So, from what I've read, basically you all have the typical "daydream", so to speak...sort of...What I'm trying to say is, has anyone had any different kinds?  This is really weird to say, because I've hidden this for so long but here goes...All of my characters come to me in real life.  Like, instead of me going to their "world", they come to mine.  Which is why I talk to myself a lot.  I still change myself, but instead of imagining this, I am it.  I become Rayne.  If I'm talking to one of my characters, I physically talk to him.  I know it's weird, but please say I'm not the only who's done this.

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Comment by Terrell on February 3, 2013 at 9:25am
I do the same thing, when no one else is around to see and think I am weird. I talk to my imaginary friends, but I know they are only in my head. Normally they do come to me, rather than me go to their world, etc. You are NOT alone. Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on February 2, 2013 at 8:42pm

I often smile and move my mouth, and my throat tightens up almost as if I was talking, but no sound comes out (well, sometimes I do make a little sound, and on rare occasions I speak a bit louder, but mostly it's the silent-talking thing I do)

And, Like Alexsis Hart, I often end up looking to the side too, though usually no one notices. 

I have pointed before, and been asked "who are you talking to?" or "Why are you pointing?" But usually it goes unnoticed.

I also do often have my characters come to me, so I'm talking to them in my head, but I guess it's just my way of thinking.

Comment by Paracosm on February 2, 2013 at 5:37pm
@Alexsis Hart - I do the same thing. I often smile or laugh in the same manner, as if somebody said something to me. It isn't always accompanied by an actual daydream. It's like I'm just "checking in" with my characters, lol. I do this so often and I can't believe nobody's caught me doing it yet. O_O
Comment by Alexsis Hart on February 2, 2013 at 3:23pm

No one (that I know of) has ever overheard, but I always whisper my conversations. If I say the out loud normally I feel really weird about it. I`ve been doing this for so long that my natural response to a moment of nothing is to look off to the side like someone had just said something to me (it`s kind of hard to explain). Basically, if you sat and watched me and I didn`t know you were there you`d see me look away like someone started talking to me. I do this so much I`ve done it already while writing this. It`s like my comfort action when I need to think, but don`t want to. People have seen me do this as asked me what I was doing. I usually just say I though I heard something or saw something move out of the corner of my eye.

Comment by Paracosm on February 2, 2013 at 2:29pm
@Alexsis Hart - Oh man! I often do the same thing: repeating things until I get it just right. I probably sound like a maniac when I repeat the same sentence five times in a row. I often catch myself doing this and I just laugh at myself, lol. I often act out entire "scenes" over and over again, too.

Has anyone ever overheard one of your imaginary conversations, and if so, how did you both react?
Comment by Alexsis Hart on February 2, 2013 at 1:32pm

I would say I do the same. My characters come to me and interact with the people and things in my real world. I also act out all sides of the conversations as well. Sometimes I'll say something for someone else and realize it's not something they would say so I have to redo that part of the daydream until I get it right. Sometimes I can spend hours trying to get it just right. I like it like this because I can't get caught daydreaming easily because when I do it my surroundings remain the same. If someone walks into the room in real life they do in my daydream and me as my daydreaming character has to react to that person. The real people in my life don't have the same relationship as daydreaming me though. It's usually similar, but still different.

Comment by Rae Bradford on February 1, 2013 at 9:06pm

@Parcosm That sounds a lot like what I do.  I only act my part out though.  Its almost as if my characters are substantial.  It's really wierd.  

Comment by Rae Bradford on February 1, 2013 at 9:03pm

@Laila It depends on where I am.  If I'm somewhere public, it's easier, because I'm more aware of my "actual" surroundings.  If I'm alone, I could DD for hours and not even realize it until my sister opens the door.  Stuff like that usually jolts me out of it.  It's like waking up to a loud bang.  I'm sound asleep, then someone hits the table and I kind of pop awake.  I'll be a bit dazed for a few moments afterwards but it pulls me out of it.  And my characters come out at all times.  It's really odd.  I could walk down the hall at school and look to my right, and suddenly one of them is there.

Comment by Paracosm on February 1, 2013 at 8:51pm
I forgot to mention that I don't just act out the role of my fantasy self. I act out what my other characters say and do too, and I often act out all sides of the conversations. I'll even mimic the different voices and accents. Some time I should put a camera in my room so I can see just how crazy I look when I do this.

@Laila - My characters can come around even when other (real) people are around, which can be really annoying. I just look like I'm zoned out to other people. Sometimes I worry that I'll forget other people are around and they'll see me acting out my daydreams. I just want to die when I think about this. O_O
Comment by Miss Mystery on February 1, 2013 at 7:29pm

Yes, I do this as well. I only do it when I'm alone at home of course, but yes I physically talk out loud to whoever I imagine is listening. You're not alone :)

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