Anybody read books that relate to their dd "life"............

This is something I do.  Some of my dd is based on some stories I have read. If I read a good part in a book I will almost always apply it to my dd life with myself as main person.  I even have more than 1 story line going at time.  Help!  Maybe I should stop reading for awhile.  It triggers my dd.

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Comment by taffle on November 21, 2012 at 7:41am

Yes, I do read webtoons and manga online and I base my DD world on them. But it's not limited to stories that I read; if I watch tv or movies and I see something interesting, I will incorporate it into my DD plot.

Comment by greyartist on November 21, 2012 at 5:46am

While I don't read books that relate to my DD life, my DD life is always effected by books I read. I mean I don't go looking for books about simular characters or such. But reading gives my DDs new ideas sometimes.

Comment by Dreamcatcher on November 20, 2012 at 1:31pm

You are not alone, LJ. I deliberately browse through internet and bookshops to find a suitable addition to my library. The most embarrassing situations were being caught at the school lesson reading Stoker's Dracula and by my colleague at work reading book about profiling criminals. Oh, lord, more careful now.

Embedding characters from the books into your dream world is very common. Stop reading isn't an answer, I'm afraid, you will remember characters you read about utill now. :-)

Comment by Jeanine Cunningham on November 20, 2012 at 1:04pm

Interesting!  I do the same thing with both books and movies.  Conversely, one of my story lines, which has been going for over a decade, is concerned with a certain career situation.  Over the last few years I have worked to make my life more like the situation in my story line (with no expectation of the same characters and details, of course :).  I also find that as I've gotten older, my story lines are much more practical, less magical, but definitely more idealized; therefore, even if something I've seen or read triggers my daydreaming, if it's not practical or idealized I have a hard time fitting it in to any of my story lines and it is abandoned, or dropped from the story canon, pretty quickly. 

Comment by Ms. Rose on November 20, 2012 at 12:39pm

Yep. Different books spawn different dd's. I enjoy historical fiction.

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