Has it really been 8 months? Part 2

Part 2 starts now:


SOOOO..... One day back in January I had been at youth group and during all my running around (figuratively of course, I don't really do any physical activity.... hahaha.... sigh) being the boss lady and doing everything, my foot started to hurt. The next morning I woke up and the ball of my foot was the size of an egg! It was really painful so I went to the doctor. Now I go an office where I can see any random doctor, I don't have a primary physician anymore; so I ended up seeing a doctor that my sister and I refer to as “Dr. Quack” because he's not really good and he's kind of stupid. I had specifically asked to get an x-ray but he made me bend my toe down and told me it wasn't broken. BUT it wasn't my toe that hurt, it was the ball of my foot! So he really should have taken an x-ray. He told me that I could have GOUT! What? Gout? No, there's no way I could have gout I told him. I’m young, it's not in my family history, I don't eat an excess of red meat, and I don't drink any alcohol. (He didn't believe me on that last one, he tried saying that “even a small glass of wine....” I stopped him and reiterated “I DON'T DRINK ANY ALCOHOL AT ALL. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.” I could tell he still didn't believe me. I always got the sense from him that his daughters were complete whores because he seemed to compare me to them. I’m sooo sorry I can't be a lush like the rest of the women in your life Dr. Quack, but I knew I didn't have gout.) Anyway, he gave me an intense anti-inflammatory that did nothing at all.

After about a month I was still in pain so I went to a Podiatrist. She took an x-ray and told me I broke one or two small bones in the ball of my foot called a Sesamoids. She wasn't 100% positive because there was still a lot of swelling so I had to get an MRI. That revealed a crack in one of them. So I had been walking around for about 2 months on a broken foot; and for all of March and April, and half of May, I was walking around in a big boot. It was uncomfortable at first and people kept staring at me like I was some sort of monster, but it was all worth it. My foot is better now and I can comfortably wear sneakers and even sandals (if they have a small wedge on the back of them. Not a huge wedge, but just enough to take pressure off the front of my foot.) So I’m doing better now, I’m just struggling to pay all of my doctor bills. I have to pay $40 each time I visit the doctor and I had 4 visits, so that's $160 right there. I’ve had 2 sets of x-rays at $66 each, so that's $132. And the MRI at the hospital cost $74. So I’m looking at a grand total of $366. I’ve actually paid most of it, I still have to pay for my MRI and one set of x-rays, I’m just really impressed with my ability to pay for all of this off of a babysitter's salary. Go me!

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