotten back to me about the adjustment so I'll call them again today.

Added by Sandra on January 23, 2014 at 1:44am — 2 Comments


I found that actually doing something instead of thinking about it is one step forward, I'm scared ill never become the person I wanna be cause she lives in my head and is me. I wanna give up her life cos she can have it back, it just makes all my motivation to be conscious go away and I wanna hold on to the motivation. Ill never figure this out. I need to be trained to become confident. That'll solve my hugest dreams.

Added by Lizzarina on January 22, 2014 at 5:18pm — 4 Comments

Who is actually happy with their education/degree/job?

Also, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

If you don't want to answer that, then how many times have you changed degrees and/or jobs?

As for me, I am currently a third-year in industrial engineering, and I'm always on the edge of falling into severe depression. And please don't try to convince me to switch out.

Added by Lucrezia Duchessa on January 21, 2014 at 4:52pm — 17 Comments

Bad Days

I cannot be alone with myself for too long. That's why I work so much. I usually leave work around 11 after being there all day so I'm extremely tired, too tired to sit around in my head. Well I left work at 6 pm Sunday night. So that gave me 7 hrs alone with me. I think I was ok for about an hr, then I went on major binge. I watched things I shouldn't watch for about 4 hrs. Also hadn't done that since before New Year's. Afterwards, and during, I went very deep inside of my head. A bad place to… Continue

Added by Sandra on January 21, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments

MDD has caused me to hurt myself by biting my two index fingers

Sounds crazy but because  I have such family abuse in my childhood and problems with classmates and coworkers I have  long dreams about what they did to me. I get sooooo angry that I bite my two index fingers hard to make the dream feel real.  Its like the dream drums up so much hurt and pain and the only way to feel like I am letting it out is to bite my fingers. Many people ask about the scabs on my pointer fingers and I lie and say its exzema or that I got  burned or something like…


Added by mirrorgirl on January 20, 2014 at 3:46pm — 1 Comment

I'm sick!

Since friday, I've been miserably sick. Vomiting, shaking, miserable sickness. I've been randomly laughing and crying for absolutely no reason. I've been trying to shower these past few days (my smell has been unbearable) but I keep vomiting and feeling weak even after a simple walk to the bathroom, which is less than five feet away. After i reach the bathroom, i vomit for five minutes, then lay on the floor. After a few hours of laying on the cold, hard floor, I decide I'm too weak to sit…


Added by Machelle Irby on January 20, 2014 at 3:08pm — 7 Comments

It is the girl in the mirror and her music

For me the majority of my daydreaming is done with headphones on and looking in the mirror. My dream self and all my scenarios go on in my head lasting for hours. If  I had a stressful day the first thing I would do when I go home is lock myself in my apartment and dream while looking into the mirror. This is why I could not have a roommate because they would see my strange behavior. Now I am living with family and I have my own room. I go there to dream. They call me but I can't hear them…


Added by mirrorgirl on January 19, 2014 at 7:26pm — 3 Comments

Thank you Cordelia for making this website!

And I thought I was the only one. I didn't even know what to call it. When I got on the internet and began to  finally ask questions I found out that it was called Maladaptive Daydreaming. I am now pushing 40 yrs old and this will be the first time I ever speak about it to anyone. I have missed out on soooo much of my life because of my "other worlds". The education, job opportunities, dating, marriage, learning how to drive a car etc etc. because of daydreaming. I am a Pisces and an…


Added by mirrorgirl on January 19, 2014 at 2:00pm — 7 Comments

Things are much better now

So in one of my earlier entries I had talked about telling my best friend about my MDD.

He was in the hospital for his schizophrenia and was feeling embarrassed so I figured that the timing seemed pretty good, He also had just knocked on my door and "awoke" me from a trance and he noticed that I didn't really see him for a good 5 seconds. My cover was blown.

We talked about his stay in the hospital for awhile and we had a really good bonding talk but I was acting weird and he…


Added by River on January 18, 2014 at 6:22pm — 1 Comment

I don't want to stop daydreaming

I know I need to stop so I can be like everyone else but I love it, I love doing it in my spare time too but I do it at school for an hour straight at times. I lost all my mates and rather hang up on them and daydream instead of listening to them. I feel unpure and ruined. don't know why I would ever want to though. My life is boring and I have nothing of passion. I'm scared to give it up. Is it really worth trying to get back into reality permanently? I need a good reason to give it up and… Continue

Added by Lizzarina on January 18, 2014 at 2:10pm — 6 Comments

these days i daydream more than i should and find it difficult to stop.its usually about me a more idealised version of myself .My world the way i want it to i was lyin on my bed as usual laugh…

these days i daydream more than i should and find it difficult to stop.its usually about me a more idealised version of myself .My world the way i want it to i was lyin on my bed as usual laughing and talking to myself when my mom walked into my room.she was like "what are you doing" and i thought oh god i am so mom thinks something is wrong with me because i…


Added by mary g on January 17, 2014 at 8:27pm — 6 Comments

Baking for mental health awareness.

The Depressed Cake Shop Experiment


 The title links to a Google search of an experiment undertaken by a bakery in   to raise awareness about depression. It soon spread to bake shops in the UK, Malaysia and even to one bakeshop in Bangalore. It aims to raise the taboo and silence…


Added by S K on January 17, 2014 at 8:08am — 2 Comments

Almost three years later.

I was recommending this website to someone the other day when it occurred to me that I haven't logged on here in at least three years. I was eighteen-turning-nineteen when I last made a post and now I'm twenty-one-turning-twenty-two. Man, time does fly. 

In that time span, my MDD hasn't really gotten better or worse, to be honest. It's stayed pretty stagnant which I guess could be a good thing - it means at least I'm not falling deeper into it. But it also means I'm not getting any…


Added by Mila Wayland on January 16, 2014 at 8:55pm — 2 Comments


the sun rises,heralding the start of a new day

spreading hues of orange in the dim sky

i wake up to my mothers shoutings

her shrill voice piercing through my soul

she says"why arent you awake,GO AND STUDY".

i sigh in exasperation,i know that there is

no use in retaliation.

i have to succumb to reality

i am a prisoner in my own home

my mother being the strict jailor.

each day i hatch a plan to escape'

each day i…


Added by mary g on January 16, 2014 at 9:52am — 1 Comment

Turns out I'm not insane

SO for 30yrs I have been hiding this from everyone, not even my best (and only) friend knows.

It can be hard to hide but I don't pace or run as some of you do so I guess that makes it easier to cover up

I tend to smoke twice as much when I md and pot is a important part as well, I find when I smoke a joint it keeps me from standing up randomly and my md adventures are really enhanced by this. (anyone else do this)

I have decided to tell my best friend about what I have…


Added by River on January 16, 2014 at 2:02am — 3 Comments

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