Hitting emotional speed bumps at full velocity...

So I've definitely run into a bit of a rut. I can't seem to get anything done, I'm tired all the time, stressed, and my schoolwork is all overdue (slightly cause of dd distraction but mainly due to slight ocd disallowing me to hand anything in without it being just right. ugh) I keep being hit with the fact that my daydreams will never be real (sounds stupid, but sometimes I almost forget I guess), I don't have much motivation and I have a whole slew of stresses, internal and external, piling on top of me. This isn't a whine for attention, just wondering more: when you guys hit the dumps, what helps? I usually would daydream, but that's sort of adding to the problems now..

I find that brisk walks and tea help.. but other than that, any suggestions to help clear a foggy brain? Sometimes fresh ideas are the best, so anything is appreciated!

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Comment by BilboBaggins on November 5, 2011 at 10:36pm
Thanks everyone! TONS of interesting and helpful suggestions all around. I managed to finish my essay and got assigned two more, ugh. At least I'll have more of a chance to try these :).  C'est le vie.
Comment by roxanne on November 5, 2011 at 6:30pm
In terms of not handing something in that isn't perfect, remember this: any thing is better than nothing.  And it is so empowering to actually say you are going to do something , then do it.  Make it small and if that doesn't work, make it smaller.  Find a way to accomplish something.  If you have DD friends, enlist their help, if that helps you.  It almost always helps me.
Comment by Mira on November 1, 2011 at 7:18pm
Abstract activities sometimes help me, like Sudoku or Bejeweled, or something like that. It clears the head. Also, sugar and caffeine- I wouldn't make a habit of that or anything, but I sometimes use it to kick start myself into a more physical (and rewarding) activity like housework or...umm...other things. ;) Those help too!
Comment by Kirsty Amhert on November 1, 2011 at 10:38am

Wow. I typed out a massive response and the page refreshed itself >.>

Anyway, I also recommend the schedule idea Laila mentioned, it works for me too, to some degree. I get awkwardly excited about completing a schedule or plan, haha.

One of the things that helps me a lot is walking, or just being outside right at sunrise. It makes everything feel fresh and puts my mind in "time to start again" mode. I go usually before I go to sleep (weird schedule, I know) so I can rest easily. 

Do something that isn't too tiring that requires coordination, I've noticed I can't daydream when I'm doing some kind of movement that I need to concentrate on. Like an exercise routine or dancing. (I can't dance, but hey, I think it'd work)

Comment by Laila on October 31, 2011 at 2:26pm

Here's what I do in a pinch. I make a schedule. From 2pm-3pm Write Paper, from 3pm - 4pm Study History, from 4pm - 5pm Dinner, from 5pm - 5:30pm Break/Daydream, and so on. Doing that always makes me feel like I'm in control, thus reducing stress. Sometimes I create a schedule for the entire week, and I break subjects down to even smaller tasks (like for writing a research paper: Day 1: Brainstorm ideas, Day 2: Write page 1, Day 3: Write page 2...) I think you get the idea now, lol.


Or you could just create a simple outline for how you plan to get your work done! I just like to be specific. The point is that you can see how everything will unfold if you just try. Focus on prioritizing and save daydreaming for breaks. =D

Comment by Paige on October 31, 2011 at 12:06pm
Well i agree with the others here, exercise is very helpful. I recently started journeling and that seems to clear my head a bit and show me what is important to me, so I can focus my energy on those things.  Also when I journel, I write gratitudes for that day and that always puts me in a better mood.  I also struggle with OCD and what i've learned over many years is I need to be very structured to accomplish what needs to get done.  In a way, I think that is part of the OCD, but it really helps me.  I have a day planner and I write down everything I need to get done that day, even if it's a small tasks.  As I mark them off after doing them, it motivates me to do more.  In addition, I have to set timelines and stick too them.  It might be helpful with your homework that you put deadlines on when they need to be done.  Look I know it's hard letting go of something when it's not perfect, but with practice it will become second nature.  As for realizing my dds will not come true is disheartening as well.   I'm trying to find in the "real" world what my dds can offer so easily.  At least finding friends and support here help me.  Good luck to you.
Comment by Skylar Grey on October 31, 2011 at 10:03am
Im having one of those times right now actually :/. It really truly sucks. Its halloween and i would love nothing more than to sit at home blasting my ipod just lying in my bed staring at the ceiling but i already made plans with my friend... I did daydream earlier and that helped a little. Im just gonna force myself to get things done, maybe then I will feel better. Good luck!
Comment by J Noland on October 31, 2011 at 7:05am

Sometimes I have to pick one small task and just get up and start doing it. I can't think about how much I wish I'd already done it or how I would rather do something else, I have to start the task like a robot. Most of the time I end up realising that it's not so bad or that it's easier than I thought. A lot of times it feels good to be getting something done and it can set me into a mode for a few days where other things get done too. And sometimes I hate it the whole time and so I go through the motions so it'll be done and I can reward myself with some lazy time. I've had luck working some things into dds, washing dishes with a celebrity is way more fun than washing dishes alone :) 

I get hit with the fact that my dds will never be real too. Like Jennifer I live in a state of denial most times. It can make me very depressed. I know that it eventually passes so I try to ride out the "crashes" as best I can. Having everyone here is so helpful.

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