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Figured out why I MD

My main problem is that I am not 100% confident in myself. Some moments I feel okay- but many others I do not feel confident. I pick myself apart and constantly see every flaw. It's getting really old. When I MD, its a way to reassure myself and feel confident. I wish that I could quit looking in the mirror obsessively. I wish I would quit comparing myself to others. It's like I know that I am being too hard on myself and I don't have much room to complain. But I still obsess over…


Added by lizzy dagger on November 9, 2012 at 7:15am — 2 Comments

Character reunion

Just thinking out loud here. I was thinking (trying to stave off falling into a deep daydream plot) about the different characters in my DDs. What if they all were brought together, like a reunion.  I have different character sets, for different types of DDs. Certain ones only in the future dreams, some from different settings in the past. They would all be dressed very differently based on their time frame. I picture the scene from Bill and Ted's excellent adventure where all the historical…


Added by greyartist on November 9, 2012 at 5:50am — 2 Comments

What do people think about?

I've just recently learned about this, but I am positive I have it, and have since as long as I can remember. I cannot stop. I do it constantly, and its starting to affect my grades. I have great friends and parents, and have had no trauma that could have triggered it, but I just find life sort of... dull. Nothing exciting ever happens to me. I don't enjoy talking to my friends anymore, I'd rather go off into my world and just daydream. I don't even dream about myself... I don't want…


Added by Grace on November 8, 2012 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments


If there's one thing I know about conquering MD, it's that it takes courage. Facing the scary things in life that I haven't wanted to look at or feel, and have been trying to escape from takes courage. Building a life from scratch that I've let crumble away takes courage. Feeling the shame from wasting years of my life living in my mind, and moving forward anyway takes courage. Choosing the uncertainty of reality over the secure stagnation of fantasy takes courage. This virtue is key to… Continue

Added by Laura Gardiner on November 7, 2012 at 11:25pm — 2 Comments

"The Asylum"

Hello there, everyone.


I am Jennifer, and I am 15 years old, (for those of you who are new) and I would like to share a poem I wrote about living with MD. I don't know if you'll be able to relate to this because it's pretty much based on personal, inner feelings about my case of MD, and how it feels to know I live with something considered a mental disorder. This…


Added by Jennifer on November 6, 2012 at 8:00pm — 7 Comments


i know alot of people have said they've been in love with a character, but have you ever had love for a child in your daydream?

im not in my daydream, but my characters (in the future) have children and i daydream about their relationships with them often.

i dont know, i love them alot (in a parent way or like a sibling, not a pedo way LOL) 

Like, im 17 and i dont have kids or anything but i feel like i know what its like to be a parent

i just want to play with them ahhh…


Added by ashlee on November 6, 2012 at 7:48pm — 4 Comments

I love you guys

Truely I do. I am glad to meet people who are just like me and someone I can relate to and reach my had to. Thanks everyone for helping me with my problems :)

Just wanted to say how much your advice and opinions matter to me

Added by otakugirl on November 6, 2012 at 3:32pm — 4 Comments

I will change the word.

It seems a crazy thing to say. But still, if you look at it on another way it is the only intelligent thing to think. Don’t misunderstand me I don’t think I am Jesus or James Bond and I will save the word. I just know I can make a difference.

I decided for some years ago that if I can’t change the world I can change myself. But if I manage to change myself, I will have changed the word. And I did, I mean, I’m still MDD, I have many issues but it’s a lifelong project, but I keep…


Added by Pascale on November 6, 2012 at 3:00am — No Comments

A Particularly Creative Sort of Suffering.

“Suffering is justified as soon as it becomes the raw material of beauty.”

~Jean-Paul Sartre

Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent van Gogh; two coincidentally rhyming names that will weather history, signed upon the fantastic works of art by the men who bore them. It was…


Added by Greydawn on November 5, 2012 at 7:18pm — 2 Comments

I surrender

I just can't fight anymore. I don't want to try. MD has finally took a real toll on me. Laid in bed late DDing, so heavy today. Barely noticed hubby kissing me goodby as he left. I feel like a robot, get in the car start the mindless drive. Lost in the DD world, bright morning sun blinding through the window. Mind skipping around, road, work, DD story line, road, sky, sun, DD character talking to me, work, time- I'm late, etc, etc, then WHOMP! what was that? where am I? What just…


Added by greyartist on November 5, 2012 at 6:49am — 6 Comments

religious differences

so in a some tizzy over religious comments and I don't know how to deal with it. of course I can't daydream a good outcome to it.

First off I have nothing against any religion. Here's my back story, I married a looser sailor that cheated on me and dumped me in oklahoma thousands of miles away from any family or my friends. I meet a great guy here and who knew after trying for 6 years with pos husband it only takes 4 months to get pregnant, I had given up on ever having kids at this…


Added by Poopsie Holbrook on November 4, 2012 at 7:49pm — 4 Comments

Writing the key to stoping Daydreams.

My depression and social anxiety have tremendously improved. I still have my moments but I am doing much better.

Now anyways like the title has says, daydreaming is losing it's effect on me. It may be permanent or temporary but ever since I started nanowrimo as most of you know, I've been so busy and too tired to daydreaming. Yet at the same time it involves creativity,  and thinking so my mind doesn't feel bored and a urge to wander off.  I believe I may have found my key out…


Added by Jenna on November 3, 2012 at 6:54pm — 5 Comments

character outfits 2

i like this one cause the clours are pretty 


i hardly daydream about this character anymore but ses still important…


Added by ashlee on November 3, 2012 at 5:52pm — 2 Comments

Escaping Wonderland (the mysterious monkey)

Hi again!

Gosh, I hope I'll find time to read your blogs soon...I've missed you guys! My new lifestyle's driving me crazy, I am writing this post at 4 in the forgive any sleep-deprived grammar :p


So, by now I have climbed out of the dream abyss, made it through the labyrinth of distorting mirrors, explored the jungle of lost desires and, finally, got myself in one piece at the end of the road. 

Well, almost in one piece. Because there seems to be…


Added by Gina Black on November 2, 2012 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

A Road Map

I'm pretty lost right now.

I'm 18 years old and heading off to college soon, yet I don't know what I want to go to school for, I don't know what I want to do for a living, and hell, I don't even know what's wrong with me. I've recently started talking to a psychologist, and he thinks that my obsessive and excessive daydreaming is caused by ADHD, because my father told him what he thinks my symptoms are and I didn't think I could correct him without breaking down and…


Added by Greydawn on November 2, 2012 at 11:05am — 6 Comments

31/10/12 - A Special Halloween Edition

Hallow's eve. A day when the door to our world from that of the spirits is open for those who wish to enter. There's only one thing to do on this sinister, macabre and altogether supernatural day; take our kids out and bang on the doors of tired, fed-up people to ask for sweets, of course. 

     I didn't get up to much today. Watching the 'Telly-box' mostly. This afternoon as the sun set, and the swarms of families set out to find the most welcoming and wealthy house holds to call… Continue

Added by Liam on October 31, 2012 at 6:25pm — 1 Comment


Had a rather enjoyable day today. I decided that i would break out of my usual routine of sitting around watching TV all day, and do something less lethargic. I began with more reading from 'The Time Machine', in which i learnt that going down strange, darkened wells ill equiped is rather precarious. The story is quite metaphorical, in my opinion, with respect to mankind and society; the Eloi representing the innocence and naïvity of humans. The author uses the Morlocks, on the other hand to… Continue

Added by Liam on October 30, 2012 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Inspiration to document my daydreams visually

Ashlee's blog post of her character outfits inspired me to do story boards of some of my DD themes. Compilations of images that somehow remind me of my daydream themes. It will be the first creative outlet I have tried for a very long time. 

I feel the need to somehow save the daydreams, honor my "friends" my worlds, lives etc. I don't write creatively so stories are out of the question, besides I don't want to tell it all, I would feel too exposed. But if I put together images that…


Added by greyartist on October 30, 2012 at 5:21pm — 5 Comments

Been gone for a few days

Sorry to all the new people who had to wait a few days for approval.  I've been away from the computer for a few days for a very good reason.  I was supposed to go in for a procedure Friday morning, but before I could start the cleanse the night before, I started having horrible stomach aches.  I did the cleanse anyway, and it made me sick to my stomach, but the stomach pains just got worse and worse.  I figured I was just being a big baby, but after about 6 hours, I gave up and called 911…


Added by Cordellia Amethyste Rose on October 30, 2012 at 4:33pm — 6 Comments

Frustration having to do with MDD

Whenever I haven't daydreamed in a while, I become extremely irritated, the littlest things will set me off and make me upset. I believe that I am very strong and show little feelings but sometimes when I haven't daydreamed in a while I become more emotional. So I just felt that I should let that be known

Added by Constance on October 29, 2012 at 9:33pm — 4 Comments

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