All Blog Posts (2,857)

Why do some people not believe you when you are telling the truth?

I was confronted by a family member of mine accusing me of a serious matter and yet what they accused me of wasn't true so I obviously stood up for myself. They didn't believe AT ALL! I was in shock, because this person was my got to person; the kind of person you can trust ans has always been their for me. So I don't understand how they cannot believe or how they could ever believe what they are accusing me of.  I've began to wonder if they ever even knew me like I thought they…


Added by Jenny on July 21, 2013 at 6:57pm — 7 Comments

i am exhausted

Hello! Everyone, I have gotten out of my daydreaming land. I was happy when I was "released" or found out how to let go of daydreaming. Before I would daydream endlessly felling happy ,then gulity. Daydreaming would be a place I would feel safe , happy , and comforted almost. I was with my friends. I felt attatch to all of the chraters I created. I was attach to "that" world. And I could not let go. Now I. Have grown tried of my imagination. I do not feel at home when I think about my " world"… Continue

Added by KEONTE on July 21, 2013 at 1:20pm — No Comments

Saw a dietitian

Well, as some of you know, I'm really overweight and trying to work on that before it starts causing me health problems, so I saw a dietitian.  I expected her to tell me to stop eating all that I'm eating and to only eat fruit and vegetables.  Well, I was wrong.  I told her I like almost nothing, and what little food I do like, I don't really love.  I said I wished I didn't have to eat at all.  What little food I like is unhealthy and making me fatter and fatter.  Well, surprisingly, she…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on July 21, 2013 at 12:48pm — 7 Comments

My “Episodes” of MD: from Novelist Carol Plum-Ucci I watched Cordelia’s YouTube last night.  Cordelia, you are a sweet heart and your voice has much aloha to it—peaceful and soothing.  I’m new here, …

My “Episodes” of MD: from Novelist Carol Plum-Ucci

I watched Cordelia’s YouTube last night.  Cordelia, you are a sweet heart and your voice has much aloha to it—peaceful and soothing.  I’m new here, so this is my long-winded bleh bleh bleh first entry.


I have seven novels released with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.  My last write was grueling.  When I finished it finally, it’s like my mind snapped like a rubber band.  There appeared this array of…


Added by Carol Plum-Ucci on July 19, 2013 at 7:04am — No Comments

Creative Block

I am so frustrated right now. I am having a hard time daydreaming because I have run out of fantasy scenarios. All my characters are boring. All the stories and ideas and scenarios I have used over and over and over again. I'm bored. But this is so upsetting to me. I love daydreaming. I love my fantasy worlds. I don't know what to do. I have been watching t.v. and listening to music trying to get inspired but nothing is working. I get a glimpse of…


Added by Audrey on July 18, 2013 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Just another american movie

Tuesday. Gloomy day. Headache. Bad sleep. Bad start.

As the day goes by, I keep wondering about my future college. Philosophy. Does it sound good ? Probably not, if you're one of the 99% of people, just like my mom. " No future, no money, no hope. " – That's what she said.

Maybe she's right. The times of philosophy are far away now. Philosophy is practically dead. Dead and burried.

But how can you forget the love of your life, even if no one else remembers it ? God knows I…


Added by Insomnyac on July 16, 2013 at 11:28am — 1 Comment

Has This Happened To You?

Hello Everyone I recently discovered MD about two weeks ago and have been researching ways to stop DDing all the time. As of last week I was doing so well. I was forcing myself to interact with people, taking herbal supplements, and allowing myself only one hour of DDing time a day. Last Friday I went to sleep and had one of the most violent nightmares that I can remember. The nightmare embodied everything that I am afraid of in this current time of my life coming true. Since then I have…


Added by Brittiny D on July 15, 2013 at 10:40pm — 3 Comments

im out :i stop mding

hello! everyone i am here today to tell you i have gotten out of my daydreams. when i first start i had my ideal self of who i wanted to be .now i am happy just being me. i wanted  a family ,friends ,and someone to love me. at the end i got just that . they where waiting for me to come home. they want me to : find out that home is where ever family and friends and love was at . and you stand and fight for home no matter how tried ,alone and stupid you look you never give up on family,…


Added by KEONTE on July 15, 2013 at 4:32pm — 2 Comments

Lost, I guess. Summary of the past few weeks.

I apologize in advance for jumping around and making little sense.

A few weeks ago, I met someone online and was talking to them quite a bit for a few days. It was definitely in "real me" fashion, and as a result, the dding stopped in its usual fashion. I guess I was having DDs about this person. They were kind of brief, I guess. I have a hard time just "doing things" without envisioning it as something seen through the eyes as someone spying on me, and its a bit more fabricated than…


Added by Taylor on July 13, 2013 at 2:00am — 1 Comment


I receive a small sum (less than $1000 a month) from Social Security. Not for MD, they still haven't got the memo on what it is, but I receive social security for being mentally "ill". I want to encourage anyone who thought of applying, but changed their mind. I was awarded benefits long before I even knew MD by name. The Social Security Administration based their decision on how likely I was able to hold a job.  When being evaluated I just told them the truth. I'm a million different people…


Added by Lauren M on July 12, 2013 at 9:29am — 1 Comment

Is it any wonder that I am a Maladaptive Daydreamer when reality is so hard to grasp?

I'm starting to think that it isn't my MDing that makes life difficult. It's life being difficult that makes me MD.


Maybe I'm just seeing things the wrong way. Who could blame me? Right now I would give anything, anything at all to be able to just forget that my life is so hard right now. I wish I could, but I need privacy for MDing, and that is something I don't have right now. I'm so depressed right now that MDing probably wouldn't be as satisfying as it usually is anyway. …


Added by April Dawn Hale on July 12, 2013 at 1:44am — 2 Comments

Introducing :)

Well hello! :D

My name is Petra and I live in a beatiful country Croatia. To help prevent any confusion Canon is'nt my real last name. Its just the word I saw on my printer and, in lack of any other ideas, wrote down as my last name.  I know I'm stupid hahaha. Well, as I mentioned earlier I'm from Croatia and my native language is croatian , so I must warn you on many gramatical errors you will see and you have probably seen.  Don't be harsh on me :) I'm only 15 years old and I'm…


Added by Petra Canon on July 10, 2013 at 12:15pm — 3 Comments

Maladaptive Daydreaming- Prison or Escape

youtube link :

Blog post :

What is it to you? Many express it as an escape from reality,…


Added by greyartist on July 7, 2013 at 1:24pm — 6 Comments


hi! Iam zaenia and iam new here ... its was some 1 year back that i gotta know about my condition and i have been in this fantasay world for years and years. I tried to lessen it with my own remedies and they worked but now the problem is that i dont know what to do with time, i have lots to study and i have so many things to do but iam just not interested , not even interested in my responsibilities and i don't want to go back in that world though i still have not fully recovered. i wonder…


Added by zaenia on July 7, 2013 at 9:58am — 5 Comments

It's ironic how life works

There has always been an warrior standing watch over me.  To pick me up when I've fallen, set me on the right track, to worry about me, to love me unconditionally.  She stood there by my side as a friend but more importantly as my mother.  With such a wonderful bubbly personality its hard to believe that this dark, isolated child was hers. 

I can remember so many good times with her, driving to the store, spending way too much on a once in a while shopping trip, having her tell me…


Added by Kristen on July 5, 2013 at 10:24am — 2 Comments

Medication to stop daydreams?

Hey guys. So a couple weeks ago I started taking psychiatric medication for the first time. It was technically for my depression and not my daydreaming, but I was hoping it would help both. Sometimes I think that stopping my daydreaming is so hard because my depression (or dysthemia, which is like minor depressive symptoms for long periods of time instead of major episodes or anything like that) makes my real life seem very flat and boring. I find it hard to feel much in real life or have…


Added by Robin on July 4, 2013 at 7:29am — 1 Comment

N-acetyl Cystein It's Helping A Lot!

My understanding is it restores intracellular levels glutathione.  I have also heard it wears off after a while.  Would anyone know why it would mitigate the effects MD?  Does anyone know additional supplements which might enhance the effects of NAC?

Added by Rick on July 2, 2013 at 2:05pm — 5 Comments

The Book- My Daydreaming Cure (For the Most Part)

Hello! I haven't really posted recently, but I figured it was time to share about my Book. 

So, I'm a high school student that's had MD my entire life. No one knows, and no one ever will. For a long time, I didn't know what to do. But in 7th grade I started day dreaming about this scene. I thought it was cool and wrote it down. Now, it's a 200 paged novel that comes out in August. 

But it wasn't that simple. Getting myself to really dedicate my time to this took about a year.…


Added by K. Pow on July 2, 2013 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

Interesting Tidbit

Hello! Okay, so I've recently gotten a Pedometer on my phone. It's just an app that I downloaded because I wanted to know how many steps I took when I was in "MD" mode. I'm always pacing when I day dream, so it was interesting to find out that I take about 2000-3000 steps!!! Isn't that crazy! That burns like 300 calories!  

Have any of you guys tried this? 

Added by K. Pow on July 2, 2013 at 12:16pm — 2 Comments

family issues

I don't know what to do?I was faring well for the past weeks,my daydreams have been less than before and I was relaxed but then a strong storm disturbs my solace,a fight with my mother.I generally tend to be away from her,my mom is controlling,judging and represents the reality that I tend to escape from . Everytime we've a conflict,I end up be reminded that I am a selfish cold person and merciless towards her,I don't know what happened so I end up hearing things like that.So when your…


Added by Aseel on July 2, 2013 at 12:15pm — 1 Comment

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