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A question to all the Mdreamers - why do you think it is so hard to tell smb what we're doing?

Dear Maladoptive Daydreamers, friends, people from all over the world that understand me so well!

I'm really curious why I feel shame when I think about telling My Biggest Secret? It's an important part of my life, I would like to tell it to some closest friends. I don't know why really, I just fell so well with my characters and stories, I'm very happy to have it. I also think about searching for people with MD in my country...

But everytime that I think about it, I…


Added by Nathaly on July 18, 2014 at 11:54am — 8 Comments

Legally recognize Maladaptive Daydreaming as a mental disorder

Guys sign this Petition to Legally recognize Maladaptive Daydreaming as a mental disorder...only 38 more signatures  needed.

Added by Professional Daydreamer on July 17, 2014 at 6:23am — 2 Comments

We will all be in this together!

I feel a little better that I am now not alone with the struggles of having MDD.  I used to feel like more of a freak than I already am, but now I know I can listen and share my experiences wth you all who are dealing with this.  More than anything I am super interested on the true meaning and reasons behind MDD.  If there are any it'd be interesting to know, but if not then it shall be something to not be so feared of or mocked.  Us who have this weird special mind that shares MDD should be…


Added by Ruby Hunt on July 14, 2014 at 11:33pm — 3 Comments

Is There Science Behind Maladaptive Daydreaming?

I've always wondered why I daydream so much. I've been daydreaming ever since I was about seven I think. There hasn't been any horrible trauma or any huge event in my life at that time that has caused be to become addicted to daydreaming. I wonder if maybe there is something in my genetics that makes me do this. It isn't a mechanism to deal with boredom or past trauma, my life is busy and I have things to do. I love the way I live except my chronic depression and maladaptive daydreaming are…


Added by K.M.R. on July 12, 2014 at 10:50am — 2 Comments

Want to talk about MD?

I have multiple storylines (I guess you could call them) going on with characters I took from a show I used to watch when I was younger. I don't even watch the show anymore but I got so attached to the characters I created that I couldn't let them go as I got older. It's gotten so bad, I think about the characters as soon as I wake up and then throughout the day at random times and always at night sometimes for hours before going to bed. 

I've also started developing a new type of DD…


Added by Samantha Law on July 10, 2014 at 4:55pm — 4 Comments

The thinking paradox

What is the difference between the brain activity when I'm thinking about the great questions of life, when I'm daydreaming or when I'm trying to figure out the cheapest way to make that pizza? 

I don't know, but I doubt there is any. I'm daydreaming since my early childhood, and it became part of my thinking process. It's effective, when I need to imagine future situations because it allows me to find the best route of action. Scenarios, systems became easier to read. My constant…


Added by escarei on July 9, 2014 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

My Progress

Hey, Everyone.  I just wanted to give you all an update and perhaps some encouragement.  When I started this site back in 2009, my daydreaming was way out of control.  I was doing it all the time.  I would spend hours lying around daydreaming, and it would keep me up all night.  It didn't help that I had Insomnia, and it made my Insomnia worse.  I would daydream throughout the day, while I was doing everything.  

I was so ashamed growing up.  For me, it became out of control…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on July 9, 2014 at 12:36pm — 6 Comments


As you all should know by now, using profanity is against the rules on here.  I posted the rules clearly on the main page, where everyone can read them.  New members who sign up are asked if they agree to follow the rules and not use profanity must type in "yes" before they can sign up.  People should really know the rules by now.  For the most part, I've been giving people warnings, but I'm really tired of it.  It seems that every time I come on the site, I see profanity.  This is…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on July 8, 2014 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Deciding To Stop: Update

Hey guys, i've been at the anime expo recently which is why I haven't posted anything. But to update you all it hasn't been easy trying to stop. So far I've gone 2 days without daydreaming and today I did it in the morning. I feel terrible about it and I keep telling myself I'm going to stop but I don't know anymore. I really want to stop and I am going to start writing in a journal today to see if that helps. Thanks for all your responses I finally feel like I'm not alone in this situation.…


Added by K.M.R. on July 6, 2014 at 10:20am — 3 Comments


My name is Katelyn.  

I'm 24 years old and currently serving in the military.  I can't really remember when i started MD but i know i was extremely young.  My life growing up was not something I am proud to speak of even to this day.  My home was not truly a home and my parents were not truly parents.  It was an abusive household under disgusting conditions and i was too young to know what to do.

I used music as an escape and i would often sit on the floor by my bed and…


Added by Katelyn H on July 3, 2014 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments


Here's wishing you a fabulous day.  May all your (day)dreams come true.  We are all so grateful to you.  You are my hero.

Added by roxanne on July 3, 2014 at 5:49am — 3 Comments

Should I write a song based on a scene from a DD?

I just had the most moving DD tonight. 

I have been getting really into the drug DMT...not taking it just yet, but learning a lot about it. It is known as the queen mother of all psychedelic drugs....the possibilities of what you will "hallucinate" during the 5 minute trip are could experience god, your own death, that sort of thing. It's not a party drug. ;)

My alter-me just got finished telling another character the recent recap of when she took…


Added by Tila on June 30, 2014 at 9:51pm — 2 Comments

Deciding To Stop?

I've just joined this site, and I am so much more relaxed knowing that other people have the same situation as me. As of today I've decided to stop daydreaming (I hope). Its put me into some pretty deep depression and has made my family worry about me. It got to the point where I was daydreaming for hours on end. In the past year I have lowered it to about an hour a day. But today I am deciding to quit and when I do (hopefully) I wanna share my expieriences with others and maybe help them…


Added by K.M.R. on June 30, 2014 at 9:38pm — 5 Comments

A poem

Oh imagination, imagination

You have been there so much for me

You make me forget reality

You make me feel at peace

You make me think I am well


Soon before I know, u took over

I see myself slipping away

I see my shadow sitting going no where

I see what I could become, but not be


I thought I hated you

For once I did

I hated you so much

I wanted to eradicate you

Gosh, how I…


Added by Mai Xiong on June 27, 2014 at 8:03pm — 1 Comment

Hello everyone

First of all, thanks a lot to Cordellia Amethyste Rose for creating this website. It has given me a lot of

courage to finally know what was different about me and that there are more people like me somewhere else.

I've had MD at least since I was 12 years old and now I feel my entire life is on debris: I've yet to finish my studies, almost no work experience, very few (real) friends and need economic help from my parents. While it is true that a great deal of these troubles are…


Added by Miguel Guzman Duque on June 25, 2014 at 5:00am — 4 Comments

It's been so long

I havnt been on this site for about a year. Now I shall be on more, cause well, yeah. My daydreaming is getting better I guess... I no longer daydream that much in public. But I still spend hours in my room daydreaming. I've been doing this for about 4 years now. The same story, but it has evolved. I still have characters from the beginning but they are different now.

I'm back in public school (this time no bullying :D) I guess that's good. Except I can't pace everywhere :/.

Well now… Continue

Added by Selena on June 24, 2014 at 11:13pm — 3 Comments

An Idea... Is it good?

I constantly want to express my daydreams. The only problem is, i have no way to express them. My only medium is writing, so i came up with an idea.... a book! Why not make q book of our short storys (all about various daydreams) 


Added by Machelle Irby on June 23, 2014 at 9:28pm — 3 Comments

pacing is ruining my house


as i mentioned in a previous blog post, i pace. my pacing often causes many injuries/accidents, but i can't stop. 

about twenty minutes ago, i was pacing when i ran into the wall, and a picture frame fell off the wall. there was glass everywhere. 

three weeks ago, i was pacing when i ran into a decorative plate that was hanging on the wall, and it shattered to…


Added by debbie downer on June 23, 2014 at 12:11pm — 1 Comment


How many times did I stop myself? How many times did I tell myself this isn’t real? Again and again I tell myself this isn’t real—all in your head.Parting with my imagination was like an addiction. I didn’t want to come out, but I know I couldn’t stay here.

I know they weren’t all real, but I wanted to live the illusion. I feel a dull fake euphoria in this imagination and every time I know it was all faked. It was so easy and so safe—yet so lonely. And so that is why I…


Added by Mai Xiong on June 23, 2014 at 12:44am — 2 Comments

Hey...... many ppl hav became a part of my daydreams and ive got emotionally attached to them at some point of time. But then i got over them and no more think of them. I dont even remember some of t…

Hey...... many ppl hav became a part of my daydreams and ive got emotionally attached to them at some point of time. But then i got over them and no more think of them. I dont even remember some of them. But one guy became a part of my daydream during the struggling phase of my life two years back. Its now the same day, when v 1st met, after two yrs. I still think of him and ask God to bless him and giv him lots of success and love. Bunty.....i no more dream abt u. But still u will b in my… Continue

Added by Simran on June 20, 2014 at 2:57pm — No Comments

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