When I was younger I didn't worry much about MD because I thought I would grow out of it during my teenage years. But I haven't yet. I don't mean to be offensive but I see that there are people in their fifties that still haven't grown out of it and that scares me so bad. MD isn't a battle i'm willing to fight most of my life. MD has ruined so many opportunities for me and ruined friendships that its not even worth the benefits that it gives me.  Its so controlling and so life influencing it makes me upset that it's not seen as a real mental issue. I do admit its fun doing it, but what are we getting out of it? Sometimes in the middle of my daydreams I realize none of this is real and will never be real. While most of my friends are out partying i'm literally doing nothing. Its very upsetting. I've wasted so much of my younger life focusing on something that literally never happened and it's scary because I don't know if i'll even completely stop doing it.

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Comment by Jennifer on December 22, 2013 at 8:44pm

You are just like me, girl. I thought the same when I was younger. I didn't really think anything of it, because I thought it was normal to have fantasies, and I expected to just slowly stop as a teenager. But, that didn't happen. And it's probably not going to. 

I totally understand what you mean. Daydreaming is like an obsession. I'm so attached to people I completely made up in my head and don't exist. This daydream scenario is like my second life. It's nearly the one and only thing I think about. It's awful. You are not alone! I understand every single word. But, we are all here for you. It scares me too, and it scares a lot of people. But, we all understand everything you are talking about. We've all been there, or are there now. We can all relate. If not all of us, than most of us. One thing I've learned, though: controlling it is up to me. I have to decide whether I can afford to daydream each time I want to, or each time I catch myself doing it. 

Best of luck to you! I am always here to talk, if you really want to. :) I am a teenage girl, too, so I totally understand where you're coming from. Nice to meet you, Ellie!

Comment by Teagan Heart on December 14, 2013 at 9:23pm

I do encourage you, and I'm praying for you. You will win!

Comment by Teagan Heart on December 14, 2013 at 9:20pm

I completely feel you 100%. You are not alone. I want to come out of this too. We are struggling with the same thing. I can't believe this. I'm gonna try to write out schedules and see how that works. That should help.

Comment by Kim Katz on December 10, 2013 at 3:31am

I can understand your fear. I am the 40's and MDD has reuined my life; no friends, no lovers,  lost in  my bloody dreams BUT I did not know, did not realized until a few months ago what was going on with me. You on the otehr hand KNOW what you are suffering from and therefore you can do something to stop that.  Fight against that, speak to a psychologist, he /she will help you to unederstand why you do that and at least minimize your MDD. You can do it !!!!!  I now our dreams wan be fantastic but real life can also be, so do your best to live real life .  You can do it !! :-)


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