Hello, everyone!

I will introduce myself again for the newbies here, tee hee. :P My name is Jennifer, and I'm 15 years old. I'm a musician/singer and dancer.
I have noticed something about me lately. I have been really happy. I've been happy for a week straight, because I just got my first boyfriend. I'm so excited! I've liked him for a while, and he suddenly asked me out. :') Anywayssss. I feel like my happiness has caused me to not daydream. I haven't daydreamed in a week, and I think it's because I'm so happy. This is nearly a miracle for me, because I have usually daydreamed from 6-8 hours each day, and all of a sudden I don't want to anymore. This reminds me of a time where something similar to this happened. I got a brokenheart over the summer, and was so depressed that I didn't have the will to daydream for days on end. I was so sad. It was horrible.
But, the point of this is: Can moods affect your MD? Have you experienced any changes in mood that have also caused changes in MD? Is this normal for me?

Thank you very much in advance! I hope you're all doing well. :)
Xoxo Jennifer

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Comment by Jennifer on February 25, 2013 at 7:30pm

Hi, friends!

Wow, thanks for all of your helpful responses!! I appreciate that very much. :) Also, thanks for all of your kind words. I appreciate them as well. :-) LJ, I'm so with you!! When I am down enough to come back into daydreaming, I feel like my Ideal Me has missed me!

Best of luck to all of you!

Comment by Iris on February 25, 2013 at 9:32am

That's good news :)

Very strong emotions, bad and good,  keep me away from daydreaming. I daydream when I'm under pressure, stress or feeling bored or depressed.

Comment by LJ on February 23, 2013 at 3:19pm

OF COURSE! I almost always dd more when I am sad.  When everything is going ok I dd less.  Sometimes when I come back to it I think my characters miss me.  LOL!

Comment by Paracosm on February 23, 2013 at 9:01am
Hi Jennifer! So happy for you! :)

I think there is a connection between moods and MD, but the funny thing is that I don't like to daydream when I'm really upset. I'm too focused on emitting steam to daydream, lol. Sometimes when I'm sad I'll actually try harder to daydream because it seems to improve my mood. When I'm more happy and excited, I tend to daydream a lot more. But I suppose I've never been completely, utterly, truly happy. I think if I ever got to that point, I would have no reason to daydream. The whole reason (I think) for me having MD is to basically create the happiness, friends, love, and emotional support that I couldn't find in the real world.
Comment by greyartist on February 22, 2013 at 1:11pm

that's great!

I have noticed that depression and sad DDs go together for me.

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