December 2010 Blog Posts (25)

Alleviation [Thank God]

When I found out that there were other people going through what I'm going through; I was extremely excited. I'm not alone anymore and it's such a relief.


I'm currently on winter break for school and I've noticed I've been spending most of it just sitting around dreaming and wasting time. I love to dream and I try and do it…


Added by Danielle on December 30, 2010 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

Daydreaming is my only identity

I realize now why I don't want to stop daydreaming- it's because without MD, I'd still be an awkward person and socially inapt. The only difference is that I'd have no tangible reason  for it.  MD is something with a name that I can claim as a part of me. Without it, I would go back to being just a weird kid, for no reason at all.


I just want to be something. Anythinig. I have no sense of "me". I guess you could say that I'm scared of the real world, and what it would do to…


Added by Creator on December 24, 2010 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

An example of how daydreaming effects my life. #@$%!!!


I just handed in my final research paper for one of my classes.

Because I handed it in 3 days late, I got a B. My teacher has emphasized that I'm a good writer, with out-of-the-box perspectives, and a "poetic mind" as she call it (lol). I'm not bragging, just trying to emphasize what my grade could have been if I'd handed it in on time. It's a shame really. :(


Why was the paper late? Because my time management is pitiful. Why? Because maladaptive daydreaming…


Added by Tila on December 21, 2010 at 4:00pm — 8 Comments


um hello,


this is my first post on this board, i found it via research on the excessive daydreaming topic online.  I do not know what to write about, I'm a very private person.  so I guess I will just tell you that 'valarie winehouse' is in fact not my real name, LOL. For you music buffs it's amy winehouse reference, she is my favorite singer, troubled as she may be...we ALL have our troubles! Anywoo, I am 30, live in PA all my life, live alone, dog died early last year :(. I…


Added by valarie winehouse on December 19, 2010 at 10:35pm — 1 Comment

Winter Break. Even daydreaming is boring.

I've been needing some time off.  All the stress of spending all day trying to focus enough to pay attention and do a few lousy math problems was exhausting me.  Now I'm bored and broke with nothing I can focus enough to do.  I play around on the internet all the time, sometimes working on the site, sometimes just reading any & all news for hours.  I've played with a few of Chrome's new apps but I'm too dazed to really get into any of the games.

That's the thing.  I've been…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on December 19, 2010 at 12:01pm — 5 Comments

Why I can't quit

In my daydreams, I always dream that everybody loves me. I'm the most important person in the room. Now I think I understand why:

There's this party tonight I was gonna go to. I got all dressed up and all pretty... then I just sat down and almost started crying. Based on my past experiences with parties, I know that if I go to this party that no one, and I mean no one, will want to talk to me. I'm not a "cool" kid. I'm just a random 17 year old girl. I'm just "some girl".…


Added by Creator on December 17, 2010 at 4:50pm — 3 Comments

No More Daydreaming: Day 2

Hypothesis: I figured this would happen.

Experiment: I was doing fine all day. I took my finals, came home and just chilled.

Data: Then, I became bored. Alas, this lead to my down fall.

Conclusion: Keep yourself constantly busy in the early stages.

*sigh* lets hope this doesnt happen again tomorrow. fml.

Added by Creator on December 15, 2010 at 1:54pm — 2 Comments

alone & scared.

I feel horrible today. ;/

i've been daydreaming hardcore since saturday.. that's usually when I lock myself in my room and go on my daydreaming binge for the weekend. I get frustrated with this a lot-- i don't feel like being someone else sometimes. I just want to be me. what's happened to my life? where's Anne?…


Added by Anne Rose on December 14, 2010 at 8:22pm — 3 Comments

No More Daydreaming: Day 1 part 2

Sooooooo today... I'd say that I've kept myself busy pretty well. I've felt the need to daydream a couple times when I've had the chance to, but I've resisted, which is interesting for me. See, I'm pretty weak when it comes to giving into…


Added by Creator on December 14, 2010 at 7:54pm — 2 Comments

12/14 No More Daydreaming: Day 1

I've tried this before. Once before. For two months straight, I never paced and daydreamed. I thought my problems were solved.

However, after learning more about this disease, I can see that I didn't really purge myself of it…


Added by Creator on December 14, 2010 at 7:11am — No Comments

Fear of Flying: Conditioned for Failure.

Hi everyone,

i was digging through some old documents i had saved from art school and i came across this article written by one of my professors about artists being unable to advance their careers simply out of fear. It goes through the various kinds of traps we set for ourselves to fail at our dreams, the fear that it stems from and their various types, the reasons we experience this fear, and ways to overcome it.

so.. what does this have to do with maladaptive…


Added by Katrina on December 13, 2010 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

Notes from Vlog 4 - Am I diseased?

Hi guys,

Here are my notes from Vlog 4. I always type some up in case I choke or forget to say something.

* First, I would like to welcome all the new members to mysite. We're very glad to have you. You've had a lot of greatideas so far, and a lot of you really just want to help,and I think that's just great.

* The next thing I want to talk about is the debate over howto view Maladaptive Daydreaming. I know it's frustrating to have a new condition and on one…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on December 11, 2010 at 7:18pm — 2 Comments

Hey can i just give everyone tips on how to control their Md

Hey im new here. This website is beautiful. And ive spent the last couple of hours just reading all your posts.

I am a memeber of another website where people discuss MD. Some of you know it.

Id just like to make a post here with my tips on how to control MD. The post will be very long and forgive me but its a hyperlink to the original post. Reason is because the original post is just way too long to even copy paste on here and id like to introduce you guys to the other…


Added by lxxxphysixxxl @ yahoocom on December 11, 2010 at 3:22am — 3 Comments

A Disorder, or Just a Trait?

I'd like to start by acknowledging that there are obviously people here for whom this 'disorder' is a serious problem, restricting their lives to large extents. I don't intend to offend any of you with this - I'm just sort of thinking out loud (or typed down, or whatever the written equivalent is).

I've always loved those psychology quizzes - you know the ones where you tick boxes, or rate yourself against some scale, or try to figure out what those Rorschach blots are - but…


Added by Marlowe on December 10, 2010 at 2:56pm — 4 Comments

A Recovering Daydreamer

I'm a recovering daydreamer now. I've been successful in controlling my daydreams. It's been a long haul, working at it each day over the past six months or so. It's been hard too, but each day it gets easier and easier. I didn't use any medication. I personally don't like taking medications and I believe we have the power to change how our brains work, but after reading other's posts I realize my problem was probably not as intense as others, so my tactic at beating it may not work for…


Added by Heinriech Heisner on December 9, 2010 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Leaving it all behind, running away

I recently tried some alternative therapy (Private Subconscious mind Therapy). I felt it worked, and I felt like I received some direction in my life. I got this overwhelming urge to drop everything and go travelling.

For years I’ve felt like I’ve been trapped, and I keep doing the same thing over and over and over again. I still live at home and have a semi-toxic relationship with my parents. I’m not working and I hate the admin jobs I’m qualified for. I’ve pretty much given…


Added by April West on December 9, 2010 at 7:08pm — 3 Comments

i stopped

hi, i used to daydream obssesively and stopped for the past 8 or 9 years. I had a character that acompanied me since i was 12 (she was 21) untill i stopped at 26-27 (by then she was 38-40). I had all her life dawn out and added details as i (and her)where aging. also i had another charcter that was younger than the first (she came into my life around 17 and was my age). I had everthing drawn out for them, their paernts siblings boyfirends lovers , their grandparents... everything. And as i…


Added by rita on December 9, 2010 at 3:41pm — 6 Comments

If we create these intricate scenarios...

I was just thinking tonight, that if we write down our imaginary worlds, it might help get these daydreams out of our system and perhaps some of us would have good stories that could bring in some much needed revenue.

Albert Einstien was a daydreamer. But he called his daydreams "thought experiments". It was during one of these thought experiments that he came up with his theory of relativity. While it is still a theory, it seemed to serve him well. Some claim he "borrowed" ideas… Continue

Added by Matto on December 8, 2010 at 8:00pm — 7 Comments


Hi Everyone! I'm new to this thread and I just thought i'd introduce myself..

Name's Katrina, I'm 25 from the Orlando, Florida area but now i live in Osaka, Japan. I've been suffering from MD since I can remember, but it really noticeably since the age of 5 or 6. I only just today put a name to my condition, but It's been a real struggle and I'm very, very grateful that there's a community for this. Thank you guys! <3

Added by Katrina on December 7, 2010 at 7:28pm — 4 Comments

first blogg.

It's my first blog, so I'll introduce myself.

my name is Anne and I'm fourteen years oldd.

I've been daydreaming since I guess 2007-8 ish. I was eleven, and I was soo maladaptive to reality that I couldn't handle it, so I began creating my own. I started listening to more music, going on the computer more, creating characters/making scenarios for them then before i knew it, I was addicted. and my real life was still horrible, but I had something imaginary- that was mine- and if I didn't… Continue

Added by Anne Rose on December 7, 2010 at 6:50pm — 2 Comments

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