Need help with creative ideas for a novel?

Sorry if I've been posting so much!

But does anyone have any good ideas, charters, plots, settings, story lines, ANYTHING  if you guys like to share... I got an idea already but i don't think it'll take me very far. Perfectibility fiction ideas? Things you'd like to read about?  Thank You!

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Comment by LostSoul99 on June 1, 2012 at 9:13pm

a rich beautiful teenage girl runs away when her boyfriend cheats on her with her best freind. The town she goes to is a mysterious, isolated town. Soon a breathtaking man seduces her and she is taking into a world of danger, mystery, and seduction. She falls in love with the guy and later finds out that he is a vampire. She drinks his blood and it gives her unnatural powers and gives her an ecstatic feeling and causes him to know exactly where she is at all times. She moves in with him but later she gets found by her family and freinds and is forced to make a decision. But will the guy who passionately loves her ever let her leave? And how will her former boyfriend feel if he sees her with this new man? And will her guilty best friend help her escape the trap of a dangerous man?

Comment by Jenna on May 11, 2012 at 4:39am
Hmm well I write and write. I never come up wih a plot really at first maybe a basic idea and charcters but a lot of it I just make it up as it goes along. Then I have a tensa to completly change what I wrote. Haha yeah I don't write like most.

Well hmm first I would start with the charcters. First how many and what ate they there for? Then I go wiht the names and start listing general information about them:Age, Race, religion, etc. Then just think of a basic kind of conflict.

Hmm sorry Ivam not much help and for blabbing on. The way I write, is just strange.
Comment by varghese e david on May 9, 2012 at 3:17am

Time ,Space,Existence and characters based on this are essential for  a novel,itz bigger than life some whoever around you ,observe  conflicting characters of them in this chaotic ridden life ,elaborate......write without any influence.dont do anything for taking for  granted,think genuine from your viewpoint.. and do write.all the best!!!!

Comment by Jennifer on May 7, 2012 at 5:46pm
Hi, Ellie!

I have been writing a story based off of my daydreams...Maybe you could write one based off of yours? Just a suggestion. This is kind of cool because if your daydreams are like something that could never happen in real life, then it would make a great fantasy novel. If your daydreams are based off of something that could happen in life, or maybe even based off of something you personally went through, it would make a great realistic fiction novel. :) My daydreams are based off of some things I've actually experienced in my life, and the rest of it are things that could possibly happen.
Just a thought. :) Some with MD say their daydreams makes them a more creative person. And if you have an emotional attachment with the characters in your daydreams, then it would be easier to connect with the characters in your story, and make them more realistic to the reader. ^.^
Good luck!

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