I found that actually doing something instead of thinking about it is one step forward, I'm scared ill never become the person I wanna be cause she lives in my head and is me. I wanna give up her life cos she can have it back, it just makes all my motivation to be conscious go away and I wanna hold on to the motivation. Ill never figure this out. I need to be trained to become confident. That'll solve my hugest dreams.

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Comment by The1andonlyAbber on February 18, 2014 at 10:16am
You guys are so lucky the stuff in your daydreams is achievable in real life. In my daydreams, I'm me, except I have superpowers and I'm the queen of an intergalactic empire. That's not going to happen in the real world.
Comment by Jennifer on January 27, 2014 at 8:30am
I totally understand! However,I have come to the realization that my idealized version of myself is actually really me. She is quiet, shy, modest, musically talented, and she followed her dreams. I have come to the understanding that this girl in my head is actually who I want to be, and who I am slowly becoming. We share the same interests, the same talents, and the same endeavors. She is actually me,and everything I am slowly becoming. Because, when I play her and act her out, I realize this is how I usually am with my few friends or people out in public. Maybe your idealized version of yourself is who you are! This is how it is with me. ^^
Comment by Queen Dopamine on January 23, 2014 at 9:52am

You are correct that actually doing it is a step forward from just thinking about it. But like you said, most people lack the confidence to make it happen. You're afraid you'll fail or that you'll look silly or you simply don't know how to start. I've been able to make myself do some things, but others I struggle to do, like meeting new people. I started with things I can do on my own time, in my own home. Is there anything in particular you would like to do? Any particular dream, passion, or hobby that you have that you desire? Even if it seems really unattainable to you?

Comment by Cristiano on January 22, 2014 at 5:56pm

I try to do that. Stop thinking about "the other me" that lives  in my mind, but it is very difficult to do it. I also believe that if the person that lives in my mind is result of what I want to be then let's  do it. In my daydreams I am not shy,  I always do what I wanted to do, say what I wanted to say...

I am working on that but it is soooo hard. ):

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