I just can't fight anymore. I don't want to try. MD has finally took a real toll on me. Laid in bed late DDing, so heavy today. Barely noticed hubby kissing me goodby as he left. I feel like a robot, get in the car start the mindless drive. Lost in the DD world, bright morning sun blinding through the window. Mind skipping around, road, work, DD story line, road, sky, sun, DD character talking to me, work, time- I'm late, etc, etc, then WHOMP! what was that? where am I? What just happened?.....................I took out a mailbox with my side mirror.......... I drive to work in tears, screaming that I can't take this anymore. Knowing there is no one I can tell, no one to go to for help. Except here. Took a Xanax and am trying to calm down. I'm tired of fighting it. Just so tired.  

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Comment by Poopsie Holbrook on November 6, 2012 at 7:02pm

I've run red lights on my scooter before and close calls. so if I start to daydream I imagine flying off the road in a mangled heap and it perks me right up. Songs I like to sing to help cus then I can drive well and sing at the top of my lungs. it gets some funny looks on the scooter but I pay attention.

Comment by Jenna on November 5, 2012 at 7:13pm

Aww Greyartist look just clam down. We all get through these moments and it's okay, some days it's rough others it is just simple. It's like an addiction but not in a way. You don't want to stop, in fact who would. It's something that becomes valuable and special to you the more you create and build your world. Don't worry it will get better just keep trying. :) We are here for you, everyone of us. I understand one hundred precent about the robotic feeling. It's a living hell but you get use to it, it gets better and the number one advice I warn is don't dread on the feeling, it makes it worst. Message me if you ever need to talk. ^__^

Comment by greyartist on November 5, 2012 at 2:47pm

thanks, it really helps being able to come here and vent. Dreading all hubby's questions when he gets home.

Comment by rose on November 5, 2012 at 10:40am

I can anderstand your feeling. DD is a realy horrible thing happning to me too. I hope the God helps us. I am watching movies for long time now in order to stop daydreaming. I know how much it is tough, needs alot of effort.

take it easy and try to calm down.




Comment by Crissy on November 5, 2012 at 8:26am
It'll be alright, hell I take out mailboxes when I'm not DDing :) Be kind to yourself xx
Comment by taffle on November 5, 2012 at 8:12am

Woah, slow down, take a deep breath, and take a time-out. Take some time to gather your thoughts and tell yourself to get "down to earth." It's ok, Monday mornings aren't exactly the best time of the week for many people.

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