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A Delusional Safe Haven

I recently came to the conclusion that I may indeed be a maladaptive daydreamer....

 Books used to be my escape from reality. When I was in middle school and I had a bad day at school I could just read a cheesy teen novel and picture a better reality. Little did I know that my method of escape would soon be the very thing that entrapped me. I think things went downhill when my imagination started to be a crutch I used to deal with life issues. But then again when the places that are…


Added by Brianna Smikle on September 11, 2021 at 8:01pm — 1 Comment

Love fantasies

Hi all,

I am new to this and came across this site a few days ago. 

I stumbled across a post from another member about love fantasies. 

When I meet a man who is good to me , I too start building up fantasies about the person in my head. I get obsessed over the person.

 I over think /fantasise and make myself fall in love with the person. In addition , I want the person to fall in love with me. 

This lead to a lot of heartache for me. 

I have lived with this…


Added by Sasha Petrova on September 9, 2021 at 3:21pm — 3 Comments

Love fixation


New member. Does anybody have issues with excessive fantasizing about love interests that you don't really know or are unavailable or celebrities? I'm very embarrassed about this problem because when I get obsessed about them enough and I'm manic (I'm bipolar) I will contact them and humiliate myself. ( Although 3 times it worked and I hooked up with them). I get a high from feeling like they are a soulmate sometimes. I know everybody does this to some degree but I know this level is… Continue

Added by Melanie on September 8, 2021 at 4:27pm — 3 Comments

Just a Theory...

Does anyone have any information about/ think anything about weather MD is linked to dissacosiative identity disorder. I kind of feel like in the dreams, you become a tweaked version of yourself and you genuinely feel different. Any thoughts??

Added by Emma on September 5, 2021 at 2:51pm — No Comments

Just a Little Query...

I find that listening to upbeat music fuels the MD. Does anyone else find that? Sometimes I find myself listening for hours to a playlist and daydreaming for hours.

Added by Emma on September 5, 2021 at 2:37pm — 1 Comment

I have a question


I have a question

I have difficulty talking to people. Its not that I don't know what to speak. But I can't speak, literally. My heart rate increases and when i speak my voice shivers and i start stammering a lot. Sometimes i even start crying.

I have friends and family, with them i can talk normally. But when someone confronts me or speaks against me, or bullies me, the above mentioned things happen.

And when that incident is over, which means… Continue

Added by someone on August 19, 2021 at 12:03am — 7 Comments

Do you sometimes feel guilty ?

Hey !

Soo I found out very recently about MDD and my first reaction was like « So it has a name ? » because idk for you, but I noticed that something was clearly wrong in my life when I realised that I didn’t want to be here anymore, like….my daydreamings are just way better than the realty, even if I don’t live in a corrupted or toxic environnement, I even have friends (one actually, but it doesn’t matter).

So I was like « But why ? I have all that I need to be happy, I’m even…


Added by Gaël 71 on August 14, 2021 at 3:26pm — 3 Comments

getting back to MD, or the other side of the daydreaming coin

ok, so this is a werd one, so from what i have been able to gather from a cursory glance at this site most posts seem to view getting rid of md as a positive witch sadly hasn't been the case for me, about ten month its ago i noticed i was having trouble visualing not wiith my md at least not initaly i thought it was brain fog or writers block i  have always been a vivid visualiser and those sorts of things reading, writing have always been my passion and md was an exenstion of that i …


Added by Jack on August 10, 2021 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

5 month update!

Hello everyone!

I posted here in March about my daydreaming and since then, I have made tremendous improvements. I am writing this to describe my experience on how I dealt with this issue. Unfortunately I had to get on medication. But that's okay, as long as I am making improvements and moving forward with my life. I see this as a short term solution but it is a good step forward. 

First, at the advice of my doctor and therapist, I decided to see a Psychiatrist. I started by…


Added by InaBox on August 6, 2021 at 8:02pm — No Comments

the show will go on and on and on while a blank

I have been with nd for most of my life. Almost from the moment I wake up I immediately jump into one of my characters. Its getting harder to stay in reality.

My sister asked when I eventually pass away what will people remember about you what were your accomplishments?

I didn't have an answer for her.

Whatever environment I'm in even at work I create the story of my character around it or just MD about the daydrsam or future conversations o am going to have. It… Continue

Added by jena messer on July 27, 2021 at 3:24pm — No Comments


Hi everyone, I’ve had MDD as long as I can remember. I had a difficult childhood so I suspect it was triggered by that. I’m 37 years old and I have been actively battling the condition since I was 30. I’ve had periods of success but I’ve not been able to quit the habit for good. It would be great to hear any advice you have on how to reduce it, manage it or ideally stop for good. I’ve missed out on so much stuff due to MDD. I hate the hold it has on my life, but stopping has proved elusive so… Continue

Added by Cotton on July 27, 2021 at 9:40am — 1 Comment


Ocd depending on severity can be a mental disorder so why can't MD depending on severity. I am 33 years old and have spent half of my life daydreaming. I am still stuck mentally and going out and doing things to probably about the age of 20 year old.

Added by jena messer on July 26, 2021 at 3:18pm — No Comments


Hello everyone! My name is Katie, but I go by Kat.

I couldn't tell you when I started daydreaming maladaptively, and honestly I don't think it matters considering most people on here either live with maladaptive daydreaming (MD).

I'm also a college student pursuing a bachelor's of science in psychology at the moment. I actually was able to write an English…


Added by Katie on July 17, 2021 at 1:01pm — 1 Comment

Can anyone help me please

I have a MDD from along time I think from 20 years and now I think it stopping my life cannot deal with my life and people I feel so depressed and tired my therapy think I have a ADHD and I take strattera 100mg but that not stop the MDD ao cold any one help me how I can stop it or how I can deal with it

Added by Noura on July 17, 2021 at 1:20am — 1 Comment

Wandavision and MDD

Hello there!

Ive posted some time ago a video with a therapist talking about MDD NOW the same therapist is analysing MDD as a trauma coping mechanism in this video from cinema therapy, its worth watching people! Ive always thought Wandavision as a MDD but now Im sure of it:

Added by Rosa Fox on July 13, 2021 at 9:33am — No Comments

Trying to stay focused

On Tuesday my kids and I are flying to NY to visit family.  A friend of mine, who used to be my roommate, is going to watch my dogs for me.  Because I've been in my head a lot lately, the house is a mess!  We're cleaning today.  I gave my kids the living room, hallway, and bathroom to do while I take care of the kitchen.  (their ages are 20 and 16 but they never clean unless I nag them)

Eventually, we took a break.  I have like 80% of the kitchen done.  That was over an hour ago, and…


Added by Jessica C on July 10, 2021 at 10:41am — 3 Comments

Conflicting feelings on MD

I feel very conflicted about my maladaptive daydreaming.  I mean, for most of my life I've lived in my head.  Oddly enough, this didn't stop me from living a very active and full life.  I would just daydream whenever I didn't absolutely need to be grounded in reality.  I've had many wonderful real life experiences and met some amazing people over the past few decades.

The problem is that sometimes my daydreaming gets in the way of life and it's gotten more intense over time.  Everyone…


Added by Jessica C on July 8, 2021 at 8:40pm — 2 Comments

I have a question

I’ve been daydreaming since i was a child, i didn’t know what daydreaming is or what i was doing. I just liked the feeling it gave me, it helped me coping with my depression and loneliness but when i got older i realized that half of my life i wasn’t actually living i was disconnected from realty. I don’t know its a weird feeling i don’t like it. But my therapist said that i was smart for choosing daydreaming instead of drugs or whatever to cope with my depression and anxiety, but…


Added by Sara on July 7, 2021 at 8:13pm — 5 Comments

A group for all who use WhatsApp, where you can share your experiences, daydreams and make some friends as well

I hope I'm not violating any group policies here. I've found this WhatsApp group for MDers to chat with other MDers, so you can join, if you're interested. Would love to meet some of y'all in there


This is the new link. WhatsApp links are…


Added by Kiruba Victor on July 6, 2021 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

It’s scary

Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve started MD even though I’m only in my teens. I came to the realization that my daydreaming wasn’t normal multiple times but it’s been so hard to stop the urges. I feel like everything I do from watching a TV show to getting cereal in the morning can trigger my daydreaming. Today is my first day trying to fight any urge to daydream after a relapse. MD is so scary because I feel like I’ll be sucked back into this cycle and my characters will stay with me… Continue

Added by Daze on June 29, 2021 at 9:24am — 3 Comments

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