September 2013 Blog Posts (54)

I need to conquer this

I've MDD'ed pretty much my entire life and like most people here, would rather be on my own than with most other people.  I'm what you might call a high functioning person, with a university degree, good job, lovely husband, etc, and I'm incredibly grateful for my blessings.  Which makes me wonder why I'm still doing this. 

I think my MDD started as a coping mechanism for a difficult, volatile and lonely childhood.  But ultimately, I'm not a child.  And it's my own decisions, not my…


Added by Leona A on September 30, 2013 at 12:55pm — 2 Comments

incoming MDer

So I have a relative, a kid. He's 9 years old and i'm afraid he might become an MDer because he's actively daydreaming.. I started MDing when I was 10 so i'm a bit worried. I don't know how sto prevent it or if I should......

I just don't want that kid to go through what i've gone through and am going through.....

Added by Carly Cole on September 29, 2013 at 6:22pm — No Comments

Empaths, Indigo/Crystal person, fantasy proneness.

A few months ago. I was researching more about the Highly Sensitive Person. I came upon a term called the Empath. And I think the empath completely describes this "illness" and us maladaptive daydreamers. Of course that doesn't apply to everyone here. But a lot of us, from seeing other posts have described themselves to be creative, empathetic, perhaps a little socially awkward and likes to be alone. Empaths also love to dayream. So do think about whether you are an Empath. 

These are…


Added by LostSoul99 on September 28, 2013 at 10:45pm — 4 Comments

First Psychologist Visit

Hey everyone. So I had my first visit to the psychologist the other day. Turns out I have Schizoid Personality Disorder, which is actually what i suspected all along. So it didn't really come as that much of a surprise. It's still kind of scary to have an actually diagnosed personality disorder, but you just have to keep going on. It's just that there's no good way to tell people about it. I only plan on telling people who I think should really know, but it's still hard. I tried telling one…


Added by Haou on September 28, 2013 at 4:52pm — 2 Comments

Unidealizing fictional friendships

A few days ago, I talked about how I tended to daydream about fictional friends and envy them. Like, first I will be really into them, usually because I really want a friend like one of the characters. Usually, it's because they are a good listener or because they're always around, etc.

And I've found that it's easier to stop daydreaming about specific pairs of fictional friends if I unidealize them, and I managed to do that, for the most part, by thinking more about the relationships…


Added by Lily Morrison on September 27, 2013 at 6:46pm — 2 Comments

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! The Drama of Life.

Hello Wild Minds,

Oh wow I had a hard past two days.

1.) Husband has been out of town all week for work. (No one to vent to).

2.) On Thursday had an meeting with an amazingly smart scientist that just was...terribly awkward. I know I must have sounded like a complete idiot to him.

3.) Today got lunch with an internationally renowned scientist who is even more academically acclaimed (published in "Science" & "Nature") and I was totally awkward. I made a list of…


Added by Water Lily on September 27, 2013 at 5:06pm — 2 Comments

If you want to donate.....

Here's just a quick reminder that if you want to donate money towards the site or towards my cat, Grendel's, surgery, you can send money via Paypal to  Please don't send emails there, as I don't use it for that.  Thanks to anyone who wants to help and everyone who has helped.  Please specify if it's for the site or Grendel's surgery, and I promise to use it for that.  

I'm glad to have you all, even if you can't donate.  

Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on September 26, 2013 at 6:39pm — 1 Comment

It actually happened.

I have to thank everyone who commented to my last post. It was so neat to see the responses. I love this place!

So, last night was the first night since I can even remember (aside of nights when I had been drinking or something) not DDing before I fall asleep. I usually have my OCD thing. I have to go to bed and fall asleep to a particular scene that I replay and replay and replay. I am not sure how I feel about not having done it. It wasn't intentional. I just ...forgot to.…


Added by Stormy on September 25, 2013 at 4:50pm — 1 Comment

Reliving Intense Shame/Embarassment

Does this happen to you? I am always afraid that I will do something stupid or to embarrass myself. Normally, I am very happy go lucky and often his has led to a lot of trouble for me. I either say or do the wrong thing or I make a mistake and can't live it down. I find myself constantly replaying it in my head and it causes me to clam up and not want to leave my house. I had a very sever episode of panic attacks some years ago and I suffered agoraphobia for a year. Now I feel like going…


Added by ShellyBelly on September 25, 2013 at 8:11am — 6 Comments

Envying fictional friendships?

Does anyone else envy the friendships fictional characters have? And if you do, what do you about it?

I don't think trying to make my friendships like theirs would be effective because all friendships are different. I cannot have the same relationship that someone else has because I am not them. But I also don't know how to get myself to stop.

I guess I would have to analyze what I like about the relationship and try to put that element into my relationships, instead of trying…


Added by Lily Morrison on September 24, 2013 at 4:43pm — 2 Comments

Talking about this problem

For as far back as I can remember I have been MD'ing, if thats a word lol. This is a problem that I have not told anyone about, because I don't want to be looked down upon as some physco or someone trying to get attention. I think MD started out as a outlet to creativity. I would play video games and imagine myself with their powers and things like that. I would even use the soundtracks on the game to as fuel for my MD, and I would pace back and forth. For years I thought nothing of it,…


Added by Lontez on September 24, 2013 at 7:33am — 1 Comment


I cried so hard when I found out this disease had a name as I thought I was the only one who did this. For a very long time I've been daydreaming. For about 5 years now I've aided it with pacing to music. I'm emotionally attached to it and the people inside my world. I laugh and I cry because of what I make in my mind. I'd rather be at home pacing than out with other people. I have no motivation. I've tried to get rid of this but it gets worse. How are you meant to fight your imagination?…


Added by valentinah on September 24, 2013 at 3:31am — 3 Comments

I've been doing this for seven years now.

I'm pretty sure my maladaptive daydreaming disorder happened when I was an adolescent. 

Music was my biggest trigger. I used to think that I wanted to become a dancer so much because I loved listening to music but I realized I just love pacing back and forth, living inside my head. Becoming who I want to be. As I grew up into a teenager I encountered a lot of events that I felt so helpless in. 

Now that I'm in my twenties, I really need to stop doing this. 



Added by Sam on September 23, 2013 at 9:53pm — 3 Comments

whats the point

i am so awkward. i cant handle situations. I just cant. i really try and i can never handle soical situations.

I got a job recently (i only think i got the job because he pretty much hired me n the spot and didnt interview me and saw how awkward i am)

im a food runner at a restaurant, so i bring food to the tables. I have to talk to the peoplwe and say what the food is. i was kind of scared at first but i started feeling really good about it ad thought i was doing a good job.…


Added by ashlee on September 22, 2013 at 7:12pm — 4 Comments

My Personal Experiences with MD

Hi everyone, I just want to say thank you to all of you. I've spent the last nearly 20 years feeling confused but what I had always wondered is, is anyone else out there like me? Anyone else that does what I do? I stumbled upon maladaptive daydreaming on complete accident after years of searching for something... Anything. And there it was. I started crying instantly when I read someone's story that struck so close to home for me. As with many things in life like this, everyones experience…


Added by Christopher L on September 22, 2013 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Two Months Ago (LOOOOONG, but I'd so appreciate if anyone read it)

     Two months ago, my grandma, at age 81, was spending the day with her son and his wife. When they came back at around 8, I had just woken up a few hours ago, and my mom told me to come outside and say hi to the son (Michael) and his wife (Myra). 

     I went outside and walked past my grandma who was standing on the porch and said hello to Michael and Myra and talked to them for a little bit before going inside and walking past my grandma again and not saying or looking at her. I…


Added by Rachel on September 21, 2013 at 9:37pm — 3 Comments

Slowly slipping away from my obbessive daydreaming...Im almost out (venting)

     For the past week, I have really been thinking about my MDD and how my desire to do it is slowly diminishing. Like, all my scenarios are old boring, repetitive, tedious and just not much fun anymore. I've been wanting to stop for awhile now but I always seems to get pulled into my daydreams anyway.Ii still get knots in my stomach if I go long hours without doing it because I'm at school or if I'm bored because of the addiction part of it. Honestly, the only reason I do it now is because…


Added by Mynx on September 21, 2013 at 4:42pm — 4 Comments

Love and Laughter

In my opinion, the two most important things in life are love and laughter. Having MDD deprives me of both. It does this by dripiving me of having healthy relationships with people. Thats what i long for the most. Im so tired of being lonley and feeling traped by MDD. My profile picture for this site is obviously not me. But thats how my life use to be. Being with friends, and belly laughing. Thats also why i have such a hard time of letting go, becasue i use to have what i value most. And…


Added by Sky with Diamonds on September 19, 2013 at 8:47pm — 4 Comments

Disappointment & hopeless

Hello friends

               Today i m feeling very hopeless as i came to know that all

my hopes & wonderful feelings that i gained from DD. I thought this vision was making me creative and i was different from others.

Today i know that all greatness was part of a dumb dream ,that i m just a daydreamer.I wasted many years of my life just to seek fake pleasure and superiorty. In my childhood when others loved to have some creative hobby like playing,dancing…


Added by ABHISHEK on September 19, 2013 at 7:57am — 6 Comments

I just discovered all this stuff about MD and I am so happy.  Literally cried and sang praises to God when I found out.  I can't believe there are actually others out there like me, who understand wh…

I just discovered all this stuff about MD and I am so happy.  Literally cried and sang praises to God when I found out.  I can't believe there are actually others out there like me, who understand what I'm going through.  I have daydreamed uncontrollably ever since I can remember.  It's gotten a bit better as I've gotten older, but I still struggle on a daily basis.  I am so excited to hear the stories of others and make new discoveries concerning MD.  


Added by Hannah on September 18, 2013 at 10:20pm — 6 Comments

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