So, I'm fifteen now, and this has been happening since the third grade.  I was always embarrassed because I'm a sophomore in high school. No one would understand if they knew. My Dad doesn't know anything, not even about this site. It was always awkward when people asked why I was talking to myself. All I can say is that it is so great to have a name for my "condition" and to know that I'm not alone.

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Comment by Rae Bradford on February 2, 2013 at 12:24pm

Thank you all so much for welcoming me with open arms and helping me.  it's such a relief to know that I have somewhere to go when I need to talk

:) <3

Comment by Michael Wyatt on February 2, 2013 at 11:47am

Im 25 and I have the same issue. If you can get help now it will help later on life. I talk to myself alot still and have been doing so since I was about 13-14. If your mind gets used to be allowed to do so, it will be harder so try to find a way to stop ASAP!!. Talking to yourself in the adult workplace can cause problems with your Co- Workers. They outkast you and complain to whomever your superiors are. If everyone feels uncomfortable working with you then eventually they are going to fire you for whatever they can. Which will lead to a shaky employment history. If I wasnt in the military I would possibly be in this scenario but I was lucky enough to join and be able to stay in for 5 years now going on 6. I plan on staying in until further notice.

Comment by Paracosm on February 1, 2013 at 9:01pm
Hello! I'm Sarah and I'm new here too!

I just found out about MD about a week ago and it was such a relief to know I wasn't the only one suffering with an abnormal imagination. I've been daydreaming and acting out my fantasies since I was really little, but it didn't become an obsession until I was about 13. I'm 18 now and it's only gotten harder, but I'm so glad to have found such a wonderful community for people just like me!

My parents don't know about my MD either. As much as I'd like for them to know what I'm going through, I don't plan on telling them because they'll probably freak out and think I'm delusional.
Comment by Jennifer on February 1, 2013 at 7:30am
Hi there!
My name is Jennifer, and I'm also a Sophmore in high school, and also currently 15 years old. I have been daydreaming for as long as I can remember, but, much like you, I remember it really forming when I was in the 3rd grade. Interesting; We have some things in common, it seems. :P
As for your Dad? It's okay, I understand that, too. I told my parents, but they basically just laughed in my face. It hurt, so I've decided not to tell them anything that's going on in my life anymore, especially when it comes to MD. They have yet to find out about this site. I've always gotten asked by my mom and my dad why I'm talking to myself. Soooo embarrassing. If only they just took the time to understand. -__-
Anyways, welcome to Wild Minds. =) I'm glad you are at peace knowing that your condition has a name. Sometimes, all we really need is to know we're not alone. :)
Comment by Bethany on January 31, 2013 at 7:31pm

I can relate. I am 24. I started DDing at 14. It is really nice to put a name to this condition. A few years ago, I tried googling "excessive daydreaming" and nothing came up. Last night I decided to look it up again and I discovered this site. It is really nice to be able to talk to people who understand what it is like to carry your addiction with you everywhere you go.

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