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Astrological considerations

Does anyone else know their astrological chart?  I suspect that my MDD has to do with a Moon conjunct Neptune in Libra in 12th house, also conjunct Chiron.  Does anyone else have a similar configuration?

Added by roxanne on March 20, 2018 at 6:04am — 4 Comments


What's up with all the spam this page is getting? Is this why people seem to not be using it anymore and how do I flag it? 

Added by F J on March 14, 2018 at 5:48pm — 2 Comments


What's up with all the spam this page is getting? Is this why people seem to not be using it anymore and how do I flag it? 

Added by F J on March 14, 2018 at 5:48pm — No Comments

Details and Experiences I had

Hello everyone! So I've decided to share some of my experiences and see if any of you have experienced these as well! I want to post this thinking this might be good information for the future. I know that some of these experiences, we are already experiencing but...

-Most common urge to daydream: Friday night, since I have time away from school and work

I've noticed that free time takes my mind away into…


Added by EI on March 11, 2018 at 7:28pm — 2 Comments

roommate caught me pacing again

this has only happened one other time in the 3 years i've lived with roommates, which was in november. this was 5 minutes ago - i had absolutely no idea that my roommate was in the room and i began to pace. she started laughing so hard she was crying and said "why did you just do that??"

i was so shocked because i had no idea that she was even in the room. and when i'm pacing, i can't tell what it looks like. i describe it as pacing and to me i'm just pacing, but my mom has told me…


Added by debbie downer on March 9, 2018 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Accountability Partners

I make lists of what I want to get done everyday and if I don’t get it done, I feel horrible. I think it would help to have other people to communicate the small day to day goals with so I can support others in their goals and stop losing so much time everyday. Does anyone else need this kind of support in their lives? 

Added by Melissa on March 9, 2018 at 1:37pm — No Comments

Shameful Guilt

As Kenny Rogers sang "Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in". Read the blogs, all very good and I relate a lot. I've been dealing with shame and guilt recently. It seems like a lifelong issue. I was never good enough or tried hard enough...blah blah blah. I think it is crucial that I accept my condition (MDD), but not surrender to it, and forgive myself. For me, it is a defense mechanism to make myself feel worthy of being accepted and Loved. That is the key element in…


Added by Daniel D Woodard on March 5, 2018 at 3:31pm — 3 Comments

My inner child whoose Maladaptive Dayreaming can be appreciated

I’m in a support group, ASCA (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse) and I am working on a step (think AA) and it’s “I will sense my inner child whose efforts to survive now can be appreciated.” This is a tough one. I’ve been able to sense my inner child but I’m still working on the appreciation part, especially with Maladaptive Daydreaming. I’m usually focused on how it’s taken away opportunities in my life or kept me stuck. But, I started daydreaming for a reason and it served a purpose – and…


Added by Byler on March 4, 2018 at 7:24pm — No Comments


I made it a couple weeks without pacing. 

I relapsed recently- but in a different way than before. 

Usually, there was one place (my bedroom) where I could pace and daydream for hours. 

I've been able to avoid pacing there since February 14th, but in turn, I've begun pacing in other places, like a locked bathroom or the halls of my house when everyone is gone. It feels like a relapse, although the severity of the pacing is lowered because my time is limited and can be…


Added by Jae on March 3, 2018 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment


I have started MDD again. Feeling guilty about it. Recognizing it is just part of recovery. I think tomorrow if I have the urge to daydream I I’ll read a book

Added by Windy City Day Dreamer on March 1, 2018 at 9:52pm — 1 Comment

Hello- My MDD.

Hi. This is my first post on here, so I wanted to go over why I think I might have MDD and see if anyone else has experienced something similar. Sorry in advance for the length- this is actually the short version.

I've been daydreaming vividly almost every day for 4 years. I've always loved telling stories, and the first time my daydreams became so strong was when I decided that I wanted to meet a character I love from a video game. I created an imaginary plot line which would allow…


Added by Felicia Amelloides on February 26, 2018 at 2:09pm — 1 Comment

The Lost Self

Usually in my daydreams, I am this highly well-read and eloquent person speaking on very intellectual subjects in an assembly of people I know in real life and everyone of whom I wanted to impress with my skills and prove that I am capable, but for a myriad reasons couldn't(and those reasons including MD's excruciating by product-OCD,atleast in my life,are a discussion for another day)However the point that I seek to broach today is this that In my daydreams I feel more alive than…


Added by MARISHA SINGH on February 22, 2018 at 6:00am — No Comments

Talking Nonsense

Often I find myself blurting out nonsensical sentences. Somewhat like a stream of consciousness without any meaning. I'm pretty sure it happens when a negative or painful memory or feeling comes to mind. My ego wants to avoid pain so its default defense is to replace the pain with any other thought that will cause a distraction. Weird, I know. I have been making a conscious effort to allow myself to feel whatever is triggering this action. My hope is to confront the issue with my new…


Added by Daniel D Woodard on February 20, 2018 at 11:23am — 1 Comment

Introduction - My MDD Story

Hey everyone! It's been so long since I've contributed to a website, let alone sign up for it. Anyways, I'm a high school student who has been daydreaming for ever since I was around 8-9 years old. Now I started daydreaming due to the awesome actions scenes and music in this one video game. I decided to make up a plot in my head based on the events in the game itself but instead, mine has myself, the people I know, and even the fictional characters. Ever since then, whatever show/game I find…


Added by EI on February 18, 2018 at 8:37pm — 3 Comments

I NEED My Dreams to Be a Reality

First of all, I just want to say thank you so much to Ms. Cordellia Rose for this lovely website. It helps me so much to have a safe outlet to come to and share my thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc., since my family members, boyfriend, and even therapist are completely in the dark about MDD. 

     I am Jennifer, a 21 year old college student who struggles with MDD. I daydream at least 3 times a week, and it is always…


Added by Jennifer on February 16, 2018 at 3:11pm — 4 Comments

Am i psychotic?

I have been diagnosed with panic disorder. I discribed my doc what i was going through and told her about my mdd. She prescribed me olepra and zoloft. I have been calm since than but today again i started to get scared. I thought i was losing touch with reality and beliveing my daydreams to be true. This is so confusing. Am i actually psychotic? Has anyone over here experienced this? Please do respond..

Added by Jusssssss on February 16, 2018 at 11:57am — 2 Comments

How do I make friends over here?

Sorry, i am new to this website and majority of the time i have no idea what i am doing. And i absolutely know no one over here which just makes things harder. Can anyone help me with this? Your help will be appreciated! Love :*

Added by Jusssssss on February 15, 2018 at 1:57pm — 2 Comments

Feeling emotionally disconnected

It almost feels like i have no emotions towards the real world. I feel happy, sad or any other emotion only when I daydream. I never feel them in real world... it feels like all my emotions have been pushed in the back of my head and I cant find any way to pull them back out in reality. Does anyone else feel like this? Can anyone help me with this? 

Added by Jusssssss on February 14, 2018 at 12:47pm — 4 Comments

Music addiction abnormal excitement?

Does anybody feel like they get some kind of high off their daydreams? Especially when listening to music? My heart starts racing and I can't sit still and it feels like a drug

Added by Alan Puntegard on February 13, 2018 at 1:47pm — 5 Comments

Daydreams and Nightmares

Last night I had a nightmare. It might be more accurate to call it a night terror. It isn't that unusual for me, I used to have them very often. Over the years they have lessened quite a bit.  I don't usually remember what they are about, I only know that I am terrified. So much so that it's hard for me to scream out and I'm almost paralyzed. I do scream out now, which scares my wife as much as it does me.

I have had these nightmares from a very young age, sometime around when I began…


Added by Daniel D Woodard on February 12, 2018 at 10:15am — 2 Comments

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