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Anyone Else DDing Since Childhood?

As I've been reading blog posts (and, yes, I've already sort of touched on this in my Introductions blog post) I've been noticing that a lot of people have been talking about their MD beginning sometime in their teens or young adult years. They talk about when they started doing it and what made them start. As I've already mentioned, though, DDing has been a large and disruptive part of my life since as far back as I can remember. And, according to my parents, it's been happening even before…


Added by Erin on November 27, 2012 at 5:07pm — 13 Comments

Sleeping Problems

I'm sick and tired of waking up several times during the night because my brain expects this time as a designated daydream time. Sure, maybe sometimes I wake up because I'm in an uncomfortable position or something, but at the very least I cannot go back to sleep until I've daydreamed for a few hours.

It probably started when a few times I must have woken myself up, and I used daydreaming to pass the time while I went back to sleep, but not it is habit and I can't handle waking up…


Added by Lydia Rauch on November 26, 2012 at 6:13pm — 7 Comments


I have a habit of lying to everyone I know. Have I ever talked to you? If so I have probaby lied to you. It can be about anything, insignificant, or crucial. What I just relaized is that I will lie to other people in my daydreams. As weird as that is.

Apart from that in my sleeping dreams I often lie to and argue with the other people in them. It's the strangest thing, I guess after a while lying became normal to me, so now my unconcious considers it normal as well.

Added by Marcus Camby on November 25, 2012 at 11:42pm — 10 Comments

Anybody dding surrounding sex?

Really!?  In my dd I am the sexiest thing around. LOL!  I don't sleep around in it, I just have a husband who adores me and can't get enough.  Ok, maybe that part of dding is a little sad.  :(  My "real husband" is great but, not so great.

Added by LJ on November 25, 2012 at 9:21pm — 7 Comments

Your Story

Hi Everyone, my name is Zoe Ridgway and I am currently in my final year of high school in Australia. I do not have MD, I stumbled across this site in my research for a short story that I plan on writing in regard to MD. It's about a woman who is undiagnosed with MD and virtually bed-ridden. Her son tries to 'wake her up' by manifesting the positive parts of her daydream in reality, from her bedroom to even their town. I feel deeply for what you all have to go through and I want my story to… Continue

Added by Zoe Ridgway on November 25, 2012 at 7:07pm — 7 Comments

Trading a cruse for a Gift

Lately daydreaming is just boring and seem to continue on without a real purpose at all. I honestly have no will or want to continue to daydream away my life. I don't know if it is the medicine that affected me the most or what but I just don't want to anymore.

I decided it's time to trade this curse for a gift, I must earn. As many of you know I wish to be a writer when I grow up and it has been helping and keeping me busy from day dreaming. I have come to conclusion that instead of…


Added by Jenna on November 25, 2012 at 6:11pm — 8 Comments

Hi and thank you

I am 58 years old and here is my story. Ever since I was a young girl around 7 or 8 I used to always pretend that people that I liked and wanted to be with were always around me and talking with me and I with them. I could change the scene to suit my emotions. If I was having a good time with friends and I  had to come home after playing and I had to go to bed, I used to keep the vibe going in my head while I listened to music and rocked. I have always envisioned people that I wanted to be…


Added by Donna Fuelling on November 25, 2012 at 10:05am — 2 Comments

Day 8

so i usually like a few days to go by before i write another blog but today i hit a big trigger i couldnt sleep much last night so i gave up trying i turned on the tv and a commercial was on the girl in the commercial was a celebrity i used to obsess about i used to use her in my fantasies i had never seen the commercial before so i was surprised by it i had the urge to watch it again and again so i could get it in my head and i could daydream about it and about her


i fought…


Added by Jordan on November 25, 2012 at 9:32am — 1 Comment

Dream Recall

Been reading about today and read something that relates to me and wondered if it did to any of you.

Research has found that frequency of dream recall is associated with absorption and related personality traits, such as openness to experience and proneness to dissociation. A…


Added by Jade on November 25, 2012 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

My dding pattern.

I just discovered my pattern for my extreme dding:  Always during difficult times when my "real life" is going out of sorts.  Especially when I am depressed or hurting.  This is the one part of my life that I can control.  Today I just spent tody day dreaming. ALL DAY........  It felt good and bad at the same time.  Good because I was relaxed.  Bad because i just wasted a day I could have been out with my kids.  Instead I begged off when a friend offered to take us to the…


Added by LJ on November 25, 2012 at 12:05am — 3 Comments

Saying goodbye

"Saying goodbye, why is it sad? Makes us remember the good times we've had. Much more to say, foolish to try. It's time for saying goodbye."

I called all my characters in front of me, and I told them goodbye. I told them that though they'd inspired me, mentored me, taught me, loved me, and even challenged me, it was time for me to move on - to try living in the real world. I knew some of them were proud of me, and some - especially the boyfriend - were sad.

I even charged… Continue

Added by Erin Kaye on November 24, 2012 at 10:19pm — 4 Comments

Day 7

 let me start by saying happy thanksgiving everyone!!

its day 7 i didnt think i could make it past thanksgiving being a stressful day for alot people surrounded by family and other people....


Im sitting in my room wondering what i was thinking when i thought it would be a good idea to try and quit daydreaming during the most stressful time of the year.....i started this whole thing back in january everytime i "fell off the wagon" i got right back on the longest i went…


Added by Jordan on November 24, 2012 at 4:52pm — 2 Comments

Trying To Figure Out How This Started

I've been looking through some of the other blogs on here and then I got to thinking of how/when DD came in to my life.  I never had any traumatic experiences and my home life was pretty good growing up.   I didn't really remember having DD's often during high school.  Maybe  at that time in my life, between going to school and school activities and working part time, I just didn't have the time or energy to DD.  

I don't think my DD's really started to become vivid until I was about…


Added by Kevin M on November 24, 2012 at 3:22pm — 1 Comment

Worst year of DDing! Really struggling now.

Ok so I'm 29 and been DDing for as long as I can remember. I've always been able to keep it under control most of the time, so that it doesn't interfere with my daily life. Il just do it in an evening when I go to bed.

As I've got older iv been doing it more and more, taking myself to my bedroom during the day, closing the door and DDing. But even then I was still able to work full time and have a social life.

Over the past few years it has become more and more intense,… Continue

Added by Nicola on November 24, 2012 at 10:33am — 3 Comments

It didn't start on its own

I've read many MDer's stories on when and how it all started for them and many have no reason why. For years I wondered why I started my MD world and looking back I've come to realize it was because of my mum. She has Borderline Personality Disorder which included her suffering from severe paranoia. I wasn't allowed out much because she was scared of the outside world and kept me in and as close as possible. I'm an only child by the way, so she was very over protective. I developed a fear of…


Added by Jade on November 24, 2012 at 9:04am — 6 Comments

We can't escape it.

I've read things where people talk about what happens when they stop daydreaming. Is there anyone who just CAN'T stop? Even if I really try, I can't do it. I DD constantly, and no matter what I do, I can't stop, not ever for seconds. When I'm talking to someone, I still do it in the back of my head. I have read this is just like any other addiction, but I don't think so at all. For example, an alcoholic cannot drink if there is not any alcohol to consume, obviously, but we always have our… Continue

Added by Grace on November 24, 2012 at 8:54am — 5 Comments

An Unhealthy Addiction?

I sometimes find myself putting off school work or dreading going to work because all I want to do is cuddle up in bed and daydream. Even when I'm falling asleep, I go into my "other" life and I'm in bed with my "husband" and he's holding me. Sometimes I think it's unhealthy because like I said, I procrastinate and hate going to work because I can't spend time in my "other" world if I'm doing school work or at work.

I remember when I was in Elementary school and high school, I…


Added by Ziggy Valentine on November 23, 2012 at 11:36pm — 5 Comments

There are people like me out there? ;-)

Wow.  I am not alone apparently.  I have been living and reliving fantasy lives in my head for over forty years.  Amazing that I am not alone as all these years I've thought that I'm just crazy and no one knows about it!  I started a blog to sort of journal my journey of change.  If anyone wants to read it, it's at

I'm not sure that daydreaming is really a good term for this.  Daydreaming sounds so simple, so…


Added by mymendingwall on November 23, 2012 at 8:00pm — 5 Comments

My story x

I can't express how good it is to know I'm not alone with MD. I only a couple of days ago found a name for my excessive daydreaming.

I started daydreaming a lot when I was about 8 years old, acting out things from books, off the TV and what I saw in everyday life. I couldn't go to sleep at night without day dreaming for at least 2 hours, and it's still the same for me…


Added by Jade on November 23, 2012 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Not sure what Im coping with.

Hi I had an account on here a year ago or so, but I forgot the email address associated with it, so here I am again.

I've been maladaptive day dreaming for as long as I can remember. A lot of people start doing it to distract themselves from bad things, the thing is nothing bad has ever happend to me. My life is peaches  and roses. (That's probably not a reall saying is it..)

And in addition to the whole daydreaming thing, Im also Bulimic, I self-harm, and I have issues with…


Added by Marcus Camby on November 23, 2012 at 2:22am — 1 Comment

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