June 2013 Blog Posts (46)


I hate being with kids my age. I feel so different from them. Whenever there are group projects, I get upset because I rather be alone. I don’t want to hang out with my friends because its honestly boring. There is nothing wrong with them, its me. I think. But honestly, I have a best friend, he just doesn’t exist to normal people. In fact, I do have a group of friends, they just don’t exist to normal people. I also have a family, I love them very much and we have some crazy…


Added by Roseley Hahn on June 15, 2013 at 1:23pm — 3 Comments

Has it really been 8 months? Part 3

Part 3 begins...



Added by Hana on June 14, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Back on Wild Minds

Well, I stop coming in WMN because I am addicted to the internet but it does not help. I use as much time on the net anyway. So better be there where I can speak about what is realy the problem than using hours to read about realy stupid things.

I am not DD so much now. My DD are on "replay mode", that mean I got back to situations I have immagine monts or year ago.

I am stil going to my concelor but we most of the time do not speak about DD. We speak about me dealing with real…


Added by Pascale on June 13, 2013 at 3:53am — 1 Comment

Can't Daydream

I guess this is just a rant.

My doctor put me on Abilify to stop my daydreams or delusions as she calls them. I hate it. My head feels so empty. I can't think at all. I miss my world and I know that I shouldn't want it so bad, but I do.  If I don't have my world, I don't have a life. I don't have real friends. I don't have the freedom to go out and do things like I do in my daydreams. Without my daydreams, my depression has gotten so much worse. I just feel empty.

I can't tell…


Added by littleschrodinger'scat on June 12, 2013 at 10:52am — 9 Comments

When Do You Feel Most Likely To MD?

It seems when i'm in a good mood, those are hardest times to stop MDing.  When i'm in a bad mood, i usually feel like focusing my mind on something else.  When are the worst times for you?

Added by Rick on June 11, 2013 at 4:06pm — 6 Comments

Just need to vent this..

One day while in the car I looked in the mirror (don't worry I wasn't driving my mom was) and said "Ugh my acne is so bad". Jokingly I said "Why am I so ugly".

My mom says "Maybe you need therapy. It's not normal for you to be complaining about things like this and you calling yourself ugly" "You get too emotional and I am scared one day you will do something"

This really upset me because...

1.) I was joking around. I am fine with my appearances. Along time ago I had low… Continue

Added by otakugirl on June 11, 2013 at 10:12am — 3 Comments

How do you feel when you catch others M.Ding?

Today during my lunch break I walked through a crowd of people and spotted one well dressed gentlemen very clearly talking to himself. Mimicking facial expressions etc while he was walking along....it really mad me feel better.

I thought well at least I am clearly not alone and I am not MDing now so whatever attention he gets from people around us, at least it's diverted away from me.

Has anyone caught someone else random stranger or someone you know blatantly MDing?

Added by Faye on June 10, 2013 at 12:33pm — 3 Comments

I need a hobby

I moved into a new place today and I share a house with several roomates. I think this move will help with my MD greatly, at least along the lines of decreasing the ability for me to actively indulge in MD. What I mean by this is purposefully letting my self indulge in a trigger. The way my new room is set up, I cannot play my music at night and do my pacing/hoping thing without gaining unwanted attention.  It is also summer, so I think I will take the opportunity to  avoid watching tv…


Added by Wakethenight on June 8, 2013 at 9:14pm — 3 Comments

Daydreaming about characters I feel sorry for.

Hey, I was observing my daydreams and I've noticed a pattern. A lot of my daydreams include characters from books or tv shows that I feel intensely sorry for. They are usually victims of some sort and I daydream about enpowering them. My recent character that I daydream is about an adopted girl that had made many sacrifices for her family. She's a very kind-hearted, selfless girl but her foster family always mistreats her. They treat her differently from their biological kids. It's pretty…


Added by LostSoul99 on June 8, 2013 at 3:49pm — 6 Comments

Acting out on your frustration in MD

Yesterday, I had a baffling encounter, it was supposed to be part job interview/ part information interview except the woman sitting across the boardroom table from me was either deeply inept or very stoned (or both?). It shocked me to the core because I am a lot more qualified than she is and yet not only was she patronizing, but she was literally making annoying childish whining sounds as I tried to ask her basic questions about the company. 

I felt like I was being…


Added by Faye on June 8, 2013 at 9:57am — 2 Comments

Acting out on your frustration in MD

Yesterday, I had a baffling encounter, it was supposed to be part job interview/ part information interview except the woman sitting across the boardroom table from me was either deeply inept or very stoned (or both?). It shocked me to the core because I am a lot more qualified than she is and yet not only was she patronizing, but she was literally making annoying childish whining sounds as I tried to ask her basic questions about the company. 

I felt like I was being…


Added by Faye on June 8, 2013 at 9:57am — 1 Comment

Has it really been 8 months? Part 2

Part 2 starts now:



Added by Hana on June 7, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Hello there...

I'm a hungarian girl, who daydreams a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean all the time. I'm doing it since I was eight years old, I can't remember exactly. It's not about just imagining myself as successful, beautiful, or as a movie star... I have different characters representing me (various gender even), and I also have at least fifty more... with personalities, and unique stories. I created a complex world system, with dimensions, timelines and histories. 

It would be great if me and…


Added by escarei on June 6, 2013 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

What I think about

i think about lots of things , being a hero or motivational speaker, or my life being more interesting than it is.

I day dream while I drive and this scares my husband because of the kids. My son knows when I day dream because he see's my lips move and tells me to stop. Pretty sad huh?

Added by Amie m Walter on June 6, 2013 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

Could MD be genetic?

So today I went to tell my mom about my MD and she said she does it too and that she's been that way since she was a kid.She apearently always thought it was normal. It would make since for her to have it since she had a lot of trauma in her childhood,but could I have possibly inherited it?

Added by Danielle Young on June 5, 2013 at 6:28pm — 3 Comments

Don't think, just do

Does anyone remember the Disney channel movie "Genius"? well neither do I, but for some reason there was a line in that movie that hit me like a ton of bricks. That I have never forgotten, and has become sort of a way of life. And that is "Don't think, just do". It is both positive and negative , depending on how I use it. Weather real or fantasy, sometimes memories come back and I am overcome by the exact feelings I had at that particular moment, and it seems as if im back there again, and…


Added by Sky with Diamonds on June 5, 2013 at 1:59pm — 2 Comments

This fight can be won

 I now a lot of us feel disappointed when we fail to force our daydreams to stop, but the truth they can't be stopped that way.  (If you don' t believe me, check out this article http://www.wjh.harvard.edu/~wegner/pdfs/Wegner,Schneider,Carter,&White%201987.pdf.). We must find other ways to…


Added by Remus on June 4, 2013 at 9:54am — 4 Comments

what my boyfriend said about my md

my bf was really depressed the other day. I dont really want to say why but he kept saying "i wish i was more like you. you're so normal."


so i decided to tell him about my md to show him how not normal I am. He was actually really interested and wanted to know more about it and my daydream and characters. He said it wasnt weird at all, and he thinks its cool that i have an escape from reality like that. I went through my sketchbook with him (hes seen it before but now…


Added by ashlee on June 3, 2013 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

Tried hardly

After joining this site and knowing that there're people like me,I relaxed.I also got motivated to stop my MD,so for two days I seriously tried to control my MD,I kept myself busy with studying and had long chats with my friends but at some point it stopped being beneficial and I found myself in a suffocating routine,so I escaped to my daydreams.

How'd my life be if I stopped daydreaming?it's going to be a suffocating routine.I tried to stop because I wanted to be normal but then it…


Added by Aseel on June 3, 2013 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

People who have not suffered through childhood trauma or abuse, how did MD begin with you?

I have seen a few times on the site that there are people who have never suffered from childhood traumas or abuse of any kind and yet are severe daydreamers. According to Dr. Eli Somer's research on MD, people who suffer from it most likely have suffered through traumatic childhood experiences and/or abuse. What are reasons for someone with a "normal" childhood to begin MDing?

Added by Erica on June 3, 2013 at 1:29am — 10 Comments

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