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Weakness and insecurity.

Hey y'all, haven't been on in a looong time, hope everyone's doing great. :) Some ups & downs here, but that's life.

Well, lately I've been trying to make sense of my daydreams. As in 'why am I daydreaming about this?' I guess looking for the feelings hidden beneath the fantasy. Because my whole life that's how I've handled my feelings.

Sometimes I daydream simply because I'm bored. Bad habit, but I'm working on it.

But a lot of times, I daydream because like I… Continue

Added by Amanda Lynne on November 22, 2012 at 4:04pm — 3 Comments

New members- wanted to let you know about the MD radio show

Seems like allot of new members so I wanted to let you all know about the MD radio show on every Sat @ 3pm est. The old shows can be listened to from the show page as well. It is a light discussion about maladaptive daydreaming and living with it. We try to go over recent articles and any new research or resources. Would love to have you join us.

Added by greyartist on November 22, 2012 at 6:41am — 1 Comment

Do you find that as an MD'er you have more vivid and creative night dreams as well ?

 This is something I've noticed. I have far more unusual and vivid sleeping dreams than most people do. I'm wondering if other MD'ers do as well ? Perhaps because of the MD, we are stretching our brain ...muscles...LOL and it gives our subconscious a stronger pallette.


  I also find myself looking very eagerly toward bedtime. My night dreams break the patterns of my daydreams and I never know what to expect but am always sure it will be entertaining !

Added by Gale Potter on November 22, 2012 at 4:57am — 7 Comments

Do you DD about regular scenarios?

So, I just read a few comments about what some of yall DD of, and a lot are very crazy scenarios. I was just wondering, does anyone DD about just, sort of normal things?

Added by Grace on November 22, 2012 at 4:37am — 4 Comments

Dream Weaver

I found this site through a Yahoo article.

I've been a dreamer since my early school years.  My childhood wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst childhood. My mother could build you up one minute and tear you down the next moment.  My father was a workaholic.  My brother escaped to his friend's home.  I escaped to my room reading books and living in a dream world.  My family was four people that lived under the same roof.

My daydreams were not magical fantasy…


Added by Leah on November 22, 2012 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

Just telling my dream

Today I dreamed about the new form of transportation, it called a dimension gate. Everyone can use it as an alternative way of transportation , you just jump into the dimension gate and it will warp you to another dimension gate that be around your destination. The gates are not at specific place such as beside the bridge that you have to get out of a car and jump off the bridge to get into the gate that  invisible but everyone  knows  it's there (What  an ordinary weird). The dimension that…


Added by romanticlazy on November 22, 2012 at 2:28am — 4 Comments

Anyone DD about other people?

I never daydream about myself. I don't find it interesting. I have daydreamed about other people forever. I like to, though. One of the people I daydream about, I pretend is from my town, though, and I used to have someone made up in my head who had my same friends, but a completely different look and life. I never thought of her as myself. Does anyone else do this?

Added by Grace on November 21, 2012 at 4:18pm — 3 Comments

If you could would you?

If you could live in your dd world would you?

I often imagine drifting away from this world and going into mine.

Added by otakugirl on November 21, 2012 at 3:25pm — 10 Comments

This Website Helps

I just wanted to say that since I found this website (actually thanks to Yahoo. Yahoo actually posted something worth it.), I've felt better about myself.

I never knew of anyone who had this condition and I didn't even think it had a name. I just thought I was insane. I even thought about going to therapy because of it (although I don't have enough money to do that.) Know that there is other people out there with this same condition and being able to talk to people about…


Added by Ziggy Valentine on November 20, 2012 at 1:25pm — 5 Comments

Torturing myself through MD. How to stop?

Hello to you all. I'm glad I found this website and wonder if you can help me out?

I have been a daydreamer as long as I can remember. I went through many different DDs, which were inspired by many sources. Now, my DDs changed to a downright abusive hell. I don't know what is to blame. Perhaps returning to work from 2 weeks long vacation (spent with my head in the clouds - again) and not being able to fall in yet.

My MD consist of many characters of the different backgrounds…


Added by Dreamcatcher on November 20, 2012 at 1:20pm — 6 Comments

Aspergers & MDD??

I have Aspergers (quite high functioning), and I am a compulsive DD'er. I daydream while driving and while in bed at night. I was wondering just how many of you all might also have Aspergers....look it up (look up women with aspergers) for women because it presents differently from men. Just curious if there was a possible connection.

Anyway, like many of you, music is a big trigger, especially while driving. I find it a good thing to listen to music while writing on stories. It seems…


Added by Ms. Rose on November 20, 2012 at 12:37pm — 3 Comments

I'm glad I'm not alone.

For the longest time I didn't even know I was daydreaming. Not until the end of high school and into college did I begin to realize that I had two distinct sets of memories, not just a jumble of one. Sure, sometimes I daydreamed and knew it as such, wild fantasies that could not possibly be true, but much of it was far less easy to spot. Now I suspect I had started blending my unfortunate reality with a far more comforting storyline when I was only 6.

I'm stuck trying to…


Added by Sarah Eden on November 20, 2012 at 10:40am — No Comments

Anybody read books that relate to their dd "life"............

This is something I do.  Some of my dd is based on some stories I have read. If I read a good part in a book I will almost always apply it to my dd life with myself as main person.  I even have more than 1 story line going at time.  Help!  Maybe I should stop reading for awhile.  It triggers my dd.

Added by LJ on November 20, 2012 at 10:33am — 5 Comments

Track the shabby shadow down....

Coil- The Dreamer is Still Asleep:


If this song does not speak to you, then no song written about trying to keep from daydreaming your life away ever will.

You know the artist who made this (Coil) has got to be a daydreamer himself. How else could one make such a resonant song about this subject? He gets it. :)

The lyrics also hit…


Added by Tila on November 19, 2012 at 11:01pm — 3 Comments

Begin from the Beginning...

Well and hello there. Pleasure to meet you, even if I cannot meet you, and a pleasure to see you even if I cannot see you. My name is Dusty, and I supposed I joined the site because I wanted to spill a bit of hope if I could.

I was actually directed here by a recent Yahoo article, which my roommate showed me because she knows my story. I had no idea this was a condition, but I suppose, thinking back on it, some things make a lot more sense now...

I was…


Added by Dusty Rose O'Connor on November 19, 2012 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Could this be hereditary?

Curious if the excessive daydreaming can be hereditary or could a person be predisposed because of genetics? I think my mother also lived in a fantasy world. She spend quite a bit of time alone, she was a homemaker and never worked outside the home. My dad was retired from the Navy and up until I was about 10 he was gone most of the time. She did have emotionally and physically traumatic experiences in her younger life that I think may have cause her to retreat into her perfect world.

Added by Peggy LaRue on November 19, 2012 at 6:40pm — 4 Comments

The story so far.......

I'm new this website and i would like to tell you my story......................

From the time I was the age of four my father sexually abused me. The abuse lasted for 9 years, untill I was 13. Can you guess my age?

I'M 13. I used to go to a world were everything was perfect, where my familie was normale and the smells, sounds and sights were perfect. When i was younger i thought of stuff for "adults" like being free and living by myself and having a baby and a husband. I still due.…


Added by Sabrina Gonzalez on November 19, 2012 at 4:36pm — 2 Comments

What's My Motivation?

I wonder, reading through so many new-entry blogs, how most of us got here.  According to the study, most of us had fairly decent childhoods, little to no trauma that would usually act as the initial motivation for escapism.  I'm no different - I had (still have) good, loving parents, a middle-class upbringing, and a good education.  I will admit to having an addictive personality, as well as a tendency to want things to be more "perfect" than they can be in real life (i.e. I'm a…


Added by Erin Kaye on November 19, 2012 at 4:28pm — 4 Comments

Daydream at work

  I been daydreaming at work ,now for 3 weeks.  The past two weeks it's been the same.  I am at a photo shot which is somewhere  on the grounds of casetal .  A male model get's out of a outside pool, hairless chest & white Speedo's.  But last week, when he strips off his Speedo, he has a Muppet penis ( that talks).  The Muppet say " What are you looking at ?".  Then the dream stops & I get back to work.

Added by Graca on November 19, 2012 at 4:12pm — No Comments

Spammers strike again!

Hi all,

I just suspended two more spammers. We used to get them a lot more before I implemented the sign-up process you all had to go through. Unfortunately, occasionally, a few slip through. If you get a comment, usually along the lines of "Hi, my name is ___. I really like your profile and would like to get to know you better. Please email me at (email address)," it's probably a spammer. Report them to me, and I'll get rid of them. Do NOT email these people. I don't know what they're up… Continue

Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on November 19, 2012 at 2:17pm — 18 Comments

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