What about all the time spent dding: Does anyone feel like they are betraying life?  Sometimes I do.....  I have spent the past week dding EVERY WHERE!  We have already discussed dding while driving.  Well I have been doing it at work, when driving and even while having sex. 


Are we betraying our "REAL" life and "REAL" loved ones?  HELP!


I have been having a hard time lately (emotionally) so I think it has triggered my overwhelming dding lately.  It's the only thing I have complete control over.

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Comment by Lauren M on February 26, 2013 at 12:51pm

I often feel that I'm being selfish. I also have fears of it coming back on me. Like someday people are going to completely forget that I exist because I spend so much time excluding them and fantasizing instead.

Comment by ShellyBelly on February 25, 2013 at 4:24am

I don't know how to answer it. I just feel like it's not natural to me. I just really want to stop and I wish I could appreciate my real life more.

Comment by ashlee on February 24, 2013 at 3:40pm

yeah. i feel like my life isnt satisfying enough compared to my daydream. 
i ALWAYS daydream while making out, what else am I suppose to do?

Comment by greyartist on February 24, 2013 at 1:26pm

I don't think it is betrayal, because for me it is not a choice over the real. It just takes over. But I do feel guilty about it happening while I am trying to spend time with my real love ones. It really interferes with intimate times and robs us of the fullness of that experience.

Comment by Geraldine Pearce on February 23, 2013 at 3:26pm

Sometimes I feel like I am betraying my real life. I think my daydreaming makes me far less productive than I could be, and I find it difficult to better myself in the real world. I find myself interupting important things so I can daydream.

I think a lot of the time (if not, all of the time), we prefer our daydreaming world to our real world, so we use it as a form of escapism from difficult situations (this is the case for me).

I hope this helps a little and I hope you feel better :)

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