This is my first blog post here, and because I am new, I will do my best to make this brief and not take up much of your time.

First, let me say thank you so much for accepting me as a member. Frankly, until yesterday I was under the assumption that I was probably the only adult who ever did this. I am so relieved to know that there are others like me.

I have been "daydreaming" since I was about 11 or 12 I guess. I've always had a rather vivid imagination, but I have always known what I was doing was pure fiction and not real, and I have never confused fantasy for reality or vice versa. I have never had any problems related to this, and it has never interfered with my real life or anything like that. It's just something I do when I am either bored or down and need some way to escape for awhile. I found out last year that I very likely have Adult ADD, and am taking medication for it. Perhaps ADD and MD are linked somehow? I have no psychological training, and this is purely speculation on my part. I have created many fictional characters in my mind over the span of my lifetime, but none of the characters ever tell me to do anything weird or harmful to anyone. I don't actually hear voices or hallucinate, and again, I never confuse reality and fantasy. I know my fantasy lives are all fabricated from my fertile mind. I admit that sometimes I have had conversations with these imaginary people, but I am aware the entire time that they are not real, and that every word they say and everything they do originates in my head. I might add that these conversations always ALWAYS take place only when I am alone, and no one else is around. I may speak to the character and in my head, hear/imagine their response, but I know they are not real. I have gone outside for a walk and have driven around town or traveled out of state for vacations, etc, and have imagined characters going along, but conversations only take place when I am strictly alone. If there are other (real) people around, and I daydream that a "friend" is talking to me, their words are brief and I may either look over at them or give a very slight nod, but I don't answer them in public or otherwise acknowledge them.

I have always loved to write. I have written many fictional stories, and sometimes a character will find his or her way into a story I write. In fact, some of the best and most clearly defined characters began that way. I don't think it has ever happened in reverse, in which a character I write about would show up in my daydream. I seem to recall perhaps one time this happened, a few years ago, but I had created a character I really liked and who seemed realistic, but it was a brief "cameo" appearance and has not happened since.

I have designed other "lives" and other alter egos for myself. These all come with their own set of characters, locations, situations, etc. I read one person's post here who said their characters always come to them, rather than them going to the character''s world. That has usually been the case for me as well. I have been alone at home, or even at work a few times, and daydreamed that a character showed up, dropped by, etc. On the rare occasion that a real live person actually showed up, the situation I was daydreaming ended or was put on hold, etc. It's similar (in my mind anyway) to the TV series "Star Trek: The Next Generation", when a crew member of the USS Enterprise was on the holodeck, enjoying a holographic fantasy world, and someone called them on the intercom or else entered the holdodeck to request their help with a ship problem, and the virtual reality program "froze" at their command, and was either put on hold/pause, or was shelved until a later time. Fans of the show will know what I mean.

Anyway, there is alot more I would like to say about it, but as this is my first post, and I am a newbie here, I don't wish to bore anyone right up front, and take up too much of your time. I would like to post more at a later time. I would also like to tell those of you who may be inclined to hear it about my current daydream. It's rather elaborate as usual, and just recently I have begun writing a fictional story using the same scenarios.

Again, let me say thanks to you for accepting me as a member, and thank you for creating this group. It is such a relief to find others who are like me, to whom I can go to for support. I've wondered at times if this was not normal, if I was a "freak" or "weirdo", and if I was suffering from some obscure mental disorder, or if it was simply having a very active imagination.

I wish you all a wonderful day and an awesome week. Take care!

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Comment by Floris on February 5, 2013 at 3:21pm

Hollow Pursuits is the best Star Trek TNG episode ever and we're all Barclays here :-)...wonderful stuff. I like how Star Trek still treated the guy with respect, ultimately being of great value to humanity (contacting Voyager in the other show as I recall).

Comment by Annie on February 5, 2013 at 11:43am

My doctor thought I had ADD when I told her about MD. I tried to explain it to her but she wouldn't budge. Anyways, months later I told another doctor and she was convinced I had anxiety, then again when I switched medical plans my other doctor thought I had depression then later changed his mind and thought I had a dissociation disorder (derealization) So, MD is really complicated to categorize...

Funny. Im not that old, as I'm only 18yrs old. But I'm actually relieved I see other adult MDers too. Not only can they give me some helpful tips but at least I know you can actually live with MD, it possible. =)

Comment by Terrell on February 4, 2013 at 6:03pm
Sorry about deleting that comment. I was so irritated at myself. Besides, from what I recall, it was a very nice comment.

I know I am not 100% normal either, but I don't care. I just meant that, aside from my ADD and now the MD, as far as I know I do not have any other disorders. At least, nothing psychologically alarming or disturbing anyway, haha. I didn't hold insects under a microscope and watch them fry in the sunlight when I was a kid, or torture animals, or anything lke that. No, I just talk to friends that only I can see and hear, but who I am well aware do not physically exist in this world. ;-)

I can't get over that other people do this too. I had NO idea I was not the only adult who does this. And from what I am learning, it sounds like some others do it alot more than I do. Amazing,

So glad to hear from all of you. Thanks for having me here, and for sharing your thoughts.I love reading them. :-)
Comment by Terrell on February 4, 2013 at 7:06am
Thanks to all of you for your comments. It's so good to be able to confide in someone about this little secret. No one else knows about it. I've had a therapist briefly several years ago when I was going through a hard time, but I never told her anything about this. I always wondered if I was eccentric or just nutty. Honestly I am a pretty normal guy, aside from this.
Comment by Iris on February 3, 2013 at 11:24pm

Hi Terrell, I felt the same relief when I found this site like you. I've been dd for 38 years now. I never went to a psychologist, because I couldn't tell anyone about it, thought I am the only one. I also had the same fear that I hear in your post, that someone might think I am totally nuts or dangerous for other people - which is absolutely not the case. 

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on February 3, 2013 at 10:42pm


A few people do think that MD isn't a disorder in it's own right, rather a symptom of something else, and it seems to have quite a few symptoms linked with other disorders (including ADD). There's so many theories about, and I guess most of them are at least partially accurate, and is the reason/case for MD in at least one person.

Comment by Terrell on February 3, 2013 at 7:22pm
Someone just commented and I somehow accidentally deleted it after I read it, I apologize to the person who commented, and I thank you for taking the time to post a comment. Again, I am so sorry that I accidentally deleted your comment.
Comment by greyartist on February 3, 2013 at 10:06am


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