I just told my best friend to come on here and read the article  Out of my Mind. Here is our conversation.Right after she read the article.

"I see it I see it I like it."-Friend

"No ....... Do u get what I am trying to tell you."


"I have md. I have maplative daydreaming."


It is not kool. ....... you don't seem to understand."

"Go to the front page on the side lists pros and cons of md go read it."

"I daydream to."-Friend

"Over obsessively?"

"I read it."-friend


She hasn't text me back yet, but she was the first person I told and there is a possibility she might have it too. I'm so happy right now! :D

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Comment by Jenna on January 4, 2012 at 1:49pm

I'm trying to get her to understand how severe it really is right now. Regardless or not if i did or not. I'm going to use dding as an excuse sometimes to show her how bad it is. I think she still doesn't understand really what MD is.

Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on January 4, 2012 at 4:16am

I told a friend once, (and, although theoretically I've known her longest, I hardly saw her for 3 years, until we were in the same Form and Art class last year, I've also got 3 other really close friends, and at least one, maybe two wouldn't think I'm crazy. I should probably tell the other three soon.) Anyway, she didn't react at all badly, but there was the really awkward question of, "What do you daydream about?" Hmm... how do I answer that? I was just vague and didn't really say about the fantasizing and idealised self. Maybe I should've. But then she might've asked about it..... And I would've felt mean trying to sugarcoat (I'm not good at sweetening things) the fact that it's not her business, but in a way she'd understand.

Anyway, as roxanne said, please let us know what your friend says! 

Comment by roxanne on January 3, 2012 at 7:15pm

Let us know what her follow-up response is.

Comment by Jenna on January 2, 2012 at 8:32pm

Yeah I know. However she didn't seem to really question me about it, so I'm just going to go with it. I'm just glad she didn't think I was insane.

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