Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I'm starting to wonder if the parts of the brain that are responsible for dreaming at night, during REM sleep are responsible for daydreaming as well. I've noticed recently, that my MD's are more prevalent in the mornings (as I am waking up) and the context of my daydreams are more unrealistic and troubling than they are throughout the rest of the day.
I've also found that the dreams I wake up and remember can trigger hour-long daydreams that follow the same themes while I am…
ContinueAdded by bluemeasure on October 9, 2016 at 5:47am — 3 Comments
Recently I have been getting into the Myers Briggs test and have been finding some very interesting correlations between types. I'm an ENFP that has struggled with MDD my whole life. In descriptions of 'N' vs 'S' there is a common theme that N's are more "imaginative" and tend to day dream. It makes me wonder if types with strong N's are more likely to develop MDD. So could everyone post their MBTI type? I'm really interested if we will have an S types and how their DD differ from the…
ContinueAdded by Alex Lasky on September 19, 2016 at 11:33am — 10 Comments
Added by Mell D'Clute on September 18, 2016 at 11:43pm — 2 Comments
I've been lurking here for a long time but never posted. I've been curious about my condition but never thought I could fix it and figured it was too late anyway. I am 60 years old and have had MDD as long as I can remember. It has had a terrible effect on my life, kept me from relationships, career, etc. But I have been resigned to it and that's why I never posted.
I am posting now because something has disrupted my MDD and there is no one else I can turn to except this community. I…
ContinueAdded by Connie C. on September 8, 2016 at 3:56pm — 5 Comments
This isn't related to Daydreaming, but it's something weird that happened over the past 3 days.
So, yesterday, at around 8:00 AM, I was going to a nearby park; to jog. On the sidewalk, I saw a frail man; dressed in rags; shivering. The man called out to me and said that he has a fever and asked me to get him some paracetamol. I obliged but at 8:00 AM, the drugstores weren't open. So, I had to get some from my house. I ran to my house and my mom freaked out and told me not to go to the…
ContinueAdded by Kal on September 6, 2016 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments
Added by Mell D'Clute on September 5, 2016 at 3:43pm — 3 Comments
Boy, the things that happen when I'm not looking.
Is there any way to cut off the head of this NSFW out-of-place spamfest? Like a report button? I'm asking because I can't seem to find one.
To whoever is behind this annoying spambot: have you no shame? You're actively disrupting the activites of this site with couldn't-be-more-off-topic, repetitive content that nobody wants to see here, and you're flooding the whole place with it.
Dare you come out and justify…
ContinueAdded by Source on August 30, 2016 at 2:06pm — No Comments
I started a therapy, two months ago, both with a psychiatrist and a psychologist (here, in Argentina, are two separate and distinct professions). Psychiatrist gave me medication, specifically olanzapine, that is used for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. After two months of medications and therapy my MDD had almost disappeared but I started suffering from extreme depression, anxiety and paranoia (I must say that we are suffering from a terrible insecurity and criminality…
ContinueAdded by Kali_Maa on August 25, 2016 at 5:01pm — 2 Comments
I daydream too much,i cant seem to focus much.I find it difficult to sit at one place for long time.I have fidgety too.My room is always untidy,unless some cleans it,i eat lays a week ago and i gave wrapper of it today to my brother to throw it in dustbin as he was leaving the room.I do have problem with completing tasks plus and i am a complete procrastinator. Yesterday i had an exam i could not study much,i have severe lack…
Added by Agent53 on August 25, 2016 at 4:20am — 3 Comments
I've been lurking here since my first post over a year ago. A lot has happened since then, and I need to talk about it.
I think my daydreaming might have gotten worse, but maybe it just seems that way because my outer life has become more demanding.
I have three older sisters, and last fall was the first time that they were all away at college. For the most part, I can stay outside of my head when there are other people present. So sharing space with my sisters limited how much…
ContinueAdded by Olivia on August 22, 2016 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments
Added by Jesse on August 22, 2016 at 10:31am — 2 Comments
I have been trying to stop daydreaming for longer than I care to think about. Although I have had some successes, I have had many setbacks and have made but slow progress. But I keep trying despite how impossible it sometimes seems, holding on to fact that every bit of progress I make improves my life and the hope that one day I will be able to stop completely. I know there are others on this site who are also trying to stop daydreaming, and if you are anything like me you have likely…
ContinueOnce upon a time there was a girl who believed in love. She did all the right things, took the proper precautions and eventually fell in love. This boy ended up breaking her heart so she grew wiser and that much smarter. However, she couldn't manage to completely pull herself from the memory of that boy until she found someone else. He was handsomely stunning, guile, simple yet complex. A beautiful amalgamation of contradicting qualities that only seemed to set him more on fire in her eyes.…
ContinueAdded by Ilissia on August 2, 2016 at 11:25am — No Comments
Dear Maladaptive Daydreamers,
I know it's tough. I've been dealing with Maladaptive Daydreaming for all of my life. For most of my life, it was in absolute control of me. I was certain that it would never get better, let alone end, but it has...completely.
The journey began in 2007...if you can even call that a real beginning, for I was a long way away from even learning what this was, but that is where I began because that is when I found my courage.…
ContinueAdded by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on July 30, 2016 at 9:44pm — 6 Comments
i wasn't even pacing for one minute when i ran into the wall again and broke ANOTHER picture frame... probably the fifth one. i always tell my mom that the pictures randomly fell off the wall and broke, but i think she knows it's my MD. ive told her about it before, but she told me to stop telling her about it because it scares her. that was 5 years ago. i move into my apartment in september... i managed not to break anything in my dorm last year, but i don't know how i'm going to explain it…
ContinueAdded by debbie downer on July 21, 2016 at 10:52pm — No Comments
Second installment of the backstory of my alternate self, Amara Bouchard:
After arriving in Paris, France, in 1793, Amara met a 30 year old nobleman named Jacques. He was still unmarried and found her very charming and beautiful. After conversing with her at a coffee shop in downtown Paris, he invited to his home to see his library, as she was very fond of reading. Amara lied to him and told him that she was waiting until her family arrived in the city and just needed to stay…
ContinueAdded by Vendela Collins on July 21, 2016 at 9:53am — 1 Comment
Added by Wrena on July 20, 2016 at 12:50pm — No Comments
Added by Wrena on July 20, 2016 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments
Hello friends. I'm NE of this joint account, although I'm not sure my friend will post anytime soon. I've been suffering from MD for a while now, probably not as long as other people, but long. In fact, I'm not sure how long I've had it, I could have had it my whole life, or perhaps only a few years, I only noticed it as a problem when I was in seventh grade. But enough of my ramblings, onto the story.
~Quick side note, I often will refer to…
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