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Lately, I've been getting better at controlling myself and not daydreaming all the time.


But I'm surprised at how depressed I get. Is it like a withdrawal thing... has anyone else dealt with this? It's like if you're not daydreaming you're forced to face real life, and real life isn't the happiest thing for someone who's daydreamed their life away. It really empties me, like I don't have much to think about.

Added by Amanda Lynne on May 15, 2012 at 4:52pm — 5 Comments

Nothing wrong with the folks in my head..

Everytime i read someone with MD, the first thing they say or write is that they've been DD for as long as they remember. In fact i think that is the same with me. I can't remeber or maybe i'm so much into DD that i think that i've been all my life doing it. Sometimes i get angry with myself, with the fact that i can't pass one day without DD (Is really strange on how we write the word "daydreaming", if i say to someone who is not in the same situation as me:  "DD" i dont think…


Added by yaelHaas on May 15, 2012 at 7:15am — 1 Comment


Apparently I am INFJ

Jung Type Descriptions

enfpenfjentpentj | estjesfj | estp | …


Added by Jennifer Rose on May 14, 2012 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

Traumatized After A Car Accident. :o

Hello Wild Minds,


I hope you're all doing well. Happy Monday. :P I just need to vent, I guess, after going through another "big point" in my life.

     Earlier today my mom told me she needed to go to the library to return some books. At first I jumped at the idea, I wanted to go. Then I didn't want to go because I had other plans. Can anyone take a wild guess as to what those plans might have been? That's right,…


Added by Jennifer on May 14, 2012 at 7:30pm — 4 Comments

Adaptive D.

Its my first blog in here..Thank you for creating a network..where i can accept myself as i am.. and maybe talk with someone who will wake me up in a sort of way.

Thank you Wild Minds Network :)

Added by yaelHaas on May 14, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Some of my techniques :)

So, I've been going to the doctor, gettin' tested for ADD and all that, and I'm still waiting for the results. Have to admit, I'd be really excited to get some "focus medicine" but I know at the end of the day, that stuff wears off and I have to have some kinda inner will power.


Sooo, here's some of the stuff I do to keep from daydreaming:


1)I get P.O'd

Sounds weird, but I do and it helps. Not at myself, at whatever's making me daydream. I kinda kick it…


Added by Amanda Lynne on May 14, 2012 at 3:31pm — 4 Comments

How did MD start for you?

I'm still baffled at the fact I found this site and others like me. I've been doing this since i was maybe 7 or

8 so 20 years now and yesterday was the FIRST time I ever decided to.find out why I do this and is it normal. It all started when i was a little girl, I was an only child at the time, I was shy and had no friends and i made my dolls talk to each other, created lives for them, names the whole 9. So when I got to old to play with my toys everything went over to daydreams and it…


Added by 2cute4u24 on May 11, 2012 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

I live with fictional characters in my head!!

I've been doing this since I was like 11 or 12.

It started when I started to really get into the harry potter series.

I constructed a world were I talked to the main trio + draco malfoy in the muggle world because I had been expelled and had to live as a normal muggle. And then for a period of time I even lost my memory and didn't know I was a witch.

Then the longest and my most complicated one was with the character Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist. Which…


Added by Ollie Dee on May 10, 2012 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

Does anybody else not name their characters?

Some of mine have names, and some don't. It seems completly random. Sometimes when I first start forming a character, I'll come up with a name that seems to fit perfectly, and it will just stick. But other times, I don't even realize that the character has no name, until I'll be imaging a dialog scenerio, and suddenly I'll be like, uh, oops. My main character has no name. I've tried to pin several on her, but they never stick. Somehow I feel like she doesn't need a name. Does anyone else do…


Added by Rose Owen on May 9, 2012 at 11:29am — 5 Comments

Horrible DDs and bad concentration...Oh, and hi!

Hi, I guess this is a little
 rant intro.

So, Monday I was sick, staying home and avoiding school. Well, technically I couldn't get myself out of bed, which is a battle I seem to fight every morning because every time I wake up the daydreams take over. I never thought much of my daydreams, I have a bad memory so I can only remember a couple of years back in detail, but as far as I know my daydreams have been part of my life for a…


Added by Margie W on May 9, 2012 at 12:06am — No Comments

Confession and my favorite DD character.

When I came to this site I did not think I had DD. But after explaining to some people on here how much I think about going on adventures and about my characters others have said that I do not only think about them, I am actually DDing. So I actually do have something like MD but not QUITE MD. But anyways on to the next thing.

And so I am taking the plunge and the insults and criticisms as I tell you about my character. I am going to start at the beginning ^.^ That way no one judges… Continue

Added by Will Paine on May 8, 2012 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Need help with creative ideas for a novel?

Sorry if I've been posting so much!

But does anyone have any good ideas, charters, plots, settings, story lines, ANYTHING  if you guys like to share... I got an idea already but i don't think it'll take me very far. Perfectibility fiction ideas? Things you'd like to read about?  Thank You!

Added by Ellie Hale on May 7, 2012 at 3:46pm — 4 Comments

helpful quote by Dale Carnegie

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” - Dale Carnegie

Added by Laura Gardiner on May 7, 2012 at 1:53am — 2 Comments

Realizing new things in my life related to gad-md and therapy

Didn't want to set a title warning about this being vent/rant/drama because they are my real feelings, but i guess others may see it that way so you know what to do, stop reading and go do something else.

That said i'll start: it's 3h30am, i took my 2mg rivotril at dinner time and it usually knocks me down feel hours later. GAD is back for sure and it's been time it doesn't show up as heavy as this. I'm dead tired and still thoughts won't…


Added by Raz on May 7, 2012 at 12:27am — No Comments

rewriting movie lines while you watch

Not sure where to put this. Its not like I am delusional or something. I just imagine what would be the 'optimal' things for the characters to say, if I were in their shoes or I was writing a script.

My fear of social situations is so bad that I have stopped watching many movies and tv shows because there is an awkward situation. I am too empathic, it feels like all that shit is actually happening to me and I get nervous.

Added by fish.the.bulb on May 6, 2012 at 12:35pm — 1 Comment

Daydreaming all my life

I have been daydreaming as long as I can remember since a child- I am now nearly 50 & feel that I have dreamt my life away. By the time I was 18 I realised that I needed to stop the excessive dreaming as it was affecting my whole life. Ever since then I have tried and failed to stop.

I have wasted so much time. I spent holidays & days out with people ignoring them & going to bed early just so I could dream.…


Added by Frances Dignam on May 5, 2012 at 11:08pm — 1 Comment

He, on the verge of a mental breakdown and Md gone?!

Okay so Ii guess this has been going on for a week or two. I have slowly just lost myself and today it hit. Normally I can just hide my emotions and fake it but today I can't even force a smile, at least a believable looking one. Anyways my emotions are out of control, we went to go see the Avegers movie today and for te first 30 mins of it I kept crying ands freaking out over the brightness of the screen, how loud the sound was, and evey single shot,punch, or sound effect they had in the… Continue

Added by Jenna on May 5, 2012 at 3:00pm — 8 Comments!?

hey everyone! before today i had never even heard of the term MD. Earlier on, i was randomly thinking about how i always daydream and thought of the term 'i live in my mind' to describe i googled it to see if anyone else had come up with it, and ended up here! reading through the symptoms was honestly quite scary because i can relate to most of them :\ its only now starting to occur to me that there may be something wrong with starting to realise that i use my…


Added by LivingInA Bubble on May 5, 2012 at 2:10pm — No Comments

I Want to Introduce New Music, My Singing, and My Personal Compostions to You =)

Hello everyone!


To start off, I just wanted to say thank you times a million to those of you who helped me get through my issues by commenting and helping me with my last post. I really appreciate all of your help. It really helps me out to know that there are others like me who are going through the same thing. :)


Anyways, I know a lot of great bands, and I know I have posted a blog similar to this one before, but this time it will be a little…


Added by Jennifer on May 5, 2012 at 11:00am — 11 Comments

Am I going to be alone for the rest of my life?

I was just wondering. All my characters in my daydreams have a significant other. I may have family and friends who love me, but I don't have that one person. What really gets me is this: I'm like 100% okay with being single. I actually prefer to be single. I guess the romance I create in my head is enough for me. 

Is this wrong? I don't want to have a boyfriend because in my head I'm already involved with so many other people..... And now, I'm starting to wonder if the reason…


Added by Hana on May 4, 2012 at 9:45pm — 2 Comments

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