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Just saw "Les Miserables".....

I just saw "Les Miserables" last night. OMG. I have been like in grieving ever since i saw it. It is so emotional and powerful and yes i cried like 3 times.

I cannot stop listening to Anne Hatheaways "I Dreamed A Dream". Now all my Daydream characters and me are sad and crying and all emotional and depressed, LOL.

This is really a powerful and great film, once in a lifetime movie to see in theaters maybe, but i DO NOT recommend any of us on this site to see…


Added by KwanKwan on January 6, 2013 at 9:21am — 3 Comments


Hi, I've been reading everyone's blog posts lately and a lot describe feeling alone, or depressed so I just wanted to share with you all this reply about confidence which I found on yahoo answers. I just though it was pretty inspirational.

You are not alone. This IS a confidence issue and you have to realize what confidence IS to overcome your shyness. Confidence sounds HARD, like a mountain, that you need a psychiatrist to help you with. Well it's not. It's just two pretty…


Added by Amoka on January 6, 2013 at 5:56am — 1 Comment

Don't want to live. Don't want to die.

I hate time. I hate how fast it passes. 2013 already? Its insane... I feel like its not enough. I feel like why should I try? Time passes too fast and it seems like it just doesn't matter. What can we get out of this life, if its so short? I don't want to be an adult. Ever. I don't want to live, but I don't want to die. I want time to stop forever. Actually, I'm not sure what I want. Maybe I just want to go to sleep. Forever. Not like dying, but just being in dreamland forever.

I… Continue

Added by Grace on January 5, 2013 at 8:30pm — 6 Comments

Things can not get worse

I am a mess. I am stuck in a vicious cycle. I cannot live, I cannot cope, I cannot talk to anyone, I cannot get help.

I stop mding for a couple of weeks but in the real world I am completely depressed, I can't imagine anything that could ever make me smile. I can't remember the last time I smiled a smile that wasn't fake. I can't remember how happiness feels. I can only remember a few months of my life when I was happy, years ago. I convinced myself that md was the reason that…


Added by Marla Singer on January 5, 2013 at 8:00pm — 5 Comments

Things never seem to get better.

I know a lot of people on here hate their MD and want to stop DDing, but that isn't something that I'll ever want (not that there is anything wrong with not wanting it). I just feel like I must missing something because I can't want to live in this world like they do. I just don't really feel like this world is worth it. I can't be happy in this world like I can in mine. I can't feel real in this world or present. I can't be happy with other people because I can't connect with them. I feel…


Added by littleschrodinger'scat on January 5, 2013 at 6:49pm — 2 Comments

wanna help me rename one of my characters?

okay so you know how i keep saying im gonna write my daydream into a book? yeah i started that up again. for reasons certain reasons i wanna change one of the characters first names

ok his names aaron larkin should I change it to;






see the character looks like aaron samuels from mean girls kinda- thats why i named him aaron( if for some strange odd reason you havent seen mean girls, he looks like this…


Added by ashlee on January 5, 2013 at 6:47pm — 5 Comments

Feel like Giving UP!!

I havnt been on here in awhile just couldnt face it i was doing good went about a month without the daydreams then i gave in and i felt i couldnt stop i hate that i feel the compulsion to do it i hate that i feel like it controls me...


im tired of trying last year alone i dedicated the whole year to giving it up 235 days i didnt give in and 130 days i did and now its another year the same fight i cant take it anymore the back and forth its taking away from me wearin…


Added by Jordan on January 4, 2013 at 8:51pm — 2 Comments

Staying out of Wonderland (brain devices)

Hi again! I hope the new year started beautifully for all of you :)

I'm making progress in rooting myself to reality, and it's still like a whole new world to me! I keep forgetting rules of the imaginary don't apply here, that everything is changeable and imperfect. However, good things have a way bigger worth in the real world. And I would never change valuable, real feelings for any DD ones! They have a much stronger, richer flavor, that cannot be easily…


Added by Gina Black on January 4, 2013 at 6:30pm — No Comments

The Unbreakup

An unbreakup happens when one makes a final, hopefully lasting, decision to get over someone they never dated, once and for all. I un-broke up with my crush around six weeks ago and have definitely improved since.

If I were to reduce my feelings for my crush into percentage points, my feelings were at 100% about a year ago, last winter. They fluctuated around 70-90% in the spring, summer and fall and definitely remained an obsession. 

Now, I'd say my feelings for my crush are…


Added by Dusty on January 4, 2013 at 4:00pm — 4 Comments

My disorder behind MD.

 I finally realized that my MD is about being a hero and rescuing others in their time of need. But my MD wasn't the cause of it, it was a reflection. In my daydreams, I rescued the one I admired from her boyfriend who broke her heart. In reality, I lived through her problems and was constantly worried about trying to 'fix' her and be her hero like I did in my dreams. I now discovered that I have Co-dependency. In my dreams I COULD be a hero, and be admired for it and be shown gratitude. But…


Added by LeAnn Marcum on January 4, 2013 at 12:01pm — 4 Comments

CBT not working!!!!!!!!!

ok, I've only made 2 entries but I don't feel any better. I read a FB post about MD being a gift. That just brought up some many terrible feelings. A place I had gone to for support, telling me it isn't a problem. There's nothing wrong with you, this is great. Why doesn't it feel great? I did the entry in the CBT diary and got all the postive statments to tell myself. Isn't helping. I felt hopeless, I just wanted to........well. I am sitting at my desk at work, crying, I can't stop. My…


Added by greyartist on January 4, 2013 at 10:04am — 8 Comments

For the Deep Thinkers

When I am in deep thought I can most definitely see vivid pictures of highly intelligent thoughts. However I am unable to express them into words.

Anyone else?

Added by Mill on January 3, 2013 at 6:33pm — 8 Comments

MD is a choice.

Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words.

Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions.

Be careful what you do, for your actions become your habits.

Be careful what becomes habitual, for your habits become your destiny.

 Thanks to EludeMyFantasies, I have finally realized what I've been searching for. MD is a choice just like any other habit. It's just a very thick mist…


Added by LeAnn Marcum on January 3, 2013 at 4:57pm — 3 Comments

Mobile therapy

A therapist in your pocket! New mobile apps let you try DIY therapy. May sound like a bad idea, I mean of course finding a good therapist you can open up to would be the best. But if you are in a remote area, or financially unable to aford therapy, then this may be a good option.

There are many CBT (cognative based therapy) apps out there, some for a fee and some free. I decided to try one, I downloaded CBT diary for free. I don't know how much help it will be for my MD but maybe at…


Added by greyartist on January 2, 2013 at 10:02am — 5 Comments

True believer (and how my MD stopped)

 When I was in 8th grade, I had a dream that I wanted to write a book about an adventure that really happened to me. I wanted to awe people and make them say "Wow! This was real? I thought it was fiction!"  So in order to do that, I chose people from the real world (my classmates) and started to plan my story and how it would go. I truly believed it was going to somehow come true. I dreamed of my buddies (my classmates who I never even talked to) and I were going to join up as a group when I…


Added by LeAnn Marcum on January 2, 2013 at 8:55am — No Comments

New and scared

I realised just a few hours ago that I have maladaptive daydreaming. I am scared. I have very important exams in a week and I often find myself daydreaming yet again. I fantasise about incidents in the past, incidents in the future (that will never happen) and I fantasise about myself being interviewed it having a argument and since I want to be a singer I sometimes imagine myself on a stage and totally start rocking out. I lose attention from my books every so often and lose myself in a… Continue

Added by Sara on January 2, 2013 at 5:15am — 3 Comments

Side effects

If you tell people who don't have md what it is they will most likely think it is not such a big deal. They will most likely say "I dd too" "Oh there is no such thing as md. We all dd"

This is why I don't tell anyone. No one understands the tool it can have on us.

Am I the only one who stays in their room and just daydreams? I love it. I sit in the car with my headphones and dd when we go places. It a beautiful escape.

My mom now always tell me that I am always… Continue

Added by otakugirl on January 1, 2013 at 1:50pm — 3 Comments

When you are DDing do you think it will someday come true?

 When I had my biggest episode of MD for a year and a half, I sunk so deep in it that I actually started to believe it was going to come true. I thought I was crazy.

Added by LeAnn Marcum on January 1, 2013 at 10:14am — 2 Comments

Do we believe these worlds are real?

So, most people with MD know whats reality and whats just a daydream, but so many of us get so attached to these characters, or to these worlds, and how can we get so attached to something we KNOW isn't real? I think that, maybe, somewhere deep down, we believe that this world exists in a way even if we don't know it. Has anyone ever felt like it's there somehow? And I'm not saying I believe we think of it as reality, but just that maybe we imagine, or hope, that it is somewhat real, somewhere.… Continue

Added by Grace on January 1, 2013 at 5:51am — 3 Comments

Being driven crazy by my own thoughts.

My thoughts and daydreams are driving me crazy. Honestly I'm surprised no one sees it but if they did I would have been put in a mental institute long ago. I replay real life events from years ago that I felt bad or disliked in my head over and over again. And its like a form of torture but I just can't stop. Every time it happens I cringe, I just wish there was a way to escape.. from myself. I hate my daydreams simply because I know its never going to be like that. I feel like I used to…


Added by Zoe on January 1, 2013 at 3:52am — 1 Comment

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