Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
So...It's been awhile. I'm Jennifer, and I'm 15 years old. (There are new people on this site, it appears, so I shall introduce myself again. :P) And what I really want to talk about today are two things: How I think I've found the cure to my personal Maladaptive Daydreaming. And how I use music and poetry to let out my feelings.
So, this morning, around 4:00, when I finished uploading my newest song to YouTube and my Facebook page, something hit me so hard that it felt like a rock hitting me on the head. I suddenly realized that I hadn't daydreamed in about 3-4 days straight...And that's unusual for me. And as I thought about it a bit deeper, I realized why: I had distractions. I'll explain that a little more. So, I'm off of school for the Summer and I really dreaded Summer because I felt as if I would disappear into my little fantasy world the entire 2 months. But I actually haven't. I have been making music, writing, doing photoshoots for my music, and even making a music video. I made 4 new videos in about a 5 day's timespan...I've never made that much progress before because MD. And I'm so proud of it. I love the music I've been making, and I'm happy that I think I may have finally found out what life is like without this forbidden disorder. Three nights this week, I went down to my basement and just sang my heart out into my microphone. I don't get finished until 3-4 in the morning usually, and I go down at like 11-12 at night. My parents usually make me go to bed at around 12:00, but lately I think they've been suspecting something's been going on with me. It's almost like they realized that when the musician of the family goes down to the basement with her computer, microphone, and headphones, they just need to leave me alone. They haven't even said a word to me about it, and it's awesome. Haha!! When I posted my new songs online, they have all gotten positive feedback almost immediately. And it makes me so happy. Happy beyond words. I'm proud, and I'm happy that I might be overcoming MD. I even got asked to be produced by a musical producer who owns their own recording company. And because of my new music, my fanpage on Facebook has gotten so many new likes. I had about 45 last week, and by today I have 54!!! 54. I can't believe it. So many people really encourage me to make new music and they're all so nice to me. And I realize that if I had been using the time I used making music to daydream, none of this would have happened.
Here are my new songs: (One of them is a cover of a real song, and the others are my personal music, written by me)
My newest song: (Made last early this morning)
Second newest; Made about 2 days ago:
^ Music video for "From Me to You"-Made yesterday.
My cover of an existing song:
^ This is all the progress I've made without MD. Everyone, I am really not trying to brag, I promise. And I'm sorry if I am coming that way...But I just want to inspire you to be strong and ger rid of your MD conditions...This is just an example of how much progress I have made without the burden of my case of MD on my shoulders. I'm promise I'm not trying to brag, and I honestly can say that I'm not that kind of person...I just really want you to be strong and do what I know you can do. Now, this doesn't mean that I won't crack...I probably will, but lately, I haven't even had the urge to daydream. I probably didn't get rid of MD completely, I think I may have lessened the amount of time I spend doing that, but there's no telling that until I start up again. :P
Bottom line: Distractions MAY help! I have just always been finding something for me to do lately, and that's writing and singing, and composing music. And for some of you, it might be different...And for others...Well, let's just say that this isn't the method that works for you to rid of MD. Experiment with hobbies...Try new things. You just might fall in love with a sport/other activity you had no idea you even had interest for. ^.^
I know it's been awhile since I've posted and talked to some of you, but I hope you're all doing well! I miss you!!
Oh my! Thanks so much, Mr. Hunter! Your compliments really made me happy!! :P Thanks for commenting, and you are SOOO talented! I'm really impressed with your art, it's absolutely amazing.
Also, I'm so sorry to hear about your other disorder, if I may. That must be really hard. I had no idea that you're studying the art of making video games and such! That sounds like a really fun and interesting thing to be studying. I hope you're doing well with it. :)
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