All Blog Posts (2,862)

So Close...

Well, for a few weeks there I was doing really well. My daydreaming had gone down from 6 hours per day to 15 minutes (on the walk home from school), if at all. Then I was faced with the possibility of changing schools, something I've wanted to do since I started there in year 8. I'm now in year 11, at a critical point in my education. I know that I'm going to be the odd one out if I do change, and so my MD mind immediately created a character that represented this. It happens every time I'm…


Added by Soul Dreamer on April 6, 2013 at 7:28pm — 1 Comment


I've noticed a lot of people using profanity on this site.  This is completely against the rules.  So far I've been giving people warnings and giving them the chance to change their behavior, but it keeps happening, and I'm tired of warning people.  If you can't speak respectfully and without profanity, then I'll suspend your account.  One person asked if they could use profanity if they starred it out.  Because I am willing to compromise, I will accept this, but you must star out most of…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on April 5, 2013 at 3:26pm — 12 Comments

Young adults and MD

I just thought of something that's been bugging me. When I was a kid, I daydreamed a lot, but it was never as obtrusive or as bad at it has been for me in the past couple of years. I wasn't a normal kid, but I wasn't as weird as I am now either. I was pretty well-functioning, I guess. My fantasies didn't really take over my life and get out of my control until high school. I found online that the symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder usually start as people get to be…


Added by Robin on April 4, 2013 at 6:50pm — 6 Comments

Celebrity Sufferer: Fiona Apple?

Hi Guys!

I'm new here, but have been experiencing Maladaptive Daydreaming since I was a child. I'll be 27 in a few weeks. I've had a long-running "obsession" (I'd prefer to call it appreciation!) for Fiona Apple. She's talked in interviews about having OCD, which it seems like she may have, but sometimes I wonder if she also suffers from MDS. In interviews last year, she talked about compulsively walking up and down a hill for 8 hours a day until she was injured to the point of…


Added by Brandon Ross on April 4, 2013 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

...There are others?!

For as long as I can remember I have had several other lives inside my head. When I was little, I remember walking like 10 metres behind my mum on our way to school every morning, so I could talk to myself and day dream. Ever since then, every  time that I am walking alone, I day dream. And, usually, it isn't even nice thing I'm dreaming about. It's being attacked, or hurt. It's people I love getting hurt. It's all these different scenarios. At first it was only walking, but now I do it at…


Added by Charlotte Williams on April 4, 2013 at 1:33pm — 1 Comment

Breaking my addiction is harder than I thought

So, at the beginning of this week, I decided that I was going to stop daydreaming altogether. Since I started college in August, I started going to a therapist for MDD and depression, and in the last couple of months I had cut my daydreaming down from hours a day to maybe 30 minutes or so. Not to mention, going to therapy helped my talk to my mom and have a much better relationship with her (she has borderline personality disorder but is finally getting it under control- she's the reason I…


Added by Robin on April 4, 2013 at 6:33am — 4 Comments

So long I have to take a break.

I have to stop comming to this site. My Internet addiction is getting worse than MD. This side is one of those I have to close for a wile.

Added by Pascale on April 4, 2013 at 3:58am — 1 Comment

Day 6-7- Rely on your loved ones.

Hi guys, just finished my research paper!, was brutal but Im glad Im done. I was home all day today tempted 4x for like 3 hours to "surface use" MD, I got out of the house and walked to starbucks and read a book there until I felt I had control and came home. FOR ALL DDERS quiting until they can control it, THERE IS A PRICE TO PLAY, and that price is sometimes having to constantly stop what your doing and engaging in something that will get your mind off DD( going out for a job, playing…


Added by Ray Sandhu on April 3, 2013 at 10:01pm — 2 Comments

God+MDD+Night Terror+Spiritual Moment. I have added them all into one. Read my story.

I am sorry I have written a lot but I would like you all to hear my story. The first paragraph is on my experience with God helping me with stopping my MDD. The second paragraph is on my night terror that is linked to both God and my MDD. Wow I never really thought i was this religious until now! Please try and enjoy if possible.



I don't know what you guys would call a spiritual moment but I believe it is…


Added by Sunshine on April 3, 2013 at 4:48pm — No Comments

Daydreaming pacing causing me liagment I the only one who paces?

Whenever I daydream I listen to music and I can pace my apartment for hours at a time and I can stand for hours at a time. Well that has caught up with me! For over three months I have had this horrible pain in my groin and I found out my ligaments are all out of whack, so now I am in physical therapy for it. I didn't tell my doctor that I pace and stand like that, but I kinda put 2 and 2 together. I just wanted to warn anyone who paces about this problem. I try to watch my posture now LOL,…


Added by Rae on April 3, 2013 at 2:03pm — No Comments

Roleplaying in my head

Do any of you guys try out different roles in your daydreams? The protagonists in my daydreams are not always consistent. Sometimes, the protagonist is a strong female warrior, other times she can be a battered abused woman or even a normal housewife. In the past few days, I daydream about a pregnant woman and saw her through childbirth, even though I have no desire to be pregnant at this time.

I like to daydream about being a different person and putting myself in their shoes,…


Added by taffle on April 3, 2013 at 10:39am — 2 Comments

How to "break up" with a specific daydream?

How do i "break up" with a specific daydream i've been having for like years? I'll admit it's a Harry Potter daydream lol. But it's gotten so boring lately. Like i've literally done every storyline i ould think of. There's nothing more to daydream about in that world anymore. And yet it's hard to escape it. Sometimes it's the first thing i think about when i wake up.

I have 3 major storylines, one including myself disguised as…


Added by KwanKwan on April 3, 2013 at 10:33am — 2 Comments

Day 5- Tired but Blogging :)

Hey guys! So today was pretty easy at least in terms of dealing with MD, mainly cause I was in the public eye for 95% of the day, so I didn't have a strong temptation to "surface use" but of course when Im at home, its a completely different level of temptation. But today went well, I just kept working on my History paper which is late, but right now Im motivated to just finish to the best of my capabilities. But other then that, i got nothing new today, just hope you guys had an amazing day…


Added by Ray Sandhu on April 2, 2013 at 2:02am — 1 Comment

How Much of Your Daydream Do You Control?

I tend to not have any control over most of my daydreams. As in I have no input. They sort of just play themselves out like a little movie in my head. Most of the time it clouds over my vision and I'm thrown into my dream world. Sometimes I'm part of the dream and sometimes I'm just watching. But whether or not I'm a character in the dream doesn't seem to give me any control over what is happening in the dream. Everyone I've spoken to that daydreams says that this hasn't happened to them and…


Added by Lee Kaufman on April 2, 2013 at 1:03am — 3 Comments

Will Therapy Help?

I've finally asked my mother to go to therapy. She's gonna make an appointment, and I feel pretty good about it. I've just finally had enough. I can't do this anymore, and I have to get over this, or at least not be so attached to my characters to the point I break down crying when I see iJustine with Fwiz (fwiz is his Youtube name, and he's NOT my character, I DD about Justine with her now-ex, Toby and them not being together kills me). I seriously cannot handle it. So, has anyone gone, and… Continue

Added by Grace on April 1, 2013 at 6:36pm — 2 Comments

portraits of people daydreaming- interesting

Smile-Inducing Portraits of People Lost In Daydreams and Happy Thoughts

Added by greyartist on April 1, 2013 at 5:07am — 1 Comment

Things are looking up

Here's a question: Maybe its not actually DDing that is holding us back? Maybe thats just what we tell ourselves and we believe it. For me, it still takes over my life and i have absolutley no handle on it. But latley ive been putting myself out of my comfort zone and good things are happening. I think ive been using DDing as an excuse to not make an effort with life. I realize now that i cant wait for life to happen. Because it wont. It wants you to make the first move, and then gives you…


Added by Sky with Diamonds on March 31, 2013 at 10:20pm — 1 Comment

Day 4- Sweat Equity keeping me focused from DDing

Hey guys,  just here with my daily update, I put in that sweat equity for 15 hrs!!!,  not easy though, isolation with no distractions while being deprived of DDing at times, not fun, but I promise to all of you MDers, who are trying to stop temporarily until they can control it, It may really suck throughout the day just having too go through the pain of being conscious and focused the whole day, but when all is said and at the end of the day, when you look back on the day it feels good to…


Added by Ray Sandhu on March 31, 2013 at 8:03pm — 1 Comment

Day 3- Hardwork pays off

Well, I didn't have time to even DD or at least "surface use" with music, cause I was working next to my study buddy all day at Uni for 14 hours! woot, but all I can say is even though I did have a strong urge at school to ask for my friends headphone and go into my world, I just went for a walk and grabbed some coffee, and came back and just got back into it, getting some fresh air can do the trick sometimes guys!, but only day 3, long way to go, but right now I feel good mainly cause of…


Added by Ray Sandhu on March 30, 2013 at 8:45pm — 3 Comments

fed up

I am totally get boring from this same situation and same scene always running on my mind.I honestly want to get out of this situatio na dmy friend recommended me to Doctor.Hope i will search a good sikertarist.I am totally fed up of this life.

Added by Silla Bakht on March 30, 2013 at 12:19pm — 3 Comments

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