Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
Malcolm X is following me everywhere. He's breathing down my neck. He's interrogating me about my religion. He keeps interrupting me. He says he doesn't respect me. I think he doesn't respect me because I'm different. We're watching feminist porn. He says what's the difference between that and regular porn. I try to explain to him that for one thing with feminist porn the women are the producers and more importantly they have orgasms whereas in regular porn the women are faking it.…
ContinueAdded by aprelle on February 5, 2014 at 9:44am — 3 Comments
Hey! I'm Malana! :) I just found out about this Maladaptive Daydreaming thing today....And it's really cool to know that I'm not the only person whose been dealing with this...I thought I was, but I'm not :) So that's cool (and kinda relieving, lol :P)...But, yea. Hopefully I can learn a lot more about it here, really looking…
Added by Mишка (Miska) on February 4, 2014 at 7:26am — No Comments
Added by Tyler Hanover on February 3, 2014 at 3:31pm — 1 Comment
wow my life is officially OVER!!! because
a)we have an xteremely important exam tomorrow and i have LOTS to learn.i cant focus because of my daydreaming habit and i didnt learn much before either because of said daydreaming...
b)im sick!i have a cold,sore throat back ache and fever.ikeep sneezing every 10 mother still says i have to write the exam even when there is a retest for absentees!she keeps givin me all these pills.she made me drink 1litre of ginger tea…
ContinueHi everyone,
I am Jennifer and I am 16 years old. I have been part of this site for two years now, and I thought I would share with you something I thought was really cool: I use Bitstrips to create cartoonized versions of my characters and to create important scenes of my daydreams. I cartoonized all of my characters as I imagined them, and they turned out…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer on February 2, 2014 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments
When I MD, i stare. I don't focus on anything, but i stare. I am a freshman in highschool. I have recently overheard someone complaining about me staring at them. I don't want her to think i am a creeper, or something along those lines. What should i do? Please help!
Added by Machelle Irby on February 1, 2014 at 9:07pm — 5 Comments
Can I ask how many think this might be inherited? I'm thinking someone else in my family also does this. I am also wondering how many had an imaginary friend when they were young. This is my first time posting and don't yet know how to get friends on this site.
Added by Lindy Lea Lawrence Wilson on February 1, 2014 at 12:49pm — 14 Comments
My friend wrote this, he is a minister who suffers from depression.
Added by greyartist on February 1, 2014 at 4:28am — 1 Comment
Here is a poem I've always found inspiring. I have a phrase from it tattooed on my back. It's called "Curiosity" by Alastair Reid
may have killed the cat; more likely
the cat was just unlucky, or else curious
to see what death was like, having no cause
to go on licking paws, or fathering
litter on litter of kittens, predictably.
Nevertheless, to be curious
is dangerous enough. To distrust
what is always said, what seems
to ask odd…
Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on January 31, 2014 at 7:21pm — 1 Comment
This post it's super long, so I appreciate each and everyone who has taken the time to read this
So yeah.. I just found out today about two hours ago about Maladaptive Daydreaming. I have been daydreaming like for serious for about I dunno.. 10 years or so? At first it didn't mattered, I mean I was 9 years old, so what does it matter a little escapade to fantasy once in a while? It was about years later and still today that it has really became a problem. I'm in…
ContinueI first starting this when I was 12. Mine seems different than most I have read about and wonder if anyone has a similar experience. My first boyfriend broke up with me and I started to imagine him watching me remotely. It affected my behavior because I would act my best and imagine him wishing he was still with me. Over the years it changed to other ex-boyfriends, teacher who did not think I would do anything go with my life, and my father who I stopped talking to. As an adult it was…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer T on January 30, 2014 at 5:17pm — No Comments
Added by Sandra on January 29, 2014 at 8:57pm — No Comments
Hi all,
I just became a member earlier today and have just now have gotten the courage to type something.
I have kept my MD a secret for sooooooooooo long that I am feeling very vulnerable and a little bit scared right now.
I am also very new to discussion forums in general so please forgive me in advance if I mess up (feel free to correct me if I do something wrong).
I realized that my daydreaming wasn't as normal as most when I was about 8 years old. I…
ContinueAdded by Alice in Wonderland on January 29, 2014 at 5:11pm — 4 Comments
I find it hard to relate to people. When I talk to relatives (like cousins), coworkers and acquaintances it is so difficult to have a decent conversation that doesn't sound awkward on my part. I can talk with my mother and sister, I guess because I talk to them all the time and I don't have to worry about things like whether or not they will get offended or if they can relate to the show or issue I want to talk about because I know they will. With others, I don't know that and my…
ContinueAdded by C. Foster on January 29, 2014 at 11:10am — 3 Comments
i had taken a strict disorder to NOT daydream anymore but once it starts its sooooo difficult to stop.yesterday,i daydreamed the entire night.i tried to stop myself but i just couldnt.there was so much of work to be done but there i was all over the place pacing and laughing like an idiot!a TOTAL idiot!i mean anyone who saw me at that moment would have thought i was mad or something...
thank god my mom was asleep or else...........
usually when i start to daydream (that is when…
ContinueI have not been prescribed this medication by a doctor, but I have taken 10mg on a couple of occasions for the purported energy that it gives you. Not only did I feel more productive and less all over the place, I didn't have the urge to daydream while on it (three separate times). Don't get me wrong, I will still daydream. But I will do it on purpose, instead of getting up compulsively from my desk during an assignment. I don't feel distracted by the scenarios and the feelings in my head. I…
ContinueAdded by Queen Dopamine on January 28, 2014 at 6:00pm — 14 Comments
So... I'm not quite sure what I was looking for when I signed up. I still don't know.
I read about Maladaptive Daydreaming today, and it really jumped out at me. How similar it is to me made me cry.
I've been looking for a while, looking for the reasons why I feel this way, and I feel this might be part of the answer...
I daydream, ever since I was a child. And it's getting worse, I think.
I usually daydream whenever I'm in bed,…
ContinueAdded by Mel L on January 27, 2014 at 10:10am — 7 Comments
So this new thing has started happening. Today has marked the second time where I have cried during a daydream. The first time I did it was only two days ago. I act out my daydreaming scenarios as they happen in my head, from facial expressions, to gestures, to dialogue, to actually moving around the room as they would (though I also just tend to generally pace around, even if they are sitting still). The content of my daydreams can be emotionally gripping and over-powering. In these two…
ContinueAdded by Queen Dopamine on January 26, 2014 at 4:59pm — 20 Comments
I wish I have someone to talk to about my daydreams. Not just about MDD in general, just my daydream content. Fo those of you who don't know, my daydreams take place in an elaborate parallel universe, which is exactly the same as our own except for humans being kept as pets by aliens. We are still exactly the same, just as intelligent. Very few on earth know about aliens keeping humans as pets. I don't imagine it being another dimension, it's this one, but with the conspiracy. It is…
ContinueAdded by Machelle Irby on January 26, 2014 at 2:51pm — 8 Comments
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