Jenna's Blog (42)

Little miss Perfect

Everyone has met thr guy/girl who was "perfect" and could do anything.

At my school, there is a few like that but no matter what I always tend to see her and I start to envy her. Little miss perfect, is the popular, smart hot girl you would expect to hear about the average girl/guy like this. Well it is true but she is more. She is she worked a bit harder could be in probable gifted programs or PASS. She is skinny, with long dark brown hair (Always in place) and sparkly eyes. She is… Continue

Added by Jenna on April 26, 2012 at 8:03pm — 2 Comments


So today I just saw a video about a prodigy girl who paints pictures. These pictures are not like normal pictures, they are pictures about Heacen and Jesus. Pictures so out of this world and she claims she gets visions from God. She describes it amazingly and I believe her just by her voice tone.

This video got me thinking. Prodigies are just people who have an advancement in talent given to them by God(I am a Chirstian.). Now that or me thinking, why did he just give them talent and not… Continue

Added by Jenna on April 25, 2012 at 1:10pm — 3 Comments

Sigh, in a way I have changed and gotten worst. Since Friday, dding has even hard. I still dd for like 5 mins at the most but when I try to dd at all I get freaked out if I dd for more than 3 mins at…

Sigh, in a way I have changed and gotten worst. Since Friday, dding has even hard. I still dd for like 5 mins at the most but when I try to dd at all I get freaked out if I dd for more than 3 mins at a time. It is like I feel like I having to have a panic attack. About my crush, I have no clue anymore. I already have some mood swings, due to my thyroid or whatever the heck is wrong with me, however it is like I have moods wings over my crush too. Sounds weird but it is like I feel all happy and… Continue

Added by Jenna on April 23, 2012 at 5:54pm — 6 Comments

Crush Stopping dds

So I have had this crush on this guy, ever since he came in to our school which was like March. Granted it was a tiny crush that grew. Well this week my dds have been out of control and I did not really say muh to him this week. Also my thyroid issues and stuff were horrible. Well today in the middle of ELA, I noticed him smiling at me twice when I had looked over at him for a secound. A bit after that, my stomach started fluttering, in fact it is fluttering just thinking about it. I just kind… Continue

Added by Jenna on April 20, 2012 at 9:22pm — 4 Comments

Tumblr account

 Follow me at my tumblr, thank you if you do. :)

Added by Jenna on April 17, 2012 at 5:45pm — 4 Comments

Venting rant blog part 2

Jut like the last blog, this is another venting blog. If you hate drama and venting, don't read. Also I am not soon this for attention, I just really need to vent. Thank you for reading or leaving.

I read a quote today that went something like "sometimes te person who tries to please and make everyone else happy, I'd the loneliest." That quote really made me think about myself, I love helping and pleasing everyone else...but not me. Most people when in pain and trouble if the are… Continue

Added by Jenna on April 14, 2012 at 9:53pm — 2 Comments

Self-harming with emotions?!

Okay, if you don't like dramatic blogs and venting, this is going to be one so I would stop reading it here.

Okay, I've been feeling quite horrible for some time, umm actually I've been feeling nothing for quite a while. It is quite hard to explain, but it is like I have no soul/have no emotions at all. It has made me think of hurting myself before, many times  actually but the most I do is rubber band snap a tiny bit or hit myself in the head lightly(Sometimes kind of hard, I…


Added by Jenna on April 6, 2012 at 9:19am — 7 Comments

Prayer request

I understand if you aren't religious, I'm sorry but I have some requests for those that are. I would to ask if you would pray for Anonymus who is fighting cancer and depression, Emila who is also fighting depression, Emily who I think is also dealing with depression, Alex who is goin through depression too and is in rehab, Nelson as he gets his new settlement, Gethin whos boyfriend just got his appendix taking out and everyone else I forgot. Sorry if I misse you, I can't memorize every issue… Continue

Added by Jenna on March 28, 2012 at 5:00pm — 14 Comments


Okay, not that I have gotten your attention, I have something I would like to say. I've been thinking a lot lately and realized I want to make a difference in this world. Now, I understand why I dd about the certain things I do, one for boredom and creativity but my character does have something peculiar about her, she loves to help people and usually she effects them hugely in ways they can't repay. The strange part is she did a lot of this stuff anonymously, and it got me thinking, what…


Added by Jenna on March 19, 2012 at 5:43pm — 6 Comments

Losing myself

Has anyone ever woke up and wondered who the hell they are?

Lately I have been waking up everyday asking the same constant question through my head. When I was little I knew who I wanted to be and where I was going. Then I started losing the confident and bubbly personality slowly when I entered 6th grade. I regained some back when I met my ex best friends around December and January. Then we were all put on separate teams this year and we don't talk anymore. :/

However I still have… Continue

Added by Jenna on March 10, 2012 at 5:36am — 4 Comments

With some suggestions on here, I've decided to give out where I post all my poems and crappy drawings (XD I'm gettig better.).

My name is jesd2 on

Here is a link

I post a bunch of poems, besides MD.

XD This blog post, is really short.

Added by Jenna on February 29, 2012 at 6:49pm — 2 Comments


Whispers from the wispy fountains,

lieing forever with the youth fountain.

Dreaming of a different world.

It's quite absurd,

to spend my time,

filling a poem with rhymes

about dreams.

Because my mind is not what it seems.

It's filled with characters

pushing between barriers,

of fantasy and real.

During the day I find myself once again, reeled

into a daydream,which I can't run this…


Added by Jenna on February 23, 2012 at 6:38pm — 2 Comments

Daydream (poem)

Okay so I haven't written any poetry in a while about MD so I figured I would today.

Daydream away

listen to what the voices say.

"Dream more,little girl,

of diamonds and white pearls.

Don't leave this place.

I can see it in your face,

you want to stay

here all day."

I run from them

as they dim

my senses of real life.

Addicted like self-harmers and their knifes.

I'm not crazy.

Just stuck…


Added by Jenna on February 19, 2012 at 2:01pm — 4 Comments

Clarinet solo and odd way of conquering stage fright.

So tomorrow I will be preforming a solo called The Lonely Birch Tree . Wish me luck by the way. Anyways I have bad stage fright if I'm preforming by myself, so I was trying to come up with a way to sort of conquer it. I pretended I was in a fancy dress and was preforming for my dd characters. I even pretended to have an announcer announce my solo and everything. The "crowd was cheering and…


Added by Jenna on February 10, 2012 at 1:46pm — 4 Comments


Okay so here's a new poem I wrote. I hope you guys like it.

Lost in my mind.

I can't find,

the way out of this prison-chained Hell,

but it's also a place where I want to dwell.

Happiness and friends it provides though it seems dumb

It keeps me happy while leaving me numb.

Everywhere I roam.

Everywhere the roam.

Leaving a cloud of…


Added by Jenna on February 5, 2012 at 8:06am — 2 Comments

Empty Void-New Poem

Once pleasant smiles,

turn in to melancholy frowns.

Bound by the chain of thee's

inner world collapsing.

Just a fantasy,

to fill the void,

of her black-tainted heart.

Loneliness creeps over her,

the Devil's finest work.

Putting in thoughts

she can't stop.

By making her wish

for the…

Added by Jenna on January 29, 2012 at 9:40am — 3 Comments

Battle with the Devil

Left in the dark is

a solider.

She stands alone

on the battlefield.

Just a battle between

her and the devil.

She's losing.

His temptations

will be the death of her.

His deep, teasing voice

is the chains that drag her in.

The malicious laugh

makes her shake.

The cold,…


Added by Jenna on January 24, 2012 at 5:47pm — No Comments

MD-poem Negative version

Okay so I wrote another poem this is the negative version. I'm sorry if this poem offends you. It shouldn't, but if it does I'm sorry. I will try to have a positive version up tomorrow about MD.

The devil awaits with a red-bloody chain.

He whispers my name to tempt me closer and closer.

I find myself trying to run, but I just get farther away from everyone else.

His breath is cold like the winter breeze.

It sends a tingling chill across my spine,



Added by Jenna on January 9, 2012 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

Hey everyone. I thought I would share another poem I wrote about MD. It is called invisible world. I hope you like it. Close your eyes drift and glideto a place unseen.A place between the heart and m…

Hey everyone. I thought I would share another poem I wrote about MD. It is called invisible world. I hope you like it.

Close your eyes drift and glide

to a place unseen.

A place between the heart and mind.

A spiritual,comfort place.

Chained around with the pain and sorrow.

Where the demons taunt

and the angels sing.

The mind explodes with creativity and imagination.

While the song birds sing the song of heart-broken people.

One question they…


Added by Jenna on January 5, 2012 at 2:21pm — 4 Comments

Omg! I told my best friend!!!!

I just told my best friend to come on here and read the article  Out of my Mind. Here is our conversation.Right after she read the article.

"I see it I see it I like it."-Friend

"No ....... Do u get what I am trying to tell you."


"I have md. I have maplative daydreaming."


It is not kool. ....... you don't seem to understand."

"Go to the front page on the side lists pros and cons of md go read it."



Added by Jenna on January 2, 2012 at 6:29pm — 4 Comments

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