Hi, I've been reading everyone's blog posts lately and a lot describe feeling alone, or depressed so I just wanted to share with you all this reply about confidence which I found on yahoo answers. I just though it was pretty inspirational.

You are not alone. This IS a confidence issue and you have to realize what confidence IS to overcome your shyness. Confidence sounds HARD, like a mountain, that you need a psychiatrist to help you with. Well it's not. It's just two pretty easy rules. The first one is that you HAVE to like yourself, forgive yourself, and give yourself a break. You know your cousin, the one that is the most talkative person in the world? Well, she has a problem. It's not a bad problem, and you don't care because you love her. You overlook the too much talking because she is a good person, and that's what really counts. Well, YOU are the same. Don't look for other people to forgive you and understand that you're a good person, FORGIVE YOURSELF. Calm down, you know yourself and that's how you are, so KNOW that you're a good person and THAT'S what really counts and love yourself in spite of it like you love your cousin. The other thing is to enjoy your time when you're alone. Seriously, that's all there is to confidence. Find something constructive to do when you're alone that you'd enjoy. Like learning the guitar, or painting. A hollow body guitar and a book you can get in any music store called 'Easy chord songs for guitar' will have you playing songs that you love, new songs, in just a few weeks. And I swear it takes NO talent and you'll love that YOU can play these songs that you NEVER even dreamed you could. Painting is a dvd called 'LEARNING TO PAINT' At the beginning of the dvd, he tells you the tools you'll need (a canvas, paints, a few brushes and an easel, about $50) Then he starts painting, and tells you to stop the dvd and you paint what he did, then start it again, watch, pause and paint. You'll paint your own version of one of the most magnificent paintings you thought you could NEVER do. Again, not talent, easy and SO much fun. This will change how you look at life FOREVER. Realize that shyness is a SYMPTOM of a problem. NOT the problem. And if you do these 2 steps to gain confidence, this will erase MANY things besides your shyness and will give you such a different outlook. Remember, I love you, many people love you. So read your question again and say ," you know what? I love that person." That person is YOU.

The question was about how to overcome shyness, but i think this answer helps anyone who feels down.

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Comment by taffle on January 6, 2013 at 8:11am

Thanks for sharing.

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