Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I daydream about real people. Sometimes, I make up a person, but that is usually to enhance my story line. I have been DD about a certain person for some time now, and in the last few days I have found myself changing to another person, but that person is "somewhat"connected to the other person. I know the first person, but haven't seen them in a very long time, but I have only seen pictures of this next person. I swear, I think I am losing my mind. It's almost like I am obsessed with all…
ContinueAdded by Lisa Hancock on February 9, 2013 at 3:53pm — 1 Comment
The following was emailed to me from Jayne Bigelsen:
Researchers from Fordham University (Jayne Bigelsen, Jonathan
Lehrfeld) and the University of Haifa (Eli Somer, who coined the term
Maladaptive Daydreaming (MD)) have joined forces to launch a new study on MD. We are now ready to begin data collection!
This will be the largest study on MD to date. Our goals include
creating a…
Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on February 9, 2013 at 3:03pm — 23 Comments
Added by Terrell on February 8, 2013 at 11:35am — 9 Comments
I haven't been on this site for very long, but it seems like most people daydream of a better life, or of being better. Some have an idealised version of themselves, a dream crush, or both. I can see why that's addicting, living inside an amazing world with amazing people.
My daydreams aren't like that. I have no idealised version of myself, no better life, and no dream crush. The easiest way to describe my daydreams is dark. Every daydream I have is filled with violence, betrayal,…
ContinueAdded by Soul Dreamer on February 8, 2013 at 1:17am — 10 Comments
I really am surprised to find this site I have suffered from this problem along time as well since childhood, but even worse when I day dreamed my mouth would move in real life when I was talking to someone in my daydream, this was very embrassing because people would notice. I am 25 and I have finally mastered to day dream without my lips moving. recently my day dreams have been evolved around this new job i started in my actual real life its a really good job too.…
ContinueAdded by melody on February 7, 2013 at 11:06pm — No Comments
Okay......many people on this site have suggested a few things to me to try out myself to stop MD. but its an extremely difficult task. I think a therapy would be much more effective. So here are a few questions, answers to which solve my doubts.
Added by Simran on February 7, 2013 at 6:47am — 10 Comments
I was always away from making money than making a life of worth.But DD ing made me to reach that position very slow.i'm a self taught visual artist,thinking that it is part of is a beautiful dream,it changes every new moments.Time helps us being creative.I love life and being creative is my passion,in fact it is my spirituality.Art galleries rejected me not because of less creative but i'm less aggressive to make a series of work at a time.but i know as a creative…
ContinueAdded by varghese e david on February 7, 2013 at 4:21am — No Comments
Added by Paracosm on February 6, 2013 at 9:06pm — 4 Comments
I have an appointment monday with a different councilor/therapist. I'm not sure if I should bring up MD or just describe my symptoms. I am trying to concentrate on what I want to achieve. I want more control of my thoughts, less depression, more real emotions. I guess I'm asking allot. I just hope he takes me seriously. The last one totally dismissed everything I told her about the MD symptoms.
Added by greyartist on February 6, 2013 at 6:17pm — 2 Comments
I am 16 years old, a girl and I am interested in many different topics. I can't live without music, I enjoy dancing and deeply love most forms of art. I think they add color to life, being one of the things that make living much more than simply existing for the sake of survival. I have always enjoyed litherature, especially sci-fi and fantasy, thrilling novels. But now I look for the deeper meaning in the story too. I enjoy deep thinking, philosophical discussions, asking big…
ContinueAdded by Alex Moon Glow on February 6, 2013 at 1:53pm — 2 Comments
I fear to love and get hurt, I fear to trust and be betrayed.
I fear not to love and have no-one who care for me
I fear to be alone and I fear to meet people.
I fear to live and I fear not to be alive.
I fear pain and I fear happiness.
For happiness is having something you can lose,
Love is having someone who can let you down.
In the stronghold of my fantasy I have nothing to fear.
I know who I can trust and will never let me…
ContinueAdded by Pascale on February 6, 2013 at 8:26am — 4 Comments
I'm a 27 y/o female with major depression, anxiety an god knows what else since for years I was too scared of getting locked up for an extended period of time if I said everything I felt an did. I'm pretty sure I have avoidant personality disorder since whenever I read about it its like reading about me, I am certain I have maladaptive daydreaming too. I've been doing since I could remember. Why make friends when they'll probably just make fun of me, an in my mind I can be the popular kid…
ContinueAdded by SamAndThe on February 5, 2013 at 12:34am — 5 Comments
I am from India , suffering from MD from around 5 years, In the beginning i never thought that such thing like MD exists... I just thought its normal to self talk or think deeply... I used to think that i am a deep thinker so i think endlessly or some times talk endlessly... but later on it started increasing so much that it affected my life very very badly... it used to consume all my time and i did nothing except day dreaming... I used to get late to college and every day i was…
ContinueAdded by Lee Young Ae on February 4, 2013 at 7:59am — 12 Comments
Added by Terrell on February 3, 2013 at 8:33am — 8 Comments
Hi everyone. I'll introduce myself since this is my first post. I am a 15 year old girl from Australia and I go by the name Caeru. I love to read, write, draw, and play most sports, especially soccer/football. My daydreams are pretty much just fan fictions, with my own characters thrown into the mix. I have four fictional worlds that I can claim are completely my own, and am working on a fifth. I don't have an idealised version of myself, just main characters. They're all male and I always…
ContinueAdded by Soul Dreamer on February 3, 2013 at 12:28am — 1 Comment
a picture i drew
of two of my characters
just before they start dating and stuff
kinda cheesy but hey i told myself i wouldnt post every picture I draw of characters cause I dont wanna spam the site with my stufff but i had to share this cause theyre so cute…
Added by ashlee on February 2, 2013 at 8:12pm — 2 Comments
Often when I daydream I use atmospheres im familiar with for the settings. for example, one of my characters house is the exact same as my aunts house. one of my characters has the same house as my next door neighbour. and the school they go to looks exactly like mine. I guess its difficult for me to make up my own room or house and remember exactly how I made it everytime. I mean like, its its a bedroom or something they'll have different furniture,wall paint, etc but the its the same…
ContinueAdded by ashlee on February 2, 2013 at 3:47pm — 5 Comments
So I have been wondering this for a few days now. My boyfriend and I are pretty serious and we made a vow to each other a little while ago never to keep major secrets because he found out he had diabetes, and didn't tell me because he didn't want me to worry. So now, I'm debating whether or not I should tell him about MD. I'm afraid if I tell him, he won't understand, but part of me feels like he would at least try to understand. What would you do?
Added by Rae Bradford on February 1, 2013 at 9:14pm — 8 Comments
So, from what I've read, basically you all have the typical "daydream", so to speak...sort of...What I'm trying to say is, has anyone had any different kinds? This is really weird to say, because I've hidden this for so long but here goes...All of my characters come to me in real life. Like, instead of me going to their "world", they come to mine. Which is why I talk to myself a lot. I still change myself, but instead of imagining this, I am it. I become Rayne. If I'm talking…
ContinueAdded by Rae Bradford on February 1, 2013 at 2:43pm — 12 Comments
Have you guys ever heard of the song, "The State of Dreaming" by Marina and The Diamonds. I don't know why but her song really speaks to me as an MDer, all of her songs do but especially this one. Just thought you might like it .
Added by Nicoletta on February 1, 2013 at 4:29am — No Comments
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