I know that having MD you probably have some sort of repetitive movement that you do. Mine is HANDS DOWN rocking my head!! I've done it since I could remember. I remember being young and my parents thinking I was crazy and taking me to a doctor. I think I was so young that I didn't realize that I was daydreaming. "Rocking" my head also gets me to concentrate super well. In school I would rock my head at my desk and do schoolwork at the same time and never got dizzy. I was always super confident in myself and it wasn't until I hit that weird age at 11 when I became embarrassed of my head movements and made it a point to stop them in school. I can lock myself in a room for hours and do nothing but listen to music and rock my head to music. I feel that when I read others talking about their movements they aren't as bad as mine. To give everyone a good illustration: I sit usually cross legged,  fold my hands together, keep my eyes on a certain object (like a letter on a key) and move my head vigorously from side to side to the point where my hair is flying everywhere!! It looks absolutely insane but it's the best natural high EVER! I really have to be careful in public when I start to wander off that I don't accidentally start rocking. Does anyone have a similar movement to this that they would never want anyone to see?? I don't mind the daydreaming all day, it's just the looking crazy while I'm daydreaming that I hate!! LOL :)

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Comment by Badgery Fox on March 6, 2014 at 3:34am

Also I do love talking out loud. Where there never a chance to be alone I'd just go crazy not being able to express myself. Sometimes my boyfriend catches me doing that but he doesn't judge :)

Comment by Badgery Fox on March 6, 2014 at 3:30am

I tend to rock back and forth a little when there is no chance of anyone seeing me. Unconciosly I  sometimes move my fingers very fast and kinda spastically when thinking very hard about stuff. That has always helped me do math problems though, and even now at university I do this when thinking hard.

Kime wrote that she paces her room --> doesn't everyone do that?? I never knew that this might be ankward to some. lol

Comment by The1andonlyAbber on February 15, 2014 at 6:06am
I don't really have a repetitive movement I do WHILE daydreaming, but I noticed that for some reason I do repetitive movements like shaking my leg or my hand when I'm trying to decide which imaginary world to go in (I have a few), what I should do next if I have to make a tough decision on my daydream (in some of my daydreams I'm queen of an intergalactic empire, so that happens kind of a lot, LOL), or if I have to decide which new character to bring into my world between 2 characters.
Comment by ashlee on February 13, 2014 at 2:54pm

I dont rock my head, but I shake my lake, rub my legs, and lightly rock back and forth. not all at the same time LOL but i always do those movements. People always tell me to stop shaking my leg...in the car, in class...cause it shakes everything. I dont even notice i do it. B ut when i stop i feel really uncomfortable and have to move somehow...
i didnt even notice the leg rubbing thing till i started hanging out with this guy (ugh -.-) and he would point it out everytime (so i stopped hanging out with him). I brought it up to a friend and she said that I do do it all the time. oh.


Comment by Sandra on February 13, 2014 at 12:45pm
My car is one of the few places I feel comfortable going to my world in. Several times, I have looked up at a light or in a parking space with someone looking at me with faces ranging from puzzlement to bewilderment. I usually play it off like I have a Bluetooth in. random people at lights have asked who I'm talking to. I usually pick up my phone and wave it at them. I wish I could be comfortable just don't my thing, too.
Comment by Alicia Rodriguez on February 11, 2014 at 6:52pm

@kim Yes I am able to concentrate sooo much better while rocking!

Comment by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on February 10, 2014 at 11:37pm

I'm really tired of people being called crazy for things like this.  Society needs to change.  It's really dumb to judge people like that.  I have Autism Spectrum Disorder, so when I tell people that, and they see me acting a little weird, they don't question it so much, at least not that I pick up, not that I could pick it up.  I don't have a particular movement that I do while daydreaming, except making facial expressions and sometimes mouthing words of conversations, but I do catch myself "stimming" (as they say when referring to what people with ASD do) sometimes.  I rock when I get a little anxious about things, which is common, and also when in new places.  For some reason, I have a need to touch my face and arms when at the doctor's office, for example.  Anyway, if you've found something that's harmless and helps you focus, power to you.  

Comment by Kim e on February 10, 2014 at 8:26pm

Wow I just tried that and I think I gave myself a headache! :)

I pace back and forth a lot, no one but my partner has ever seen me do this - and he thinks its the strangest thing ever! 

I think these movements allow us to concentrate more, at least it does for me. What do you think?

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