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Need input, want to share?

I'm reserching for the MD radio show and want to do a show on characters. I would love to have some input from you all on what to discuss about our characters. This is what I have so far as an outline,

Are you in your Daydreams?

Where do your characters come from? TV, movies, books, real life, made up?

Do you think all the characters are some part of your own subconscious?

Has your…


Added by greyartist on September 17, 2012 at 8:51am — 5 Comments

MDD just another outlet for an addictive personaity?

 I know that this take on MDD is nothing new but I was reading a book on alcoholic addiction and I would say that

MDD is pretty close to alcoholism. Meaning that some of us have lost complete control and dwell  24/7 in a DD.

Behind the scenes however, alot of us  are unaware of co-existing depression /anxiety related disorders that fuel MDD.

Willpower could not help us because we are bio- chemically set up to self-medicate through MDD.We NEED to DD or else we get…


Added by Bee Anchor on September 17, 2012 at 8:46am — 3 Comments

why would you say that

i was in writers craft the other day. i was sitting with my friend whom i told my daydream to when we were drunk. i had writers block for my assigment and i said to her "hmm..give me a name"

she says "kelly"

that is one of my main characters name. why would you bring that up. why would you say that name. i dont know, maybe its not a big deal but i feel embarassed for telling her and i told her thay. i mean, she obviously said that name because of my character

its not…


Added by ashlee on September 17, 2012 at 6:00am — 4 Comments

I think my son has MD also

After learning about MD I really started wondering about him having it. He seems to have all the signs. He has never had close friends, all thru school. He is 23 now. Introverted, stays to himself. We talked about it last night and I told him about MD and the symptoms. He says he has always been that way. But it doesn't seem to interfer with his life so much. So maybe his is not as bad. But he has epilepsy and is on meds, so it may help control his MD as well. I wish he had talked to me…


Added by greyartist on September 17, 2012 at 5:53am — 1 Comment


I feel as if I should introduce myself. My name is Luna, I live in the US and I am a teenager.


I started to daydream when I was 9 or 10, and at the time it was harmless. Just something to do on long car rides. But it evolved into something much more than that. It began to consume my life. I began to daydream for hours at a time, and I could no longer focus on anything because of my daydreaming. I drove away all of my friends because of daydreaming, and I started to question…


Added by Luna on September 16, 2012 at 4:17pm — 2 Comments

Too much

I can't handle anything lately. I just don't see the point in all of this, I spend everyday struggling to get the most out of everything  I do yet I am constantly disappointed. 

I can't figure out whats wrong. I just can't take it anymore, I'm so depressed, and nobody understands, I don't even understand. I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm just tiered, of everything. 

Added by Zoe on September 15, 2012 at 3:56pm — 2 Comments

Maladaptive daydreaming radio show on now.

I'm broadcasting live on the air! Listen in now at #BlogTalkRadio

Added by greyartist on September 15, 2012 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

Tiny Introduction.

Well, probably not that tiny... I babble a lot.

Hello everyone.

My name is Sabrina, I'm a 24 year old art student in Texas, and I have just discovered... everything in terms of Maladaptive Daydreaming yesterday morning. I don't understand why I didn't search sooner, but now I'm here.

It all started when I was a child, maybe 5 or 6 years old. I had imaginary friends, began making up stories in my head and would…


Added by Afraid of Clouds on September 14, 2012 at 6:27pm — 8 Comments

All that glitters is not gold

Hi folks


I just joined and for a long time I just did not know what was wrong with me.

Then I found out there was a name for my problem after many years.

MDD has worn out its welcome in my book yet it still feels so good. I want to stop

but for what? Real life is terribly bland. I cannot seem to summon up interests

in those around me - I feel like an alien.For a long time I thought that the imaginary world was

better than the real…


Added by Bee Anchor on September 13, 2012 at 3:46pm — 3 Comments

trying to write character bios

ive said ive wanted to write before but i havent gotten around to it. I thought a good way to start was writing out character bios. I know some people on here are writers and im sure writing a character bio for you would be easy, but its so hard for me. Its just weird to write out. it feels embarrassing kind of. if anyone read them i'd die. its taken me 20 minutes just write down the characters first and last name. now im procrastinating by writing a blog on here. I think if i start writing…


Added by ashlee on September 13, 2012 at 2:43pm — 5 Comments

I suppose I should introduce myself.

My name is Amber, I am 27 years old and I am very very happy to have found this place.

I started day dreaming as a form of escapism when I was very young. I created a world for myself that was safe, kind and nurturing and I created friends for myself that were as real to me as the chair I am sitting on. Don't get me wrong i always knew they were imaginary, I'm not schizophrenic but i needed them. Trauma can take its toll on the mind of a child and they made it easy for me to get…


Added by Amber on September 13, 2012 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments

I wish I could start one day excited about being alive.

I am so tired of living in a dream and just exsisting in the physical. I don't want to dream, I don't want to go there, see them. I want to be awake, to enjoy life while I'm here. I try to snap myself out of it, live in the moment. But I look around, look at myself,.... empty.... meaningless exsistance. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed anything.  Anyone looking at me would see a good life, good job, good marriage. I should be happy. Days, years seem to pass faster as I get older. I'm…


Added by greyartist on September 13, 2012 at 8:54am — 5 Comments

I saw my therapist today, and told him about this... !

It went very well.  I had trouble getting a moment to include it in my session, as we tend to intermingle other things-- my ptsd list rundown, then the job prospect, current little assignments I do weekly.  Finally with 15 minutes left I squeezed it in. 

He knew what I was talking about, said the "maladaptive part" is based on perspective!  He mentioned how almost everyone does it.  But, not everyone continues past childhood or even thinks of it as anything other than a few seconds…


Added by Joey B on September 12, 2012 at 3:42pm — 4 Comments

Er- Um- Hi

I never really have done this before, telling my thoughts and stuff for people to read but I decided to just do it. I'm feeling really glad that I found a site like this. All this time I thought I was all alone with this sort of problem. I thought there was just something wrong with me. 

I started my MD problem when I was about six. At first it was to escape my abusive father but then the reasons kept changing. During my teen years it was to escape the pain of just being a teen. Now…


Added by Alvy on September 11, 2012 at 4:42pm — 4 Comments

daydream cramps

So I was printing out pieces of a pattern for a baby bib and I was already imagining tracing it out on news print paper. daydreaming on the fabric i'd used when I get a big ol tummy cramp. Really makes me feel like daydreaming and pregnancy not such a good combo, but how to do things I want to do and not day dream is hard.

Added by Poopsie Holbrook on September 10, 2012 at 6:27pm — No Comments

No one will know

Im finding this hard,

I want to tell the world about this woman and her family that i dd of all the time but i cant.

I cry with just thr thought that if i die noone will ever know this woman and the brilliant things she has done for us all and they will never know her family.

I cant write her in a story. A story wont do justice i need to write a biography yet im a rubbish writer i cant capture the spectacular things she has done. I wish everyone knew how great… Continue

Added by Roobles on September 10, 2012 at 3:37pm — 3 Comments

One famous daydreamer

One famous daydreamer in history was Isaac Newton: "Growing up Isaac barely maintained average grades and often lacked attention in school. Villagers looked upon his daydreaming, habits of reading for hours at a time, and keeping records of his interests as mere eccentricity.."…


Added by greyartist on September 10, 2012 at 6:59am — 1 Comment

a book I started to write about my daydreams

Let me introduce myself in the manner of other famous vampires. I’m Lavar, 16 years old, 6 feet, blond hair, and of course blue eyes. My grandfather was a viking, I got his looks. Vampires are out, pretty much because some scientists got a hold of one and tortured him with tests. So of course he escapes and decides to sue them. He took the video tapes of the tests with him so it wasn’t hard to point out which was the inhuman in those. So he won and we have a lot of new laws. Like if…


Added by Poopsie Holbrook on September 9, 2012 at 8:09pm — No Comments

Had an MD breakdown in public

I went grocery shopping after work on Friday, and an MD storyline kicked in.  When I interact with my imaginary friends, I move my mouth like I'm talking with them, but no sound comes out.  So as I was moving my cart around the store, I couldn't stop myself -- I was gesturing and moving my mouth, interacting with my characters.

Fortunately, at first, no one noticed.  People in public don't really pay attention to what's going on around them anymore.  They are all talking on their cell…


Added by Ocean Breeze on September 9, 2012 at 12:02pm — 3 Comments

meeting one of your celebrity-based characters in real life

ok so, i dont know if i wrote it on here or on tumblr, but I said I wanted to go to toronto on the day of the toronto film festival because kristen stewart was going and i wanted to see her in real life because she looks like one of my characters (i think that sounds lame, but im not obsessed with twilight or anything, she just fits my character really well)

so my friend and i skip school to go to downtown toronto to celebrity stalk (lol we met john goodman ahaha) and we had no luck…


Added by ashlee on September 9, 2012 at 8:22am — 2 Comments

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