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Not living up to my idealized self

This isn't much of a blog post in my opinion, but I just want to vent.

I do extemporaneous public speaking competitions for FFA at my school. That kinf of public speaking is where you have a few minutes to prepare a speech out of a little but of info. The reason I  put myself, a complete introvert, into this position, was because my idealized self is a public speaker. And a very famous public speak at that. Because in my head I am able to perfect those speeches, it causes me…


Added by Fallen Messenger on July 12, 2017 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

No Friends. No Acquaintances.

I don't have any friends nor acquaintances. I honestly don't know if it's a result of maladaptive daydreaming or the cause of maladaptive daydreaming, but most likely a mix of both. Trying to stop daydreaming is hard cause I realize how lonely I am then daydream to feel better. The good thing is I'm more mindful of my daydreams even though I still don't have full control of them. I basically go through life alone living in my head. If I'm not daydreaming, then I am thinking. 

Added by MindNeedsSedation on July 11, 2017 at 5:20pm — No Comments

Curse of the Imagination & Gateway (poetry)


WRITTEN ON  7/5/17 AT 4:12 PM

I was on the verge of greatness,

but then the greatest catastrophe,

even the consequence of entropy.

My passion became a cold fire,

my resolve…


Added by Fallen Messenger on July 11, 2017 at 8:27am — 1 Comment


solitude is addicting. Once you see how peaceful it is you don't want to be around people anymore.

Added by greyartist on July 10, 2017 at 7:41am — No Comments

Characters are alive

my characters have taken on a life of their own and can have full convesations with me in my head (no avatar, just them talking directly to where my "eyes" would be)

they are emotive and their facial expressions change reacting directly to what i say

i view them in this space reserved specially for them that i call the realm (where they move about kind of like sims that i cant control)

it's very solid and not at all daydream-like and i can see it by…


Added by EntiWarmRock on July 9, 2017 at 1:56pm — No Comments

New Zealand Daydreamers

Im currently living in NZ and am interested to know if there are any local groups or the like for MDD?

Added by Kate on July 7, 2017 at 6:15am — No Comments

If Maladaptive Daydreaming a parasympathetic response, then...

There are 4 autonomic responses to stress.  Fight and flight which are sympathetic and freeze and disassociate which are parasympathetic.  I believe that MD is an out of control parasympathetic dis-associative response.  If anyone in interested in pursuing this further, respond to this post and I will give you some tools to begin unwinding the response.

Added by spencer feldman on July 5, 2017 at 8:30pm — 8 Comments

Is it denial to consider my MDD a gift?

A rich inner world has always been a factor in my life but a story did not start to form until I was 7. A line was spoken in a TV show that sparked something in me that has never died.  I don't remember the TV show or the line. It was just part of some random dramatic scene in a teen drama my aunt was engrossed in.

I wonder how the actor would feel knowing what a profound effect that line had on my life. Pride or maybe pity.  I can't imagine because I don't even know how I'm supposed…


Added by Katie Reed on July 5, 2017 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

No Triggering Event


So, a lot of the articles I've read on how to cope with/cure MDD mention that knowing what caused your MDD and coming to terms with it is imperative to gaining control over your daydreams.

Except, according to stories I've been told by my parents, I've been doing this ever since I was around three years old. They told me stories about me spinning like a top endlessly, for hours on end, while watching a movie or listening to music. My methods evolved, I pace now rather… Continue

Added by Erin on July 3, 2017 at 8:22pm — 1 Comment

When to tired to not slip out inside conversatoins.

I was at the local post office. I was mailing my rent and a letter to my pen pal. Well, it was going great but during the whole transaction I was having inner conversation on what to do afterwards. Doing this and that, "oh that's a great idea." Then it came to finish the transaction at the counter I meant to say, "have a good day." Instead I blurted out, "that's a great idea". oh NOOOOOOOO. Did I just let out an inner conversation?!!! OH CRAP. I was so embarrassed. The lady looked surprised…


Added by Lisa Tomlin on June 30, 2017 at 9:49am — 3 Comments

Daydreamers (more poetry)

I believe that in my case, the only upside to maladaptive daydreaming is the heightened creativity. I use this creativity to write poetry. I spend the last few days working on a particular poem about maladaptive daydreaming. I figure that it does no good rotting away in my drawer so I might as well share it with all of you.


(completed 6/27/17 at 1:25 PM)

I am near,

But I am far,

I am lost,

I am broken,

I am…


Added by Fallen Messenger on June 29, 2017 at 11:44am — 1 Comment

My MDD girlfriend

Hi Everyone,

               I've been suffering from MDD since 2011. 99% of the time it's about me romancing with my girlfriend (non-existing) in the dream . It started off slowly where I would daydream only before sleeping and after waking up. But since 2014 it spread like wildfire. If I'm left alone now, I can't finish any task in time as I'll end up daydreaming.  It feels very difficult to get my mind out of it. I dream about me proposing to her, giving her tight hugs, flirting…


Added by Steve Austin on June 28, 2017 at 10:05pm — 6 Comments

MDD Friends

I have always been stuck in my head, imagining new scenes, dreaming about a different scenario when things go wrong. I'm also a writer and an amateur painter, all thanks to MDD. But, now that that I have found such a precious place where people of my own species, so to speak, are many, I would be really happy to talk to you in social media and feel as though I'm not alone. So, if anyone feels like talking or telling me about their daydreaming adventures and vice versa. I will be very happy to… Continue

Added by Allen Mokadem on June 27, 2017 at 10:16pm — 6 Comments

Clearing my mind

I just need to clear my mind and confess my feelings from today.

I don't have anyone else to tell and I am scared to incase they take my daydreams away from me with making me feel ashamed or embarrassed.

I feel like I am losing it slowly, I feel I am obsessed. I know why I daydream I want my life to be more fulfilling than working long hours and then coming home to sit on my phone and daydream my evenings away.

I dream about falling in love and someone falling in love…


Added by SJ on June 26, 2017 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

I thought I was the only one

I truly thought I was the only one suffering from this . Heck I did not even know what it was till one day I looked up my symptoms and found MD.  WOW that was me to the letter. I have always had a big imagination. I was the only girl in a family of boys. My Dad was abusive and I truly think that my MD was spawned by my childhood. I did it to escape the pain and loneliness.  I would lock myself in my bedroom and not come out. I did not have the problem at school. Now as an adult. I am still…


Added by Lisa Tomlin on June 21, 2017 at 10:49am — 3 Comments

An open letter to my hardworking self

Today I wrote a letter to myself into my MD journal. Keeping this journal has helped me more than I can express in words. So I have decided to share this entry with you, hoping that it can inspire some of you to start a journal and face the demons you are struggling with as well...

'Hello, version of me reading this journal entry,

I just wanted to say thank you for writing in this book! Honestly just doing this every day is helping you so much! You know it, you…


Added by Annie on June 21, 2017 at 9:37am — 1 Comment

Wishing for Death

Hello to everyone who spent time to read this post.

Well, these days I found myself not wanting to live anymore. It isn't that my life is really bad, in fact, it's a pretty normal life. I'm preparing for college, my exams are over and the results won't be that bad- maybe good. My family is good and well, I'm not that lonely. I have friends I can share my situation without worrying that they'll turn their backs on me.

But whenever I'm alone and espacially whenever I'm thinking…


Added by Cemre on June 20, 2017 at 2:06am — 2 Comments

Getting through stuff

I'm been a bit panicky. Well, it happens. I have been dozing off a bit. I call daydreaming out of nowhere, "dozing off". All I have been doing is going in and out the hospital since my mom is in there. When I drive, it is annoying tho.

Either way, I am writing my next book as I can. It has been five months now. I've never taken that long to write a book. It usually takes about three months. I'm thinking of taking an extra month of writing it.

Other than that, I'm okay. I'm…


Added by Alexis S Silver on June 14, 2017 at 7:56pm — No Comments


Just found out my mom has cancer. Big shock. Don't feel like doing anything. If anything, I actually thought that I would die before my parents. I would actually prefer that.

I thought about my reaction from hearing the news. On the inside, I was feeling very torn. The only expression I could give out was a subtle frown. I was never really good at showing my emotions on my own. When I am daydreaming, I would go all out with it. I would speak out my daydreams, walk in circles, and show…


Added by Alexis S Silver on June 10, 2017 at 4:51pm — No Comments

Feeling adrift

I have a few different DD scenarios that I cycle through & over an undetermined course of time will switch over to the next. Lately though I've had a difficult time getting that connectedness feeling once I've move to my next scenario. When this occurs, I feel as though I'm suspended in space & it's terribly unnerving. Not sure what I can do to change this but I'm open to suggestions.

Added by OhMyMagenta on May 31, 2017 at 6:58pm — 2 Comments

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