All Blog Posts (2,857)

A very long introduction:

Hello, my name is Kelsey and I am new to this blog even though I have known about it for a few years now. I have finally decided to join so that I can read about other people's experiences/ask advice/meet daydreamers/etc. (:

So I'll just say a little about myself first I suppose. I'm a University student in MA who will be 20 come September. I have a production major and film minor. I'm a pescetarian. Music means the world to me and I listen to it all but my favorites are: Coldplay,…


Added by Kelsey on June 26, 2012 at 11:08pm — No Comments

Could This Song be About a Person's Struggles with MD?

So...My Ipod was on Shuffle today, and this song came on. I was half-singing along, and then something hit me; that I could relate to the lyrics when it comes to my daydreams. Maybe this song isn't actually about MD, but that was definitely the meaning I got from it.


Here's the song:


Here are the lyrics: (I bolded the lines that stood out the most to…


Added by Jennifer on June 26, 2012 at 10:20am — 1 Comment

Just wanted to share a couple of things

hi everyone:)

So I just thought I should talk about what happened last weekend. Some changes have taken place. Like my fantasy world of 6 years has come to and end:( I was so sad and upset but I had to let it go. For the past couple of months I had been dragging it on and on and repeating some storylines. I even tried to add new storylines but it wouldn't work. But I didn't want to let go because my fantasy world is like a part of me and I feel lonely without. But then this…


Added by Sarah on June 25, 2012 at 8:31am — 3 Comments

So much for that

After a month of not daydreaming about my world I caved in today and daydreamed. I'm so upset I can't seem to stop. Even when I don't daydream about my world daydream of other things. How can I stop this does anyone have any tips?

Added by otakugirl on June 23, 2012 at 5:45pm — 4 Comments

Family drama

So, I went to visit my family for a couple of days this weekend.  I got there in a pretty good mood.  Things have been going pretty well for me.  I left just feeling...not terrible, but so frustrated.  A lot more negative.  My mom pretends to be so happy and enthusiastic on the outside, but then she makes all of these little passive aggressive jabs at me, covering them up with so much fake sweetness.  I know I'm not perfect and have made mistakes.  I wish I worked harder and didn't waste any…


Added by Angela E on June 23, 2012 at 5:29pm — 1 Comment

Using Music as an Anger Releaser Instead of Using Daydreaming

So...It's been awhile. I'm Jennifer, and I'm 15 years old. (There are new people on this site, it appears, so I shall introduce myself again. :P) And what I really want to talk about today are two things: How I think I've found the cure to my personal Maladaptive Daydreaming. And how I use music and poetry to let out my feelings.

So, this morning, around 4:00, when I finished uploading my newest song to YouTube and my Facebook page, something hit me so hard that it felt like a rock…


Added by Jennifer on June 23, 2012 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

My distractions don't work anymore:(

Hello everyone hope your all okay!

Well DD hasn't been going too well lately. Today I DD for like 3 hours before I woke up in the morning and I have a horrible headache, feeling sick and dizzy. I'm so tired too because I didn't sleep well last night.

I wanted to talk about things I do to stop myself from DDing. I only have 2 distractions.

1. reading

2.talking to my friend

So morning and night is when I DD the most but…


Added by Sarah on June 21, 2012 at 11:51am — 3 Comments


i can't help but ask myself after i daydream for a long time why am i okay with this? why does it feel the same, or much better than real life should? why give me the skill of knowing all the answers if i can never act on it?


i'm scared everybody's right. this is all i'll ever be. a dreamer. a dreamer can be a beautiful thing if their dreams make…


Added by Amanda Lynne on June 20, 2012 at 8:13pm — 6 Comments

sculpture i made of one of my characters in art class/ whatever

awhile ago i wrote a post about how we were making clay sculptures in art and i was making mine one of my characters and im finally done it and have a picture of it!! i actually dont think it looks like him....but here it is

ya there it is. it was fun to make.

also the other day i first started writing out one of my day dreams and i was writing in first…


Added by ashlee on June 20, 2012 at 5:41pm — 7 Comments


This is a short play I wrote for an English assignment.  It had to be a 10-15 minute play and could be about anything.  I got the idea from one of my daydreams.  I had to just do one scene from the daydream since the real thing would have been an entire 3 Act play LOL.  I guess it's okay.  I'm not the best writer... I got a good grade on it though. 

Cast of Characters

In Order of Appearance


Ellis Olson:  Ethel…


Added by Morgan Decker on June 19, 2012 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

My First Post - MD and Acting

Hi, everyone!!  This is my first post on here so, for anyone who cares, feel free to read on. 

     My name is Morgan and I've just recently joined you guys on Wild Minds.  I have been suffering from MD my whole life but didn't find out about MD itself or what it was until about a year and a half ago when I finally confronted my family about my problem and they found me some resources as to what it may be.  When I was a young child I felt extremely socially awkward, isolated and like…


Added by Morgan Decker on June 19, 2012 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Last Night, I had a DD of falling asleep in my crushes arms.

Anyone else have this? It was so cute. In my DD, I told him about some abuse I suffered through as a kid, and he was like "Come here" and then I fell asleep with him and felt his hand join mine :3.

Added by Kathy on June 19, 2012 at 4:47pm — 4 Comments

Found out about MD some weeks ago

hello everyone

I found this site a couple of days ago and I was looking around the site and thinking of joining. Well for the past two days I have been day dreaming non-stop about this site. When I found the blog section I really wanted to just write here because no one understands me at all. So I've been DDing about what to write and now I'm sitting here with a blank mind. LOL

I should tell you about my story. Well it all started when I was 13 maybe 14 years…


Added by Sarah on June 19, 2012 at 11:02am — 3 Comments

Don't really care if this is read, just an observation I made, + video diary thing

I just read a post by Emilia, "Two different identities" and the comments on it, and then, rather than type a reply, I ended up 'talking to DD' (basically talking to one of my characters) and, rather than type anything up (I may do after this post though) I was just explaining how I'm a bit like this myself, and details of it, and exactly why, including the fact that I talk to my DD characters (it's kinda weird, actually, mentioning DD to a DD character and basically telling them about…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on June 19, 2012 at 1:40am — 2 Comments

My social phobia (kind of an embarrassing post)

For some unexplicable reason, I've always had a fear of asking people to "hang out" with me. You know when there's someone you find fun or interesting, and would like to get to know more and in my case maybe even DD about them, but you aren't at the point in a relationship where you're actually considered "friends"?

Yeah, I assume this is when the majority of people will pop a "we should hang out sometime!" or "what are you doing tonight?" out of habit, without really thinking much of…


Added by Dusty on June 18, 2012 at 7:23pm — 8 Comments

social anxiety

Hello I`m Sara. Most of you probably dont know me because Im new and I do not post blogs but this is something I really wanted  to share. 

This girl that I know, more like an acquiescence , friend of a friend. You know what I mean. Well she`s gunna move so a lot of people from my grade made a little video for her. So we all showed the video after school to her.  I wasn`t a part of the video cause I was absent in school. But I wanted to go because I felt obligated to since the…


Added by LostSoul99 on June 18, 2012 at 1:11pm — 3 Comments

So it begins... Maybe.


Today, we saw The Avengers. Came home and my six year old daughter began pacing the house, walked over to a chair, pushed off, turned around and walked the other way. All while in her own little world smiling.

She had asked if Thor was in the movie soon after it started, and it seems like she may have a…


Added by Melissa on June 17, 2012 at 7:49pm — 3 Comments

A Daydream inside of a daydream?

So... Does anyone else have it where you're in the middle of a day dream, then another daydream interrupts it??

Added by Kathy on June 17, 2012 at 6:48pm — 6 Comments

Out with the old, and in with the new?

from what i know i think i lot of us, in our daydreams, have

-main characters (whether you imagine them or pretend you actually are them)

-other characters

-a plot/storyline in your daydreams (an ongoing one, or one that is frequently changed)

all of which are inspired/influenced/triggered from time to time by things like movies, tv programmes and stuff, is that right?

well i was wondering, has anyone ever kept up the same characters and same sort of…


Added by havoc on June 17, 2012 at 9:07am — 2 Comments


Lately I've been dd a lot. And I do this thing where I push everyone in real life away. And I've done so to my best friend and I just don't even know what to say to her anymore. It's like something happened and I don't know her anymore.

Nothing changed. 

But I can't feel our friendship.

This always happens. Between myself and everyone I know. I know it's because I retreat into my head and then reality just doesn't compare. But I'm at a loss. 

A loss of words and…


Added by Dev Thorne on June 15, 2012 at 10:27pm — 1 Comment

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