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Hello, I'm new here and wanted to tell a little about myself.

I have been an avid daydreamer all my life, since the age of 4. As a kid I had more than imaginary friends, I had entire worlds. I am an only child and my parents never paid much attention to me, so i spent a lot of time in my room. I never outgrew my imaginary worlds, I still have them. When I was a kid I had imaginary parents and brothers and sisters. And I was loved. Never felt that way in my real life. As I grew older, I developed an interest in SciFi, I loved Quantum Leap, Star Trek, and a… Continue

Added by Anne on November 19, 2012 at 12:02pm — 2 Comments


Pretty surprised when I read the yahoo article.  Like so many other posts, I never thought others had this problem.  Misery lives company.

Zero people know I have this problem.  How do you bring it up with out looking completely crazy.  I am fortunate to have friends and a family, but relationships are a struggle.    

I have found treatment for adult diagnosed AHDH helpful and a seasonal affective disorder light box helpful.  

Living abroad also helped.  My brain was too…


Added by mindlessness on November 19, 2012 at 9:02am — No Comments

I'm not alone?

I stumbled across an article about this stuff on Yahoo.  I was stunned because for the past six years I've assumed there was just something wrong with me and that I was alone with it.  I've kept this a secret...from everyone.  I'm still not sure how in depth I want to go about the other world that I live in.  I made an alias, my other name, and picked a random zip code for where I live.  I can't describe in words how it feels to know I'm not the only one who is locked in my own mind.  I…


Added by Etaru on November 19, 2012 at 8:00am — 3 Comments

My Real Life vs. My "Other" Life

In my real life:

  • I live in Tennessee.
  • I am 21 years old.
  • I work at McDonald's.
  • I'm single.
  • I have no children.
  • I live with my mother.
  • I have no friends.
  • I have no love life or sex life whatsoever.
  • I'm over 200 pounds.
  • All I do is eat, sleep, work, get on the internet, and daydream.

In my MAIN other life (I have many):

  • I live in London.
  • I'm famous.
  • My age…

Added by Ziggy Valentine on November 18, 2012 at 10:27pm — 4 Comments

The way I am

My family has known that im a daydreamer but i dont think they realize how deep its gotten. I've been like this for as long as I can remember. Im very detailed with my daydreaming so much that I have notebooks with all my writings. It has at times affected my daily life and relationship. I'm constantly having to drag myself out of bed to attend to my responsibilities. I would rather stay in my bedroom and write in my notebooks than hang out with people or socialize. I'm so afraid that I'm… Continue

Added by Melinda on November 18, 2012 at 10:27pm — No Comments

Day 1

12 years.....


thats how long i been living in my mind......... half my life inside a world i created to escape the pain i felt to escape the truth, the pain of being me the pain i felt as a child from the things i went through......


12 matter how many times i repeated it no matter how i said it, it wouldnt give me back those 12 years as i sit here i think my life wouldnt be the same without daydreaming it would be boring nothing to talk about no…


Added by Jordan on November 18, 2012 at 9:29pm — 1 Comment

The moment when, finally, everything makes sense.

For all intents and purposes, I am a perfectly functioning adult as viewed from the outside. My studies are going well, I have a social life (when I want to), and I consider myself a hale and hearty individual. But for some reason, I often fall into this sort state of conscious hibernation, where I retreat into really vivid daydreams. It's been going on since I was young, and I thought it would eventually go away when I grew up. But it hasn't, not really. I looked up "excessive daydreaming,"…


Added by Annie Huang on November 18, 2012 at 8:29pm — No Comments

I need to tell my story

Hi Everyone. I found this site through the Yahoo article, like a lot of other people. I was stunned to find out that there are others like me, probably again, like a lot of you. I'm nearly forty, and only until a few years ago, I had thought that I was living a completely normal life. In the past few years, a type of mental illness came over me after I lost my brother suddenly. All at once, I found myself living in this world again all alone, and it brought me back to thinking about my…


Added by Cynthia Wells on November 18, 2012 at 7:58pm — 2 Comments

I worry about aging and growing senile and the fantasies coming out, blending with my reality.

I am new here.  I just read the article by Amanda Schupak on Yahoo and was shocked to learn that what I have experienced as my normal life these past 44 years was shared by others.  I have always been ashamed by it.  What I read in the article and have read so far on the blogs is so amazing.  I share so many of these experiences.   So many things seem to make sense.  The vivid nighttime dreams, which I have always remembered so easily (and friends growing up always thought I "made up"), the…


Added by Paula R on November 18, 2012 at 5:31pm — 2 Comments

I am their obsession

I started being hounded by the paparazzi as a preteen. 


"What is your new film about?"  "When is your wedding?"  "What do you think of the Iran hostage crisis?"


People wanted my opinions.  They wanted my autograph.  They wanted my photo to be taken with them.


They were there when no friends were.  They were there when I barricaded my bedroom door so my mentally ill sister couldn't come in and hurt me.  They were there to adore me when my mother…


Added by Lisa Zimeckis on November 18, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments

The Truth Shall Set You Free - John 8:32, 36

Hello everyone... :) I found this website on Yahoo News while I was reading an article... I simply wanted to write from my own personal experience with daydreaming... Its so encouraging to read how you all are searching for truth in regards to this serious issue and being there for one another... supporting each other... how wonderful... keep doing what you are doing... I'm 31 years old... Growing up in a verbally abusive environment with constant conflicts every day... I…


Added by Esther on November 18, 2012 at 5:11pm — 1 Comment

The Article

Recently Yahoo! picked up an article about maladaptive daydreaming featuring our fearless leader, Cordellia. I'm 100% behind anything that gets our issue out in the open and raises awareness. But it makes me feel like my bubble will be burst. When I first found out that there were other people like me I was so relieved! Then I felt like I had to change from being an oddball to being part of a group. That was a new experience. It's still foreign for me to feel like I "belong" somewhere but I…


Added by J Noland on November 18, 2012 at 5:05pm — 3 Comments

My Story -- Sound Familiar??

Not really sure how this website works – I am kinda “old school” when it comes to tech like this. Anyway, I felt the need to share my story here. Maybe just as a way to reach out to others who would actually understand on a level that no one I have ever met in person has been able to do. I have “confessed” to a few folks over the years. No one has ever been openly judgmental or anything, but you can tell that they don’t really understand what you are talking about. I have gotten the…


Added by Kim Russell on November 18, 2012 at 5:04pm — 4 Comments

How it started...

I was a lonely kid, and had loved to write, but it took so long to get my thoughts down on paper! I would spend hours at night thinking of the plot, characters and places for my stories. This became a problem for me when I would constantly fall asleep in class because I wasn't sleeping! I f I could get half of my ideas on paper, I think I would be a very popular writer. I sometimes read books and short stories and think "Hey! I thought of that years ago!" 

I have continuing story…


Added by Krissy on November 18, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

This Weekend

Yesterday Bryn and I met up with Isaac and his Grandmother again. This time we went to the Tower of London. I really enjoy being with Isaac and it has made me think about if one day Bryn and I will have any kids. Bryn has always said he wants children, but I am nervous to say that I am not sure if I want to as well. I do not think I would be a good dad. There is too much wrong with me, what if my children learn things from me that they should not. I would not want anyone to be like me. It…


Added by Gethin on November 18, 2012 at 1:03pm — No Comments

Introductions: Hi, I'm Photosynthesis

I have too many identities to keep track of them all. You could call me Photosynthesis or some shorter form of it. Like Pho. Or whatever you want. I really don't mind what you call me, exactly.

I'm an aspiring writer.

I saw this website on a Yahoo article. I had researched into the slightest dabble of excessive daydreams at times when I wonder why I'm different from everyone, and finding this website makes me realize just how little I am alone.

I'm sixteen years old with…


Added by Lydia Rauch on November 18, 2012 at 12:56pm — 1 Comment

Introductions: Hi, I'm Photosynthesis

I have too many identities to keep track of them all. You could call me Photosynthesis or some shorter form of it. Like Pho. Or whatever you want. I really don't mind what you call me, exactly.

I'm an aspiring writer.

I saw this website on a Yahoo article. I had researched into the slightest dabble of excessive daydreams at times when I wonder why I'm different from everyone, and finding this website makes me realize just how little I am alone.

I'm sixteen years old with…


Added by Lydia Rauch on November 18, 2012 at 12:53pm — No Comments

Brainstorming radio show topics

Got together with another MDer and came up with some topic ideas. If you want to make any comments on any of them please do. Here's the show link if you want to see what we've already done, yesterday's show was on technology's effect on MD.

Topic ideas:



guided daydreams/controlling them



Added by greyartist on November 18, 2012 at 9:08am — No Comments


I am so glad to have found this site. I have felt very alone for a very long time.

I am 45 years old, and I have been making up my 'stories' since I was a young child. I had a rather dysfunctional childhood. I will spare you the details and just say that I had good reasons to retreat into fantasy worlds.

I have always been socially awkward. I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and depression.

I have tried to live a normal… Continue

Added by Juanita on November 17, 2012 at 11:11pm — 3 Comments

Brain fatigue

Hey friends, I deleted my account just day before yesterday because I thought there is no solution for my MD and so its no point wasting time here. I WAS WRONG. I had forgotten that there is no one who will be able to understand me better than you'll. So I came back. Now, coming to the point I've lost interest in everything, I can no more study. So, I took help from our family doctor who said that I may be suffering from 'brain fatigue'. Can you help me out please. My board exams are in…


Added by Simran on November 17, 2012 at 11:07pm — 4 Comments

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