Writing the key to stoping Daydreams.

My depression and social anxiety have tremendously improved. I still have my moments but I am doing much better.

Now anyways like the title has says, daydreaming is losing it's effect on me. It may be permanent or temporary but ever since I started nanowrimo as most of you know, I've been so busy and too tired to daydreaming. Yet at the same time it involves creativity,  and thinking so my mind doesn't feel bored and a urge to wander off.  I believe I may have found my key out of daydreaming, yet I got to say I'm thankful for gaining this daydreaming coping skill. I'm afraid if I hadn't, I'd be like the regular teens now a days, I would have never discovered a love for writing poetry and stories, my sympathy wouldn't be as big and I'd probably end up dead, cutting or starving myself if it weren't to substituting these actions I thought of to on my character. I guess you can say my daydreaming prison was released by the key called writing yet that is the same key I would have never found if I hadn't gone to prison. \

 Thank you for reading, have a good day. :)

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Comment by Jenna on November 5, 2012 at 7:07pm

@ KwanKwan You can just hide it and keep it to yourself just so it is out of your system and at least you spent time doing something right? Although if you think it will trigger you more don't do it though, I don't want it to get worst. :/

Comment by Jenna on November 5, 2012 at 7:05pm

@ KwanKwan Ahh :/ Well then just write it to get out of your system, it doesn't have to be published. I understand what you mean my character lives in a series I'm fond of so  I understand how embarrassing it is if someone read it. 

@Eretaia Yes very much so and yes, I just went up a higher dosage which is helping greatly.

@ CreativeWriter I understand, it's hard when you're completely awake. You can't focus at all rather when you're half-asleep you just want to finish things so you can home.

Comment by Eretaia on November 5, 2012 at 12:51am

Would you say that it's more likely that your daydreaming improved because your depression improved? Are you still on meds?

Comment by KwanKwan on November 4, 2012 at 5:18pm

Well i've been trying to write a story non-daydream related and its like i cant even focus on this story because my mind wants to daydream about another story. And there's no point in writing that story down because it involves characters from an already existing book series, so it would be fanfiction rather than my own originality


Comment by Jenna on November 4, 2012 at 5:39am
Thank you M and very true. :)

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