it's been awhile since i last posted!

there some reasons why i haven't been on this site as much, the biggest one being that i'm kind of over the whole "wow i have a disorder, i need to find out everything about it" thing. i've came on here and asked all my questions in my blog posts, i've gotten my answers, and i'm not really as curious about how other people deal with MD.

if you forgot, i'm a MD-er in high school and i have had MD since i was 9. i prefer to pace or lie down when i daydream, but i don't have to. i daydream a LOT (obviously) but not as much as some of you i've seen on here who have said that their MD has ruined their life. i see my MD as a positive thing because it's a cure for boredom and i use it to cope with things. plus, i LOVE my characters. (:

the point of this blog post is that i'm starting to think that maladaptive daydreaming may be more common than we think. you've probably heard of the website tumblr. well, i've seen a lot of popular posts on there like this one that pretty much describe what MD is, and then there are over 1000 people saying "i didn't think anyone else did this".

what are your thoughts on this?

i personally think that a lot of people have MD; we just have a worse form of it. those aren't the right words, but i really don't know how to explain it. our MD affects us more than their MD does to them, because people on this website have been affected by it enough to make us try to google it and find out what it is that we have.

i don't know. just a thought!

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Comment by Jennifer on November 12, 2012 at 9:26pm
That astounded me. Completely, utterly astounded me. I feel SO weird now. What if MD is something that all people do (or the vast majority of people) and are just embarrassed to tell anyone?
I am also an MDer in high school. Grade 10, to be exact. Glad to know I'm not the only high schooler on this site. Also, thank you for sharing that post. It amazed me.
Comment by Eretaia on November 12, 2012 at 12:01am

Actually, MD is much more common than people think. I did a research in my school and found out a considerable number of persons who have MD in its maladaptive form.

Comment by otakugirl on November 11, 2012 at 9:49pm
I think dd is common and many may do it but not excessively. It's normal to have small little dd here and there but people with md do it everyday. Many may think they have it but may not. Well this is what I think :)

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