After a month of not daydreaming about my world I caved in today and daydreamed. I'm so upset I can't seem to stop. Even when I don't daydream about my world daydream of other things. How can I stop this does anyone have any tips?
If you're trying to stop an addiction your always going to slip its not easy at all. I tried to give up some years back but I only lasted a day! so you should be really proud of yourself for giving up for 3 months. That is brilliant. Just keep reminding yourself if you find yourself going into DD maybe
Comment by Amanda Lynne on June 24, 2012 at 6:31am
don't beat yourself up, a month of no daydreaming is a big accomplishment. everybody slips up. & when you do it's better to have good self-talk. instead of being angry with yourself, be understanding, you have to kinda be your own mascot and pat yourself on the back for what you have done. i set alarms on my phone throughout the day that say "Don't DD" and that helps sometimes
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