So today I just saw a video about a prodigy girl who paints pictures. These pictures are not like normal pictures, they are pictures about Heacen and Jesus. Pictures so out of this world and she claims she gets visions from God. She describes it amazingly and I believe her just by her voice tone.
This video got me thinking. Prodigies are just people who have an advancement in talent given to them by God(I am a Chirstian.). Now that or me thinking, why did he just give them talent and not the rest Of us. Is there something special about them? Or maybe he gave us all a special talent but most of us never find it or find it near the time we die. Talent, is a funny word. Talent to one person is trash to another. This talent thing, everyone has some talent whether it be stupid or amazing. However most of us start out on something horribly and progression get better. Most people now adays are so impatient and want to be good at something right away. I think this is the biggest difference between the Renaaissnce and this time period. We are so impatient and want things to come easy, that we refuse to do something if it does not work right in the first two tries. The Renaaissnce people had to be patient to come up with all those works and ideas. Patience is the key to talent, and praticd. Practice, without patience most won't practice. This prevent most from finding their talent. Now I got to more thinking, I wondered if God puts some things to unlock our talent or ability in front of us. For example I was the worst writer you would have ever met in secound, third and fourth grade. I would write the worst stories. In fifth grade I improved more. Then the Summer of heading to sixth grade, I got MD. Umm well developed MD. I started to dd all the time, I was so out of control. Sixth grade, I started to get better in writing. The problem is I dded way too much to write more. The this year, I got de control over my dds and something just clicked for me. I just wanted to write and I loved doing it. I started poetry, now my first poems were horrible. Now though, poetry clicks for me. Sure it is not the best but I can say I am proud my poetry. It is something I take pride in and call my talent.i realized now of I did not have MD I do not think I would have ever gotten in to poetry. Now I kind of think in a way God kind of sort of turned my MD into a talent in a way. Now I know it is my fault for dding too much and getting MD but is it possible that God could have changed what I did to something positive or could have purposley made me devolve it in a way. I guess MD is not too bad after all.

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Comment by Jenna on April 26, 2012 at 4:19pm
@Lizzie Aww I am wry sorry about your grandpa and secound he sounds very wise. Well all of us probable have some reason to develope MD, others do not find it really.
Comment by Lizzie Wanderlust on April 26, 2012 at 8:33am

What you have said about talents, is very true. I think we do all have some kind of talent, something that we are just naturally good at. And it may takes us our entire life to find it! My great great grandfather lived an average life, without ever having a talent that made him stand out. But just before he passed away, he began to write poetry... and I can tell you that in my opinion, they are some of the most beautiful poems to have ever existed. Poetry was his talent, but he didn't discover it until just a few weeks before his life was to end.

And even if something does not come naturally, it does not mean we can not do it. I always liked the comparison of a naturally talented singer, and a singer who takes voice lessons. In the end, can you really tell the difference, when they both sing beautifully?

My grandparents have always told me that "everything happens for a reason", and in your scenario, that seems to be true. You developed MD for a reason, and you seem to have found that reason!

Comment by Jenna on April 25, 2012 at 6:30pm
Yes exactly Kay Pow.

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