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Why I believe I DayDream!

Hello everyone! I'm Shelly and I think I have figured out all the reasons I DD.

1. I'm overweight and always have been. I was teased and taunted mercilessly as a child and have still been bullied as an adult. I think I come off as being too nice to people and that causes them to feel they can walk over me.

2. I suffer from an embarrassing skin condition that is caused from my skin rubbing together and it has caused me major depression and has made me fear sexual…


Added by ShellyBelly on February 25, 2013 at 4:04am — 9 Comments


admit it.  you've had numerous sex scenes in your daydream, I do.

Though I find it awkward and creepy, I feel like im just....watching. Some characters have more sex scenes than others, some characters I just dont want to see that. Im not in my own daydream so i dont like, watch myself have sex with someone (oh god) there just 2 characters having sex and ya sometimes i feel weird .When i was younger i was paranoid people could read my mind and see im thinking about my…


Added by ashlee on February 24, 2013 at 3:52pm — 7 Comments

My secret world

Hello, Im 20 yrs old. I recently realized that I have a serious problem. I daydream and pace my apartment 7-10 hours a day, I have dropped out of college 3 times because I cannot focus and concentrate on...reality. I dont have any friends or hobbies, well actually daydreaming is my hobby. I recently discovered this website and disorder and when I read about it, I began to cry. I honestly believe I have several other mental illnesses but it is very hard to get doctors to take me serious. I feel… Continue

Added by Rae on February 23, 2013 at 5:57pm — 4 Comments

Betraying "REAL" Life

What about all the time spent dding: Does anyone feel like they are betraying life?  Sometimes I do.....  I have spent the past week dding EVERY WHERE!  We have already discussed dding while driving.  Well I have been doing it at work, when driving and even while having sex. 


Are we betraying our "REAL" life and "REAL" loved ones?  HELP!


I have been having a hard time lately (emotionally) so I think it has triggered my overwhelming dding lately.  It's the only…


Added by LJ on February 23, 2013 at 3:17pm — 5 Comments

Coming Out Of The Maladaptive Daydreaming "Closet"

I have to admit I'm not a fan of the whole "verify that you are a REAL person" process on here, but I understand that online spam can be a problem.  Just the same, some of us don't possess the courage that Cordellia Rose has shown by identifying herself as a Maladaptive Daydreamer.   The rest of the world simply doesn't take this topic seriously at all, and I don't believe it will anytime soon. 

I'm at the 4 decade mark, and I NEVER directly discussed this with anybody.  I know I put…


Added by LostInThought4Yrs on February 23, 2013 at 2:49pm — 2 Comments

My safe place, and acting out daydreams

Most of the time when I daydream, I'm in my room, on my bead, and covered in blankets. When Im in my room, I have to act out my daydreams. It's a habit. For as long as I remember, I have acted out my daydreams. Now when I'm out in public and daydreaming, I keep it down to tapping my foot and constantly moving my hands. I just feel weird when I act out my daydream, especially when my daydream is about 'that'....... But away from that topic.

So does anybody else do this, I know at… Continue

Added by Selena on February 23, 2013 at 4:41am — 2 Comments

Just a Little (Not) Hello!

Hey everyone!

I'm quite new here. I made an account a little while back, however this is my first post. I would just like to say thank you to everyone on this site, as well as the creators of the site itself. It's a relief to finally find somewhere which explains my life so well. Although I have not been diagnosed with MD, looking through all the symtoms I realised that…


Added by Geraldine Pearce on February 22, 2013 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

Moods and MD

Hello, everyone!

I will introduce myself again for the newbies here, tee hee. :P My name is Jennifer, and I'm 15 years old. I'm a musician/singer and dancer.

I have noticed something about me lately. I have been really happy. I've been happy for a week straight, because I just got my first boyfriend. I'm so excited! I've liked him for a while, and he suddenly asked me out. :') Anywayssss. I feel like my happiness has caused me to not daydream. I haven't daydreamed in a week, and… Continue

Added by Jennifer on February 22, 2013 at 8:26am — 5 Comments

Painting, not daydreaming!!

Okaay so a while back I started painting again (I hadn't painted for about a year before that 'cause I painted only for art then didn't do art) and so I'm part way through my fourth picture (though I had to start again 'cause I screwed up badly from the beginning) and I did notice, even in year 11, (the last year I did art) that I didn't really fantasize while painting, only regular thinking, and maybe a bit of talking-in-my-head to a character* and today, I got up late and spent a total of…


Added by Wish Upon A Wish on February 22, 2013 at 1:11am — 3 Comments

I Am Not The Only One

I believe the best thing which could have happened to me has happened--and that's the realization that I am not alone. There are others like me. Real people,  chained to their own fantasy worlds. For the longest time I thought that I was the only one, that no one would understand. It is just such a... Well, there are no words in the English language which can describe the immense relief I feel at knowing there are people out there who won't look at me as if I'm…


Added by Kat (K.B.) on February 21, 2013 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments


OK, I'll try not to go stream-of-consciousness in introducing myself, but like most of the people I've come across here, I've been vividly daydreaming since I can remember - one of my earliest, if not the earliest memory, is of me daydreaming out loud as a four or five-year old and then being told by my father that he could hear me and that I needed to go to sleep. Ever since then, I have sub-vocalized my daydreams (I actually move my mouth without letting sound come out, non-vocalized…


Added by R S on February 20, 2013 at 8:44am — 3 Comments

Clubbing broke my 5am-1pm Sleep Cycle

Finally fixed my sleeping problem... I went clubbing.

I stayed out dancing til 2am then went back to my sister's place and crashed there until the room got too bright at 7am. Couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up. And the following day, back at home, a phone call from a very confused person asking if they'd called Hong's Chinese woke me at 7.15am. The day after that, I set an alarm for 7am and *stuck to it*. Then, I decided that 7am might be just a shade early and changed it to… Continue

Added by Thandimanillon on February 20, 2013 at 7:30am — No Comments

Okay, I'm actually freaking out. So there's this guy on youtube that I and many others have been arguing with. And he made multiple fake accounts to make it seem like there were a lot of people on hi…

Okay, I'm actually freaking out. So there's this guy on youtube that I and many others have been arguing with. And he made multiple fake accounts to make it seem like there were a lot of people on his side. And then I commented saying "I guess Multiple personalities wasn't as rare as I thought."   He commented back saying "

"How about sex addiction and MD disorder? How rare are they?

I'll tell you.

Only the truly degenerate or those who have been traumatically…


Added by LostSoul99 on February 19, 2013 at 4:03pm — 3 Comments

Is this their reality? a post I shared on my MD radio blog

A little off topic in a way. I was looking thru the latest "W" magazine, I do this for research on trends and such for work. And I was overwhelmed at the utter lack of reality. As someone with Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder I have my own issues with reality but it seems this delusion IS their reality. Looking at the super thin models striking strange poses in bizarre outfits that you most likely couldn't walk in, and the photos of the designers hanging out with celebrities at parties. I…


Added by greyartist on February 19, 2013 at 6:38am — 2 Comments

Ever have this happen in school?

In school, have you ever been daydreaming, then a teacher says,"What are you doing, daydreaming? Pay attention!" Or something like that? Whenever that happens, I just feel so... Weird. I know they don't know about MD, and I keep thinking: They don't know that I cannot help myself. They see kids not paying attention all day, so when I do it, it's like it's no different. But, it is. When I get called out on it, I look around, hoping no one would think anything of it either. Does that happen to… Continue

Added by Grace on February 18, 2013 at 5:17pm — 5 Comments

Why don't people mind their own bussiness?

 It was 10.30 pm in clock and I was in my friends room, which was my x-room and suddenly I decided to shift my 7-8 books, which I never shifted to my room,bcz, there is holiday tomorrow, so I could return them to shopkeeper and borrow new ones for my this semester exam.

Two girls were talking when I was about to carry that pile of books to my room and one of them said-"what a show off!". Well, I really didn't understand her comment. The whole hostel is busy doing their own…


Added by samurai on February 18, 2013 at 9:36am — 2 Comments

Using DD to replace loss

I'm a 46 yo divorced single mom of 2 kids.  My marriage was the first relationship with a man that I ever had.  A year and a half ago, I started dating a guy (again), (long story there), and it was going great!  We get along so well, have so many of the same interests, viewpoints, opinions, etc.  We never fought (though he thought I should lose my love handles...even though I lift and run 5 miles several times/week) my boyfriend was the 2nd relationship I ever had.  On Valentines Day,…


Added by northern gal on February 18, 2013 at 3:15am — 7 Comments


So, I told my family about MD. Well I told my sister first. Her response was that its not dangerous, so don't worry about it. Well a week later, I tell my sister, I'm going to tell mom about it. My sister responds with dont, it's not important. I go and tell my mom about it anyway. She tells me the same thing with different words, about how it's not dangerous. They both never search it up, they just put a label on it and looks away.

Added by Selena on February 16, 2013 at 6:39pm — 1 Comment

I finally did it!

First and foremost, I want to thank the wonderful members here who gave me advice on telling my family about my MD and DPD. :)

Last night I finally told my sister. I wasn't actually planning on telling her so soon and I was very unsure of myself, but I was fed up and I decided it was about time that I open up. We got started talking about how she thought I was always so depressed, and how I had become especially quiet this week, and I told her the reason why was that everything I had… Continue

Added by Paracosm on February 16, 2013 at 6:28pm — 3 Comments

Does anyone else ever feel like this?

Feelings that the lives of everyone around you are progressing/have progressed much faster than yours? While you have been wasting away in you're MD world...

Surprise at how far people your age or younger have come with their life experiences compared to you, in the same amount of time or less?

I feel like this a lot... :C

Things like...

Waking up and realizing I'm the only person at school without a smart phone, when a couple years mine was one of the most common…


Added by Dusty on February 16, 2013 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

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