I have an appointment monday with a different councilor/therapist. I'm not sure if I should bring up MD or just describe my symptoms. I am trying to concentrate on what I want to achieve. I want more control of my thoughts, less depression, more real emotions. I guess I'm asking allot. I just hope he takes me seriously. The last one totally dismissed everything I told her about the MD symptoms.

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Comment by greyartist on February 11, 2013 at 11:22am

therapy went well. He was very open minded. Said he would look up more information on MD. I'm going back next monday. We'll see how it goes.

Comment by Jennifer on February 7, 2013 at 4:35am
Hello Greyartist,
I wish you luck. Last year, around this time, my depression was so excruciating that my mom had to take me to counseling for the 3rd time. I guess it helped, but that's just me. It could really help for you. You never know. In my opinion, if MD is a huge struggle right now, I think you should tell. Your counselor won't judge you. Sure, he/she won't really understand, but she'll/he'll try to help you.
Best of luck to you! I'm rooting for you. :)

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