Each thing I do I rush through so I can do
something else. In…
Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
So I've definitely run into a bit of a rut. I can't seem to get anything done, I'm tired all the time, stressed, and my schoolwork is all overdue (slightly cause of dd distraction but mainly due to slight ocd disallowing me to hand anything in without it being just right. ugh) I keep being hit with the fact that my daydreams will never be real (sounds stupid, but sometimes I almost forget I guess), I don't have much motivation and I have a whole slew of stresses, internal and…
ContinueAdded by BilboBaggins on October 31, 2011 at 12:25am — 8 Comments
I brought up the daydreaming to my therapist yesterday. I described (very generally) what I was experiencing, and refused to give any details when asked. He seemed somewhat curious, but eventually the conversation went in other directions anyway. Our discussions as of late have more or less revolved around the same issues.
Thing is, I didn't have the balls to actually mention that most of my daydreams lately were about him...So I emailed him instead,afterward. I didn't go into any…
ContinueAdded by Mira on October 29, 2011 at 6:13am — 3 Comments
I've been having pretty stressful daydreams lately. They've been all full of angst and drama like some sort of teen movie. I've been sort of wound up like a spring because everything I DD about is so emotional, I'm worn out. I don't know why I've been doing this. I've noticed I'm smoking more, it takes me longer to go to sleep and my face always looks like I'm worrying about some epic problem that I don't actually have.
My life is fine at the minute. I…
ContinueAdded by Rachel S on October 28, 2011 at 10:58am — 4 Comments
Hi there, I'm Sara, and I just found out about MD. I'm so relieved, as most of you guys can imagine. I've thought for so long I must have ADD or Aspergers or something. It's such a great feeling to be able to give a name to what I have.
I started daydreaming when I was about 7 or 8. I remeber the first one perfectly. I was obsessed with animals, but could never have one since my mom was allergic. So one night I imagined I lived on this huge farm with an insane amount of dogs, cats,…
ContinueAdded by Sara Rose on October 27, 2011 at 6:32pm — 4 Comments
Added by Paige on October 27, 2011 at 12:22pm — 8 Comments
I've found that my brain has kind of flipped back to the angry thoughts a bit about people I know, but I've tried to keep myself distracted by other things as much as possible.
My daydreams (the positive, imaginative ones) are just insulation for me from my anxiety. When I push those away, I start to ruminate and stew and worry instead. I try not to, but I can't seem to help it.
Last night was pretty awesome- it's my birthday this week, so I hung out with some people at the bar…
ContinueI recently had a horrible nightmare. The love interest from my daydreams, CJ, somehow became real and woke up in my reality. Upon arrival, he was very upset and disoriented. Eventually, when I managed to calm him down, I explained what was going on; how I had daydreamed him, his world, and how I was actually his girlfriend. My daydreaming self and how I look in reality are not so drastically different that CJ couldn’t see a slight resemblance. After the dust settled and he was…
ContinueAdded by Magenta on October 26, 2011 at 7:58pm — No Comments
After reading some comments on my first post, I realized maybe I was being a bit of a tightass about it. Today I daydreamed about him just a little...mostly I was contemplating/remembering the various things he and I have been talking about lately.
But I also came home, spent time with BF and then spent like an hour or so playing Singstar, because I want to do karaoke tomorrow night, and it's easier if I warm myself up to it. (I love it but I get terrible stage fright) I think I…
ContinueAdded by Mira on October 25, 2011 at 7:12pm — No Comments
Added by Ashley N. on October 25, 2011 at 4:54pm — 6 Comments
So here's a problem it seems most people have faced in some form or other.. in my current case: I have an essay due in two days and am having a horrible time concentrating. Everytime I start to look at my keyboard to type, I'm suddenly off in my own world and it's ten minutes later.. the countdown to doom begins. So I'm really in a pickle here, how do you guys buckle down and concentrate when you have a deadline??
"those who do…
ContinueAdded by BilboBaggins on October 24, 2011 at 6:20pm — 4 Comments
While I haven't managed to completely avoid DD about him, I managed it for the most part. Mind you, it's caused me to ruminate more about things that make me angry, and it hasn't stopped me from from thinking about him entirely, just...less so.
I've just kept myself distracted, really.
I hope, I hope, I hope I can fill the gap with positive things. Or at least constructive things. Like being on this messageboard- the next time I see him, we're probably going to discuss…
ContinueAdded by Mira on October 24, 2011 at 5:53pm — No Comments
I am going to ATTEMPT to NOT daydream about...him...for the next four days. It'll be hard. Really hard. Hopefully I won't resort to other forms of daydreaming just to distract myself. But I feel like I'm losing my mind. I need to think about SOMETHING ELSE for a change.
If I can stick to an eating regimen long enough to lose 20lbs (and believe me, no one's more surprised than I am that I managed that), then I can put my brain on a diet, at least for a little while, right?…
ContinueAdded by Mira on October 23, 2011 at 7:55pm — 4 Comments
Hi im new here, I just discovered a site like this existed. :)
I know this sounds ridiculously stupid but when I daydream , I forget my surroundings and start to act out my daydream. Ill end up running around the house and eventually bump myself somewhere usuallyI will trip or hit my foot on something hard. I mean its ridicoulous to imagine a 19 year old prancing around the house because of a day dream, my mom thinks it some type of excercise lol. The most annoying thing is when I…
ContinueAdded by anna on October 23, 2011 at 6:11pm — 5 Comments
Ok, So i will try to make this as brief as possible. THE SECRET for anyone who doesnt know-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b1GKGWJbE8 this is just a brief summary basicly talking about the film. The secret is a belief somewhat revolving…
ContinueAdded by Vendetta_Crazzed on October 23, 2011 at 11:57am — 2 Comments
I just recently found this site when I was trying to look up information, in regards to my daydreaming. I haven't been officially diagnosed with MD, so I hope that it's okay that I have joined. However, all the information I've seen so far about MD seems to reflect what I've been dealing with since early childhood. It was something of a relief, to be honest, to finally find information and a place where others deal with this.
I've improved a…
ContinueAdded by Ashley N. on October 22, 2011 at 12:40pm — 2 Comments
I have such terrible self-esteem and have spent so much time in my life daydreaming myself as confident and talented, that there have been more than a few instances where I try to do something and it's not nearly as easy as I dreamed it to be (because of course, in reality, I don't know enough about it). That gives me an overall impression of myself as clumsy and untalented.
But am I? Or am I just impatient?
I have a ukulele and I love it, but I've never put enough time and…
ContinueLet me preface this by saying that I ADORE poetry- reading it, writing it, hearing it. It absorbs me more than most things and takes me out of myself, and yet is short enough for me to absorb in small chunks. Here is a poem that I always think describes what goes on in my head:
"Pursuit" by Stephen Dobyns
Each thing I do I rush through so I can do
something else. In…
Added by Mira on October 20, 2011 at 8:03pm — 6 Comments
As with many other MDers my fantasy self and my real self tend to be extremely different people. Let's start with me in the real world:
In the real world I get no respect at all and I'm very quiet and reserved unless I'm with people I like. But true friends are hard to come by because most people I meet treat me like I'm a lower life form who doesn't deserve their attention. Many times they will even pretend they can't hear me speaking and go to talk to people who are more worth their…
ContinueAdded by roxanne on October 20, 2011 at 5:05pm — 4 Comments
I'm a little unsure what to post here- what if someone I know reads it?? I'm so paranoid about Internet privacy...
I've been daydreaming for a long time. For as long as I can remember. I've never had imaginary friends, per se, I've always just dreamed up alternate versions of my own life. Scenarios and events far more exciting than the ones that actually happen to me.
In reality I'm quite shy and have low self-esteem. I have a lot of anxiety. I'm afraid of…
ContinueAdded by Mira on October 19, 2011 at 8:09pm — 5 Comments
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